
## This file contains checks of input function parameters that are
## used by several other functions.

check_method <- function(method) {
    if (! method %in% c("optimal.p", "minimum.p", "Qscore", "QFisher", "QMFKM")) {
        stop("Unkown method specified; the method parameter ",
             "should be one of: 'optimal.p', 'minimum.p', 'Qscore', ",
             ", or 'QMFKM'" )

check_copula <- function(copfit) {
  if (! copfit %in% c("Gaussian", "Student", "Frank", "Clayton")) {
    stop("Unkown copula model specified; the copfit parameter ",
         "should be one of: 'Gaussian', 'Student', 'Frank'",
         ", or 'Clayton'" )

check_pheno <- function(y) {
    if (is.null(y)) {
        stop("Argument y is empty, you did not specify a phenotype matrix")

    if (!class(y) == "matrix") {
            y <- as.matrix(y)

check_covariates <- function(covariates, y) {
    if (!is.null(covariates)) {
        if (!class(covariates) == "matrix") {
            stop("Argument covariates is not a matrix")

    if (nrow(covariates) != nrow(y)) {
        msg <- paste0("The number of rows of the covariate matrix (",
                      ") is not equal to the number of elements in the",
                      " phenotype matrix (",

check_relmatrix <- function(Phi) {
    if (!class(Phi) == "matrix") {
        stop("Argument Phi is not a matrix")

check_files <- function(filename, type) {
    if (is.null(type)) {
        stop("Argument type was not specified")

    if (is.null(filename)) {
        stop("No file name for genotype data was specified")

    if (!file.exists(filename)) {
        stop(paste("File", filename, "does not exist"))

    fileExtension <- substr(filename,
                            nchar(filename) - 3,
    if (fileExtension == ".ped" & type == "bed") {
        warning("The file name for the genotype data ends in 'ped', ",
                "but you specified type='bed'; reading genotype data",
                " will probably fail")
    if (fileExtension == ".bed" & type == "ped") {
        warning("The file name for the genotype data ends in 'bed', ",
                "but you specified type='ped'; reading genotype data",
                " will probably fail")

check_positions <- function(startpos, endpos) {
    if (startpos > endpos) {
        stop("The start bp position is larger than the end bp position")

    if (startpos == endpos) {
        stop("The start bp position is equal to the end bp position")

    if (startpos < 0 | endpos < 0) {
        stop("The startpos and endpos parameters should be >= 0")

check_weights <- function(weights) {
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        if(!is.vector(weights) | class(weights) != "numeric") {
            stop("The 'weights' parameter should be a numeric vector")

check_regions <- function(regions) {
    if (is.null(regions)) {
        stop("No data frame with genomic regions was specified.")

    if (class(regions) != "data.frame") {
        stop("The 'regions' parameter should be a data frame")

    if (ncol(regions) < 4) {
        msg <- paste("The 'regions' parameter should have at least 4",
                     " columns: 'Name', 'Chr', 'StartPos' and 'EndPos'")

    columnNames <- colnames(regions)
    if (! "Name" %in% columnNames) {
        stop("The 'regions' data frame doesn't contain a column named 'Name'")

    if (! "Chr" %in% columnNames) {
        stop("The 'regions' data frame doesn't contain a column named 'Chr'")

    if (! "StartPos" %in% columnNames) {
        stop("The 'regions' data frame doesn't contain a column named 'StartPos'")

    if (! "EndPos" %in% columnNames) {
        stop("The 'regions' data frame doesn't contain a column named 'EndPos'")

check_Ncores <- function(Ncores) {
        if (Ncores < 1) {
        stop("The number of CPU cores must be >= 1")

check_VCC3afterVCC1 <- function(VCC3afterVCC1, method) {
    if (VCC3afterVCC1) {
        if (method != "VCC1") {
            warning("'VCC3afterVCC1' parameter set, but method",
                    " is not 'VCC1'; ignoring this parameter")
KarimOualkacha/CBMRV documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:22 p.m.