
#' Get Title word frequency
#' This function takes a subreddit and the number of posts we wish to scrape, and returns a data frame with the most common words in the title of the posts and their respective frequencies and a plot of the wordcloud.
#' @param num_posts Number of reddit posts to be scraped
#' @param subreddit The subreddit to be scraped
#' @param num_words The number of words to be plotted in the wordcloud
#' @param colour_pallete The colour_pallete to be used in the wordcloud
#' @param num_colours The number of different colours to be used in the wordcloud
#' @return A data frame with the 100 most common words and their frequencies and a plot of the wordcloud
#' @import httr
#' @import wordcloud
#' @import glue
#' @import dplyr
#' @import rlist
#' @import tidytext
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @export
#' @examples
#' num_posts = 10000;
#' subreddit = "rabbits"
#' #Default plot
#' words_freq <- get_word_freq(num_posts, subreddit)
#' #Custom plot
#' get_word_freq <- get_word_freq(num_posts, subreddit,
#'                                 num_words = 50,
#'                                 colour_pallete = "Set1",
#'                                 num_colours = 5)
get_word_freq <- function(num_posts, subreddit, num_words = 100, colour_pallete = "Dark2", num_colours = 8){


  if (http_error(URL)){
    stop(paste0(subreddit," cannot contain any symbols"))

  jsonParsed <- content(URL,as="parsed")
  temp_json <- jsonParsed$data

  first_post <- temp_json %>% list.select(created_utc,title) %>% unlist()
  begin_time <- first_post[1]

  titles = first_post[2]

  num_searches <- ceiling(num_posts/500)

  for (i in 1:num_searches){

    temp <- get_500(begin_time,subreddit)

    begin_time = temp[[1]]
    temp_title = temp[[2]]

    titles = c(titles,temp_title)


  titles = titles[1:num_posts]

  titles <- as_tibble(titles)
  colnames(titles) <- "title"

  title_tokens <- titles %>% unnest_tokens(word, title)


  title_tokens <- title_tokens %>%

  title_tokens <- title_tokens %>%

  top_words <- title_tokens %>%
    count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% .[1:num_words,]

  wordcloud(words = top_words$word, freq = top_words$n,min.freq=1,
            max.words=num_words, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35,
            colors=brewer.pal(num_colours, colour_pallete))


JoshuaBean/RedditText documentation built on June 7, 2019, 2:35 p.m.