
Defines functions classifyFLAP

Documented in classifyFLAP

#' Classify flapping flight
#' @description This function uses activity data to classify migratory flapping flight.
#' @param dta data stored as a list see str(data(PAM_data)) for example format
#' @param period number of timepoints after which behaviour is considered migratory e.g. for hoopoes, 3x5min = 15 minutes of intense activity is considered flight
#' @param toPLOT can be true or false. If true then threshold is plotted according to plotTHLD()
#' @param method for the time being only supports "kmeans", but will later also include maybe
#' @param tz timezone, default is "UTC"
#' @return timetable: a timetable for when the species was migrating or not,
#' @return classification: a classification timeseries where datetime corresponds to activity, and
#' @return no_movement: the value in classification which corresponds to no movement
#' @return low_movement: the value in classification which corresponds to low activity
#' @return high_movement: the value in classification which corresponds to high activity
#' @return migration: the value in classification which corresponds to migratory flapping flight
#' @return threshold: the threshold between low and high activity
#' @references Bäckman, J., Andersson, A., Alerstam, T., Pedersen, L., Sjöberg, S., Thorup, K. and Tøttrup, A.P., 2017. Activity and migratory flights of individual free‐flying songbirds throughout the annual cycle: method and first case study. Journal of avian biology, 48(2), pp.309-319.
#' @references Liechti, F., Bauer, S., Dhanjal-Adams, K.L., Emmenegger, T., Zehtindjiev, P. and Hahn, S., 2018. Miniaturized multi-sensor loggers provide new insight into year-round flight behaviour of small trans-Sahara avian migrants. Movement ecology, 6(1), p.19.
#' @references Bruderer, B., Peter, D., Boldt, A. and Liechti, F., 2010. Wing‐beat characteristics of birds recorded with tracking radar and cine camera. Ibis, 152(2), pp.272-291.
#' @examples
#' ##specify the data location
#' #data(hoopoe)
#' ## make sure the cropping period is in the correct date format
#' #start = as.POSIXct("2016-07-01","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#' #end = as.POSIXct("2017-06-01","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#' ## Crop the data
#' #PAM_data= cutPAM(hoopoe,start,end)
#' #str(PAM_data)
#' #behaviour = classifyFLAP(dta = PAM_data$acceleration, period = 12)
#' #col=c("brown","cyan4","black","gold")
#' #plot(PAM_data$acceleration$date[6000:8000],PAM_data$acceleration$act[6000:8000],
#' #     col=col[behaviour$classification][6000:8000],
#' #     type="o", pch=20,
#' #     xlab="Date",
#' #     ylab="Activity")
#' #behaviour$timetable
#' @importFrom stats kmeans poisson
#' @importFrom depmixS4 depmix fit posterior
#' @export
classifyFLAP <- function(dta ,
                         period = 12,
                         toPLOT = TRUE,
                         method = "kmeans",
                         tz= "UTC"){
  print("Error: This function is deprecated, use classify_flap, or install v.1.0 of PAMLr by running devtools::install_github('KiranLDA/PAMLr', ref = 'v.1.0')")

  # if (method == "kmeans"){
  #   km = kmeans(dta$act,centers=2)
  #   dta$clust = km$cluster
  # }
  # if (method == "hmm"){
  #   # poisson() gaussian()multinomial("identity")
  #   hmm <- depmix(act ~ 1, family = poisson() , nstates = 2, data=dta[dta$act>0,])
  #   hmmfit <- fit(hmm, verbose = FALSE)
  #   dta$clust = NA
  #   dta$clust[dta$act>0] <- posterior(hmmfit)$state
  # }
  # type = "flapping"
  # threshold = sum(min(max(dta$act[dta$clust==1],na.rm=TRUE), max(dta$act[dta$clust==2],na.rm= TRUE)),
  #                 max(min(dta$act[dta$clust==1],na.rm= TRUE), min(dta$act[dta$clust==2],na.rm= TRUE)))/2
  # if(toPLOT == TRUE) plotTHLD(dta$act, classification = dta$clust, threshold = threshold, type = type)
  # # Count the length of each category
  # start=0
  # end=0
  # Duration_table = data.frame(matrix(c("2015-01-01","2015-01-01","2015-01-01","2015-01-01",0,0),nrow=2))
  # colnames(Duration_table) = c("start","end","Duration (h)")
  # Duration_table$start = as.POSIXct(Duration_table$start,tz=tz,format="%Y-%m-%d")
  # Duration_table$end = as.POSIXct(Duration_table$end,tz=tz,format="%Y-%m-%d")
  # Duration_table$`Duration (h)` = as.numeric(Duration_table$`Duration (h)`)
  # # now we take high activity, partition it into magration or not based on duration
  # high_movement = as.numeric(which(table(dta$clust) == min(table(dta$clust),na.rm= TRUE)))
  # low_movement = as.numeric(which(table(dta$clust) == max(table(dta$clust),na.rm= TRUE)))
  # dta$clust[is.na(dta$clust)] =  low_movement
  # # get rid of 1-off missclassifications
  # x = c(high_movement,low_movement,high_movement)
  # idx = which(dta$clust == x[1])
  # idx = idx[sapply(idx, function(i) all(dta$clust[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
  # dta$clust[idx+1] = high_movement
  # x = c(low_movement,high_movement)
  # start = which(dta$clust == x[1])
  # start = start[sapply(start, function(i) all(dta$clust[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
  # x = c(high_movement, low_movement)
  # end = which(dta$clust == x[1])
  # end = end[sapply(end, function(i) all(dta$clust[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
  # if(end[1]< start[1]) end = end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
  # if (length(end)<length(start)) start= start[1:length(end)]
  # if (length(end)>length(start)) end= end[1:length(start)]
  # # dur = end-start
  # # if(period == "auto"){
  # #   if (method == "kmeans"){
  # #     km = kmeans(dur,centers=2)
  # #     cluster = km$cluster
  # #   }
  # #
  # #   if (method == "hmm"){
  # #     # poisson() gaussian()multinomial("identity")
  # #     hmm <- depmix(dur ~ 1, family = poisson() , nstates = 2)
  # #     hmmfit <- fit(hmm, verbose = FALSE)
  # #     cluster = posterior(hmmfit)$state
  # #   }
  # #   period = sum(min(max(dur[cluster==1],na.rm=TRUE), max(dur[cluster==2],na.rm= TRUE)),
  # #                   max(min(dur[cluster==1],na.rm= TRUE), min(dur[cluster==2],na.rm= TRUE)))/2
  # #   if(toPLOT == TRUE) plotTHLD(dur, classification = cluster, threshold = period, type = type)
  # #
  # # }
  # # make sure only periods where birds is flying longer than the flapping duration are stored
  # index = which((end-start) >= period)
  # start = start[index]
  # end = end[index]
  # index = unlist(sapply(1:length(start), function(i) start[i]:end[i]))
  # dta$clust[index] = 3
  # # # get rid of 1-off missclassifications
  # # x = c(3,low_movement,3)
  # # idx = which(dta$clust == x[1])
  # # idx = idx[sapply(idx, function(i) all(dta$clust[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
  # # dta$clust[idx+1] = 3
  # #look for start and end of migration
  # end = c(which(dta$clust ==3)[diff(which(dta$clust ==3)) > 1], which(dta$clust ==3)[length(which(dta$clust ==3))])
  # start = c(which(dta$clust ==3)[1], (which(dta$clust ==3)[which(diff(which(dta$clust ==3)) > 1)+ 1] ))
  # dur = difftime(dta$date[end], dta$date[start], tz= tz, units = "hours")
  # info = data.frame(dta$date[start], dta$date[end], dur)
  # names(info) = c("start","end","Duration (h)")
  # Duration_table = rbind(Duration_table, info)
  # # order so that low movement is lower than high movement
  # if (high_movement == 1){
  #   dta$clust[dta$clust == 1] = 999
  #   dta$clust[dta$clust == 2] = 1
  #   dta$clust[dta$clust == 999] = 2
  # }
  # Duration_table = Duration_table[-c(1,2),]
  # dta$clust[dta$act == 0] = 0
  # return(list(timetable = Duration_table,
  #             classification = dta$clust,
  #             no_movement = 0,
  #             low_movement = 1,
  #             high_movement = 2,
  #             migration = 3,
  #             threshold = threshold))
KiranLDA/PAMLr documentation built on March 6, 2023, 1:40 p.m.