#' Simulate an MCAT for a single person.
#' Wrapper to simulate an MCAT with the given criteria for a given person and itembank.
#' DETAILS (note that only PFI/FI objective functions are implemented, and only for 3PL)
#' @param person List of person parameters and related information. See \code{\link{MCAT::person}}.
#' @param itembank List of item parameters and related information. See \code{\link{MCAT::genItembank}}.
#' @param criteria List of test criteria as defined by \code{\link{MCAT::MCAT}}.
#' @return person
#' @export
SimulateMCAT <- function(person, items, st = 5, le = 50, criteria = NULL,debug=FALSE){
  if (is.null(criteria)){ # very simple defaults; TODO: create proper model check helper function. (also for items / person).
    criteria$model <- items$model
    criteria$estimate$method <- "BM"
    criteria$select$method <- "PFI"
    criteria$prior <- diag(items$Q)
  process <- list()
  # very basic start.
  # set up response and available vectors.
  person$resp <- rep(NA,items$K) 
  # answer st random items to get us started.
  start <- sample(1:items$K,st)
  person$resp[start] <- ans(person$true,subset(items,start),model=criteria$model)
  person$done <- start
  # get theta estimate
  person$theta <- rep(0,items$Q)
  person$theta <- est(person$theta,
  # TODO: proper variance, this is a hacked BM variance.
  person$var <- diag(info(person$theta,subset(items,person$done),'PFI')^(-1))
  # do 25 items (total of 30)
  person$deviation <- person$theta - person$true
  if (st >= le) return(person)
  for (i in st:le){
    k <- next.item(person$theta,items,person$done,method=criteria$select$method,model=criteria$model,prior=criteria$prior,debug=debug)
    #cat("next item:",k,"\n")
    person$resp[k] <- ans(person$true,subset(items,k),model=criteria$model)
    person$done <- c(person$done,k)
    person$theta <- est(person$theta,subset(items,person$done),resp=person$resp[person$done],method=criteria$estimate$method,model=criteria$model,prior=criteria$prior)
    # TODO: better control, but this might be able to keep ML estimates in check by limting crazyness in item selection and starting point for next cycle.
    person$theta[which(person$theta > 5)] <- 5
    person$theta[which(person$theta < -5)] <- -5
    # TODO: proper variance, this is a hacked BM variance.
    person$var <- diag(info(person$theta,subset(items,person$done),'PFI')^(-1))
  if(debug) print(process)
  person$deviation <- person$theta - person$true

## TODO: SimulateMCAT is outdated, will need adjustment for currect OO environment.

#' Initialise a person object for use in MCAT functions.
#' @param Items MCAT_items object, see \code{\link{genItembank}}. REQUIRED.
#' @param Theta numeric (vector) of ability levels, used to generate answers in simulations.
#' @return Person person object, for use in \code{\link{MCAT:::MCAT}} and other functions.
#' @export
initPerson <- function(items, theta=rep(0,items$Q)){
  person <- list()
  person$resp <- rep(NA,items$K) 
  person$done <- numeric(0)
  person$avail <- 1:items$K
  person$theta <- theta
  person$estimate <- theta
  person$var <- diag(items$Q) * 100
  person$prior <- diag(items$Q)
  attr(person,"class") <- "MCAT_person"

## TODO: fix person init. Is it even needed, really?
## TODO: methods for person. print, plot, fit, etc.

#' Initialise an itembank, for use in MCAT functions.
#' @export
initItembank <- function(){

#' Initialise an MCAT object. This is the main test object, defining an MCAT. It includes an itembank, model, estimators and items selection criteria to be used,
#' as well as any constraints and starting/stopping criteria.
#' @param items MCAT_items object, see \code{\link{genItembank}} for a simulated itembank, and initItembank for using an existing itembank. Defaults to a simulated itembank.
#' @param model string, can be either "3PL", "GPCM", "GRM" or "SM". Defaults to "3PL".
#' @export
initMCAT <- function(items = genItembank(model=model), model="3PL", est="BM", itemSelection="PFI", start=list(type="random",n=5), stop=list(type="length",n=30), constraints = NULL){
  MCAT <- list()
  MCAT$items <- items
  MCAT$model <- model
  MCAT$est <- est
  MCAT$itemSelection <- itemSelection
  MCAT$start <- start
  MCAT$stop <- stop
  MCAT$constraints <- constraints
  attr(MCAT,"class") <- "MCAT"

## TODO: Catch input errors.
Karel-Kroeze/MCAT documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:50 p.m.