
tab <- standardize_tab(colon) %>% filter(etype == 1) %>% select(-id) %>% create_tabi("pred")

test_that("get_lasso_variables returns a character vector with no forced variable ", {
  expect_type(get_lasso_variables(tab, "status"), "character")
  expect_type(get_lasso_variables(tab, "adhere"), "character")
  expect_equal(get_lasso_variables(tab, "status"), "time")
  expect_length(get_lasso_variables(tab, "adhere"), 0)

test_that("get_lasso_variables returns a character vector with forced variable ", {
  expect_type(get_lasso_variables(tab, "status", c('age', "rx")), "character")
  expect_type(get_lasso_variables(tab, "adhere", c('age', "rx")), "character")
  expect_equal(get_lasso_variables(tab, "status", c("rx", "age")), c("time"))
  expect_equal(get_lasso_variables(tab, "adhere", c("rx", "age")), character(0))

test_that("get_cv_auc works with any number of cv and returns a list of double", {
  perf <- get_cv_auc(tab, "status")
  expect_error(perf, NA)
  expect_type(perf, "list")
  expect_length(perf, 10)
  perf2 <- get_cv_auc(tab, "status", n = 5)
  expect_length(perf2, 5)
  expect_error(list_c(map(perf,1)), NA)

test_that("predict takes account of shrinkage", {
  shrunk <- c(1,1,1)
  tt <- standardize_tab(mice::tbc)
  mod <- with(tt, glm(sex ~ age + occ, family = "binomial"))
  expect_equal(predict(modify_mod_shrunk(mod)), predict(mod))
  expect_equivalent(predict(modify_mod_shrunk(mod, shrunk)), rowSums(model.matrix(mod)))

  tt_mice <- suppressWarnings(tt %>% mice::mice(print = F))
  mod <- with(tt_mice, glm(sex ~ age + occ, family = "binomial"))
  expect_equal(predict(modify_mod_shrunk(mod)), predict(mod))
  map(mod$analyses, function(x) rowSums(model.matrix(x))) -> w
  expect_equivalent(predict(modify_mod_shrunk(mod, shrunk)), bind_cols(w) %>% rowMeans())
KZARCA/simplestats documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 1:11 a.m.