
Defines functions reducePAM

Documented in reducePAM

#' Reduces the data to a specified temporal resolution
#' @description This function takesthe typical PAM_data input, which is a nested list of different sensor data, all formatted at different time resolutions. By specifying a particular sensor, all data are formatted at the same temporal resolution as this data. By default, the median of data with smaller temporal resolution are kept, and data are interpolated.
#' @param dta raw pam data see `data(bee_eater` for example
#' @param varint the variable of interest.Sipprots c("pressure","light","acceleration","temperature","magnetic"). For instance if all other variables should be summarised at the same temporal resolution as this specified variable.
#' @param interp Default TRUE. Whether or not to replace NAs with interpolated values
#' @param summary Can be "sum", "median" or "none". What type of summary variable to give when condensing data -
#' @return reduced/summarised and interpolated dataset
#' @examples
#' #data(bee_eater)
#' #PAM_data = bee_eater
#' #start = as.POSIXct("2015-08-01","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#' #end = as.POSIXct("2016-06-21","%Y-%m-%d", tz="UTC")
#' #PAM_data = cutPAM(PAM_data, start, end)
#' #reduced_dta = reducePAM(PAM_data , "pressure", interp = FALSE)
#' #head(reduced_dta)
#' #reduced_dta = reducePAM(PAM_data , "act", interp = FALSE)
#' #head(reduced_dta)
#' @importFrom zoo na.approx
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @export
reducePAM <- function(dta,
                      interp = TRUE,
                      summary = "median"){
  print("Error: This function is deprecated, use create_custom_interpolation, or install v.1.0 of PAMLr by running devtools::install_github('KiranLDA/PAMLr', ref = 'v.1.0')")

  # PAM_data = dta
  # if (varint == "acceleration") varint <- "act"
  # if (varint == "magnetic") varint <- "gX"
  # if("id" %in% names(PAM_data)){
  #   to_remove = which(names(PAM_data) == "id")
  #   PAM_data[[to_remove]] <- NULL
  # }
  # if("obs" %in% colnames(PAM_data$light)){
  #   colnames(PAM_data$light)[which(colnames(PAM_data$light) == "obs")] = "light"
  # }
  # if("obs" %in% colnames(PAM_data$pressure)){
  #   colnames(PAM_data$pressure)[which(colnames(PAM_data$pressure) == "obs")] = "pressure"
  # }
  # if("obs" %in% colnames(PAM_data$temperature)){
  #   colnames(PAM_data$temperature)[which(colnames(PAM_data$temperature) == "obs")] = "temperature"
  # }
  # new = Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), PAM_data)
  # index = which(!is.na(new[,which(colnames(new) %in% varint)]))
  # to_change = which(!(colnames(new) %in% c(varint, "date")))
  # test = do.call(cbind, lapply(to_change,
  #                       FUN = function(col){
  #                         if(any(is.na(new[,col]))){
  #                           if (interp == TRUE){
  #                             first = which(!is.na(new[,col]))[1]
  #                             last = which(!is.na(new[,col]))[length(which(!is.na(new[,col])))]
  #                             # new[first:last,col] <- zoo::na.approx(new[first:last,col])
  #                             new[first:last,col] <- zoo::na.approx(x = new$date[first:last],
  #                                                                   object = new[first:last,col],
  #                                                                   xout = new$date)
  #                           }
  #                           # }  else{
  #                           #    new <- new[index,col]
  #                           #  }
  #                         } else {
  #                           if(summary == "median"){
  #                           median=c(new[index[1],col],
  #                                    unlist(lapply(1:(length(index)-1), FUN = function(x){
  #                                      median( new[(index[x]+1): index[x+1], col], na.rm=TRUE)})))
  #                           new[index,col] <- median
  #                           }
  #                           if(summary == "sum"){
  #                             sum=c(new[index[1],col],
  #                                      unlist(lapply(1:(length(index)-1), FUN = function(x){
  #                                        sum( new[(index[x]+1): index[x+1], col], na.rm=TRUE)})))
  #                             new[index,col] <- sum
  #                           }
  #                         }
  #                         return(new[,col])
  #                       }))
  # # colnames(test) = colnames(new)[to_change]
  # test=data.frame(new$date,  new[,varint], test)
  # colnames(test) = c("date", varint, colnames(new)[to_change])
  # test = test[complete.cases(test[,varint]),]
  # rownames(test) = c()
  # return(test)
KiranLDA/PAMLr documentation built on March 6, 2023, 1:40 p.m.