Man pages for KarchinLab/cancerSeqStudy
Power and False Positive Analysis of Cancer Sequencing Studies

rateCvToAlphaBetaConverts mutation rate and coefficient of variation (CV)...
ratiometric.bbd.powerCalculates the power in a ratio-metric approach using a...
ratiometricBbdPoweredEffectSizeCalculates the effect size of a driver gene according to a...
ratiometricBbdRequiredSampleSizeCalculates the smallest sample size to detect driver genes...
ratiometric.binom.false.poscalculates the false positives for a binomial model of a...
ratiometric.binom.powercalculates the power in a binomial power model for...
ratiometricBinomPoweredEffectSizeCalculates the effect size of a driver gene according to a...
ratiometricBinomRequiredSampleSizeCalculates the smallest sample size to detect driver genes...
runAnalysisListThis function unpacks a vector x which contains many...
runRatiometricAnalysisRuns the entire power and false positive analysis pipeline.
runSmgAnalysisRuns the entire power and false positive analysis pipeline.
smg.bbd.powercalculates the power in a beta-binomial model for...
smgBbdPoweredEffectSizeCalculates the smallest effect size in a driver gene for...
smgBbdRequiredSampleSizeCalculates the smallest sample size to detect driver genes...
smg.binom.false.poscalculates the false positives in a binomial model for...
smg.binom.powercalculates the power in a binomial power model for...
smgBinomPoweredEffectSizeCalculates the minimum effect size (with sufficient power) of...
smgBinomRequiredSampleSizeCalculates the smallest sample size to detect driver genes...
thisfileUtility function to get location of script when executing...
KarchinLab/cancerSeqStudy documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:47 p.m.