

# deploy to shiny in root context
#ln -s /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/bibliomatrix/shiny-apps/abm/* .

# for test purposes
# NB cache location will vary dep on loading with Ctrl-Shift-L or not
# TODO config below could be a fcn

#Sys.setenv("ABM_IS_PUBLIC" = "TRUE")
#Sys.setenv("ABM_IS_PUBLIC" = "")

ABM_IS_PUBLIC <- ifelse(Sys.getenv("ABM_IS_PUBLIC") != "", TRUE, FALSE)
#Sys.setenv("ABM_API" = "")

ABM_URL_PUBLIC <- ifelse(Sys.getenv("ABM_URL_PUBLIC") != "", Sys.getenv("ABM_URL_PUBLIC"), "")
ABM_URL_PRIVATE <- ifelse(Sys.getenv("ABM_URL_PRIVATE") != "", Sys.getenv("ABM_URL_PRIVATE"), "")

ABM_API <- Sys.getenv("ABM_API")

if (ABM_API == "") 
    ABM_API <- "http://localhost:8080"

   paste0(ABM_API, "/unit/%s/flexdashboard"),
   paste0(ABM_API, "/unit/%s/flexdashboard?embeddata=true")

ABM_API_EMP <- paste0(ABM_API, "/employee/%s/flexdashboard")

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    kthid <- function() {
        if (!ABM_IS_PUBLIC) {
            ua <- Sys.getenv("SHINYPROXY_USERNAME")
            if (ua == "") ua <- ""
            re_saml <- "(.*)@kth\\.se$"
            is_saml <- function(x) stringr::str_detect(x, re_saml)
            parse_id <- function(x) stringr::str_match(x, re_saml)[,2]
            jwt <- Sys.getenv("SHINYPROXY_OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN")
            if (jwt != "") {
                payload <- abm_decode_jwt(jwt)
                kthid <- payload$kthid
                kthid <- setNames(kthid, sprintf("%s (%s)", payload$unique_name[1], payload$username))
                #setNames(kthid, displayname_from_kthid(kthid))
                return (kthid)
            if (is_saml(ua)) {
                kthid <- parse_id(ua)
                kthid <- setNames(kthid, displayname_from_kthid(kthid))
            } else {
                # if shinyproxy with saml then we get user identity as
                # if shinyproxy with ldap then we get user identity as LDAP accountname
                message("Not shinyproxy/shiny and not SAML, warning... appears to use LDAP")
                kthid <- setNames(kthid, displayname_from_kthid(kthid))
        } else {
            kthid <- NULL
        return (kthid)
    default_org_id <- function(kthid){
        # Set selected org to KTH for now.
    output$units <- renderUI({
        orgs <- abm_public_kth$meta$Diva_org_id %>% 
        if (!ABM_IS_PUBLIC)
            orgs <- c(kthid(), orgs)
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = "unitid", label = tags$span(style = paste("color:", kth_colors("darkblue")), "Select unit"), 
                           choices = orgs, selected = 1, #default_org_id(kthid()),
                           multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE, width = "100%")
    dash_src <- function(id) {
        if (id %in% abm_public_kth$meta$Diva_org_id)
            return (sprintf(ABM_API_UNIT, id))
        if (id == kthid())
            return (sprintf(ABM_API_EMP, id))
    is_employee <- function(id) id == kthid()
    output$switcher <- renderMenu(
        menuItem(text = if_else(ABM_IS_PUBLIC,
                                "Log in to view your own data",
                                "Switch to public app"),
                 href = if_else(ABM_IS_PUBLIC, ABM_URL_PRIVATE, ABM_URL_PUBLIC),
                 icon = icon(if_else(ABM_IS_PUBLIC, "sign-in", "sign-out"))

    # output$login <- renderUI({
    #     if (!ABM_IS_PUBLIC) {
    #         out <- tags$li(class = "dropdown", 
    #             style = "padding-top:7px; padding-bottom:7px;",
    #             tags$li(class = "dropdown", 
    #                 tags$a(href = ABM_URL_PUBLIC,
    #                    class = "button button-primary button-sm",
    #                    "Switch to public app", icon("sign-out"), " ... ",
    #                    title = "Switch to the public version of this application")
    #             )
    #         )
    #     } else if (ABM_IS_PUBLIC == TRUE) {
    #         out <- tags$li(class = "dropdown", 
    #             style = "padding-top:7px; padding-bottom:7px;",
    #             tags$li(class = "dropdown", 
    #                 tags$a(href = ABM_URL_PRIVATE, 
    #                        style = "padding:7px;",
    #                     class = "button button-primary button-sm",
    #                     "Use your KTH account", icon("sign-in"), " ... ", img(src = "KTH_logo_RGB_bla.png", height = 30, width = 30),
    #                     title = "Switch to view your own publications if you are a KTH researcher")
    #             )
    #         )            
    #     } else {
    #         out <- ""
    #     }
    #     out
    # })

    output$frame <- renderUI({
        cat("Report for:", input$unitid, "private visibility:", !ABM_IS_PUBLIC, "\n")
        report <- abm_report(id = input$unitid, is_private = !ABM_IS_PUBLIC)
        is_ok <- !is.null(report)
        if (is_ok) {    
            #tags$div(HTML(rawToChar(report)))  # this causes CSS issues w navbar
            #b64 <- base64enc::dataURI(data = report, mime = "text/html")  # this causes slow enc
            # NB: permission issue if not writing to cache dir (has o+wr)
            tf <- paste0(file.path("cache", openssl::sha1(rawToChar(report))), ".html")
            readr::write_file(report, paste0("www/", tf))
            htmltools::tags$iframe(src = tf, 
                frameborder = 0, scrolling = "auto", height="100%", width="100%")
        } else {
            paste("No report available for this unit, please contact the system owner.")

KTH-Library/bibliomatrix documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.