
# How Do Factor Premia Vary Over Time? A Century of Evidence, Factor Data Monthly
# Last Updated by AQR (reported): March 31, 2020
# Period: 1920-01-30 to 2020-05-29
# Source:

## Download in R environment
AQR.CFP.url <- ""
AQR.CFP.raw <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(AQR.CFP.url, startRow = 16, detectDates = TRUE)

## Clean up
CFP <- na.trim(AQR.CFP.raw)

# Convert variables
CFP[, -1] <- apply(CFP[, -1], 2, as.numeric)
CFP$Date <- as.Date.character(CFP$X1, '%Y-%m-%d')
CFP <- xts::xts(CFP[, -1],$Date)

tmp <- colnames(CFP)
# Rename asset classes
tmp <- gsub('Equity.indices', 'EQ', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Fixed.income', 'FI', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Commodities', 'CM', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Currencies', 'FX', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('All.asset.classes', 'ALL', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('All.Macro', 'AM', tmp)
# Rename countries/regions
tmp <- gsub('US.Stock.Selection', 'US', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Intl.Stock.Selection', 'INTL', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('All.Stock.Selection', 'GLOBAL', tmp)
# Rename Factors/Styles
tmp <- gsub('Value', 'VAL', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Momentum', 'MOM', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Carry', 'CARRY', tmp)
tmp <- gsub('Multistyle', 'MULTI', tmp)
# capitalize
tmp <- toupper(tmp)

# Give sort of names schema <style.(country | ...)>
variables.split <- strsplit(tmp[1:40], '\\.') # all except '*.MARKET'
variables.swapped <- sapply(variables.split, function(x) {
  paste(rev(x), collapse = '.')
variable.names <- c(variables.swapped, tmp[41:45])
# Reassign names
colnames(CFP) <- variable.names

## Remove unused variables
  , AQR.CFP.raw
  , tmp
  , variable.names
  , variables.split
  , variables.swapped
JustinMShea/ExpectedReturns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:37 p.m.