
Defines functions colNaNumbers colMaxima colMinima colStatisticOneFunction colStatistics rowwisePercentage rowOrColumnwisePercentage columnwisePercentage relativeCumulatedSum percentage percentageOfSum percentageOfMaximum movingSum hsMovingMean countNaInColumn countOrSum

Documented in colMaxima colMinima colNaNumbers colStatisticOneFunction colStatistics columnwisePercentage countNaInColumn countOrSum hsMovingMean movingSum percentage percentageOfMaximum percentageOfSum relativeCumulatedSum rowOrColumnwisePercentage rowwisePercentage

# countOrSum -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Count or Sum Up Values Within Groups of rows
#' @param x data frame
#' @param by vector of names of columns in \code{x} to be grouped by
#' @param sum.up name of column in \code{x} containing numeric values to be
#'   summed up. If \code{NULL} (default) rows within groups are counted instead
#'   of summing up values within each group
#' @return object of class \code{xtabs} with as many dimensions as there are
#'   values in \code{by}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a data frame with example data
#' x <- data.frame(
#'   Group = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 4),
#'   Even = rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), 6),
#'   Value = seq_len(12)
#' )
#' # Count the number of rows for each group
#' countOrSum(x, "Group")
#' countOrSum(x, c("Group", "Even"))
#' # Sum up the values in column "Value" for each group
#' countOrSum(x, "Group", sum.up = "Value")
#' countOrSum(x, c("Group", "Even"), sum.up = "Value")
countOrSum <- function(x, by = NULL, sum.up = NULL)
  checkForMissingColumns(x, c(by, sum.up))
  stats::xtabs(toFormula(sum.up, by), x)

# countNaInColumn --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Count NA in one Column of a Data Frame
#' @param data data frame
#' @param column column name
#' @return number of \code{NA} in \code{column} of \code{data}
#' @export
countNaInColumn <- function(data, column)
  sum(is.na(selectColumns(data, column)))

# hsMovingMean -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Moving Mean
#' Calculate moving mean of \emph{n} values "around" values
#' @param x vector of values of which moving mean is to be calculated
#' @param n number of values "around" the values in \emph{x}, including the
#'   values in \emph{x}, of which the mean is calculated. Only odd numbers 1, 3,
#'   5, ... allowed. For each x[i] in x the moving mean is calculated by: 
#'   (x[i-(n-1)/2] + ... + x[i-1] + x[i] + x[i+1] + ... + x[i+(n-1)/2]) / n
#' @param na.rm logical. Should missing values (including NaN) be omitted from
#'   the calculations?
#' @return Vector of moving means with the same number of values as there are in
#'   \emph{x}. If na.rm is FALSE, the first \emph{(n-1)/2} values and the last 
#'   \emph{(n-1)/2} values are NA since there are not enough values at the start
#'   and the end of the vector to calculate the mean.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x <- rnorm(30)
#' plot(x, type = "b", main = "Moving mean over 3, 5, 7 points")
#' times <- 2:4
#' for (i in times) {
#'   lines(hsMovingMean(x, n = 2*i - 1), col = i, type = "b", lwd =  2)
#' }
#' legend("topright", fill = times, legend = sprintf("n = %d", 2*times - 1)) 
hsMovingMean <- function(x, n, na.rm = FALSE)
  movingSum(x, n, na.rm) / n

#' movingSum
#' Calculate moving sum of n values "around" values
#' @param x vector of values of which moving sum is to be calculated
#' @param n number of values "around" the values in \code{x}, including the
#'   values in \code{x}, of which the mean is calculated. Only odd numbers 1, 3,
#'   5, ... allowed. For each x[i] in x the moving sum is calculated by: 
#'   x[i-(n-1)/2] + ... + x[i-1] + x[i] + x[i+1] + ... + x[i+(n-1)/2]
#' @param na.rm logical. Should missing values (including NaN) be omitted from
#'   the calculations?
#' @return Vector of moving sums with the same number of values as there are in
#'   \code{x}. If \code{na.rm} is \code{FALSE}, the first \code{(n-1)/2} values 
#'   and the last \code{(n-1)/2} values are NA since there are not enough values
#'   at the start and at the end of the vector, respectively, to calculate the 
#'   sum.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x <- rnorm(30)
#' plot(x, type = "b", main = "Moving mean over 3, 5, 7 points")
#' times <- 2:4
#' for (i in times) {
#'   lines(movingSum(x, n = 2 * i - 1), col = i, type = "b", lwd =  2)
#' }
#' legend("topright", fill = times, legend = sprintf("n = %d", 2 * times - 1))
movingSum <- function(x, n, na.rm = FALSE)
  if (! isOddNumber(n)) {
      "The number n of values to be taken into account for the sum",
      "needs to be an odd number."
  matrix_values <- c(rep(c(x, rep(NA, n)), n - 1), x)
  m <- matrix(matrix_values, ncol = n)
  sums <- rowSums(m, na.rm = na.rm)
  n_remove <- (n - 1) / 2
  if (n_remove > 0) {
    i_at_begin <- seq(1, by = 1, length.out = n_remove)
    i_at_end <- seq(nrow(m), by = -1, length.out = n_remove)
    sums <- sums[-c(i_at_begin, i_at_end)]

# percentageOfMaximum ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Percentage of Maximum
#' @param x vector of numeric values
#' @param na.rm passed to \code{max}
#' @return 100 * x / max(x)
#' @export
percentageOfMaximum <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  percentage(x, max(x, na.rm = na.rm))

# percentageOfSum --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Percentage of the Sum of Values
#' @param x vector of numeric values
#' @param na.rm passed to \code{max}
#' @return 100 * x / sum(x)
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' p <- percentageOfSum(1:10)
#' stopifnot(sum(p) == 100)
percentageOfSum <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  percentage(x, sum(x, na.rm = na.rm))

# percentage -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Percentage
#' \code{x / basis}, in percent
#' @param x numeric 
#' @param basis numeric
#' @return 100 * x / basis
#' @export
percentage <- function(x, basis)
  100 * x/basis

# relativeCumulatedSum ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Relative Cumulated Sum
#' relative cumulated sum of a vector of values
#' @param values vector of numeric values
#' @export
relativeCumulatedSum <- function(values) 
  cumulated <- cumsum(values)
  maxCumulated <- lastElement(cumulated)
  100 * cumulated / maxCumulated

# columnwisePercentage ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Columnwise Percentage
#' Calculate the percentage (value divided by sum of values in the column) for 
#' each column
#' @param x two dimensional numeric data structure
#' @param default default value to be used if the calculated percentage is 
#'   \code{NA}.
#' @param digits number of digits (default: 1) to which the resulting 
#'   percentages are to be rounded. Set to \code{NA} to suppress rounding
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Create a random matrix of integer values
#' M1 <- matrix(sample(100, 12), nrow = 4, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:4], 1:3))
#' # Introduce some NA
#' values <- as.numeric(M1)
#' values[sample(length(values), 3)] <- NA
#' M2 <- matrix(values, nrow = nrow(M1), dimnames = dimnames(M1))
#' M1
#' columnwisePercentage(M1)
#' M2
#' columnwisePercentage(M2)
#' columnwisePercentage(M2, default = 0)
columnwisePercentage <- function(x, default = 0, digits = 1)
  rowOrColumnwisePercentage(x, rowwise = FALSE, default, digits)

# rowOrColumnwisePercentage ----------------------------------------------------

#' Rowwise or Columnwise Percentage
#' Calculate the percentage (value divided by sum of values in the row/column) 
#' for each row/column
#' @param x two dimensional numeric data structure
#' @param rowwise if \code{TRUE} the percentage is calculated by row, else by
#'   column
#' @param default default value to be used if the calculated percentage is 
#'   \code{NA}.
#' @param digits number of digits (default: 1) to which the resulting 
#'   percentages are to be rounded. Set to \code{NA} to suppress rounding
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{rowwisePercentage}}, \code{\link{columnwisePercentage}} 
rowOrColumnwisePercentage <- function(x, rowwise, default = 0, digits = 1)
  stopifnot(length(dim(x)) == 2)
  # Copy row and column names from the input x
  fractions <- if (rowwise) {
    t(apply(x, 1, percentageOfSum))
  } else {
    apply(x, 2, percentageOfSum)
  fractions[is.na(fractions)] <- default

  dimnames(fractions) <- dimnames(x)
  if (! is.na(digits)) {
    round(fractions, digits) 
  } else {

# rowwisePercentage ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Rowwise Percentage
#' Calculate the percentage (value divided by sum of values in the row) for 
#' each row
#' @param x two dimensional numeric data structure
#' @param default default value to be used if the calculated percentage is 
#'   \code{NA}.
#' @param digits number of digits (default: 1) to which the resulting 
#'   percentages are to be rounded. Set to \code{NA} to suppress rounding
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Create a random matrix of integer values
#' M1 <- matrix(sample(100, 12), nrow = 4, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:4], 1:3))
#' # Introduce some NA
#' values <- as.numeric(M1)
#' values[sample(length(values), 3)] <- NA
#' M2 <- matrix(values, nrow = nrow(M1), dimnames = dimnames(M1))
#' M1
#' rowwisePercentage(M1)
#' M2
#' rowwisePercentage(M2)
#' rowwisePercentage(M2, default = 0)
rowwisePercentage <- function(x, default = 0, digits = 1)
  rowOrColumnwisePercentage(x, rowwise = TRUE, default, digits)

# colStatistics ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Column Statistics
#' applies statistical functions to all columns of a data frame
#' @param dataFrame data frame with numeric columns only
#' @param functions vector of statistical functions to be applied on each column
#'   of dataFrame possible values: "sum", "mean", "min", "max", "number.na"
#'   (number of NA values), "length" (number of values)
#' @param na.rm if TRUE, NA values are removed before applying the statistical
#'   function(s)
#' @param functionColumn if TRUE, a column containing the function name is
#'   contained in the result data frame, otherwise the function names become the
#'   row names of the result data frame
#' @export
colStatistics <- function(
  functions = c("sum", "mean", "min", "max", "number.na", "length"),
  na.rm = FALSE, 
  functionColumn = FALSE
  statistics <- t(do.call(cbind, lapply(
    FUN = colStatisticOneFunction, 
    dataFrame = dataFrame, 
    na.rm = na.rm

  if (functionColumn) {
    rownames(statistics) <- NULL
    data.frame(FUN = functions, statistics, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    rownames(statistics) <- functions

# colStatisticOneFunction ------------------------------------------------------

#' Apply Function to All Columns
#' Applies a statistical function to all columns of a data frame
#' @param dataFrame a data frame of which statistics are to be calculated
#' @param FUN statistical function to be applied on each column of dataFrame 
#'   possible values: "sum", "mean", "min", "max", "number.na" (number of NA 
#'   values), "length" (number of values)
#' @param na.rm if TRUE, NA values are removed before applying the statistical
#'   function
#' @export
colStatisticOneFunction <- function(dataFrame, FUN, na.rm = FALSE)
  if (FUN == "sum") {
    colSums(dataFrame, na.rm = na.rm)

  } else if (FUN == "mean") {
    colMeans(dataFrame, na.rm = na.rm)
  } else if (FUN == "min") {
    colMinima(dataFrame, na.rm = na.rm)
  } else if (FUN == "max") {
    colMaxima(dataFrame, na.rm = na.rm)
  } else if (FUN == "number.na") {
  } else if (FUN == "length") {
  } else {
      "Unknown function '", FUN, 
      "' (must be one of 'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'number.na', 'length')!"

# colMinima --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Columnwise Minima
#' Calculate the minima within each column
#' @param dataFrame data frame of which to calculate columnwise minima
#' @param na.rm passed to the \code{min} function
#' @export
colMinima <- function(dataFrame, na.rm = FALSE) 
  apply(dataFrame, 2, min, na.rm = na.rm)

# colMaxima --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Columnwise Maxima
#' Calculate the maxima within each column
#' @param dataFrame data frame of which to calculate columnwise maxima
#' @param na.rm passed to the \code{max} function
#' @export
colMaxima <- function(dataFrame, na.rm = FALSE) 
  apply(dataFrame, 2, max, na.rm = na.rm)

# colNaNumbers -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Columnwise Number of NA 
#' Calculate the number of NA values within each column
#' @param dataFrame data frame of which to calculate columnwise NA values
#' @export
colNaNumbers <- function(dataFrame)
  apply(dataFrame, 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.