
Defines functions process_iarc_processing_xml process_iarc_tasks_xml process_iarc_methods_xml process_iarc_info_xml xml_fetch_container_value map_xml_children

# XML file utils =============

# maps nodes' children as text
map_xml_children <- function(nodes, select = NULL) {
  nodes |> 
    map_df(function(node) {
      nodes_list <- xml2::as_list(node) 
      # if select is specific, only take the children specific
        nodes_list <- nodes_list[select[select %in% names(nodes_list)]] 
      nodes_list |>
        # map all as text ignoring everything that does not have exactly 1 value
        map_chr(function(x) if (length(x) == 1) x[[1]] else NA_character_) |> 
        # convert to data frame
        as.list() |> dplyr::as_tibble()

# retrieve Identifier/Value pairs from 'container' type children of current node
xml_fetch_container_value <- function(xml, ids, container = "PersistedPropertyBagProperty") {
  sapply(ids, function(id) {
    xml |> xml2::xml_find_all(str_c(".//", container, "[Identifier[.='", id, "']]")) |> 
      xml2::xml_child("Value") |> xml2::xml_text() |> list()

# XML iarc xml file processing ========

# process iarc info xml file
process_iarc_info_xml <- function(filepath) {
  info_xml <- xml2::read_xml(filepath, encoding = "UTF-8")
  info_version <- info_xml |> xml2::xml_child("Version") |> xml2::xml_text()
  # retrieve processing lists information
  processing_lists <- 
    info_xml |> xml2::xml_child("ProcessingLists") |> 
    xml2::xml_children() |> 
  # version safety check
  supported_versions <- c("2")
  if (!info_version %in% supported_versions) {
    processing_lists <- 
        str_c("iarc info xml lists Version ", info_version, 
              " which has not been tested and may cause unexpected processing issues"))
  # processing lists safety check
  if (nrow(processing_lists) == 0) {
    stop("no processing lists in info xml", call. = FALSE)
  # information
  if (!default("quiet")) {
    sprintf("found %d processing list(s) in .iarc: '%s'", 
            str_c("ProcessingList_", processing_lists$ProcessingListId, collapse = "', '")) |> 
      log_message(prefix = "      ")

# process iarc methods xml files
process_iarc_methods_xml <- function(filepaths) {
  if (length(filepaths) == 0) return(tibble())
  method_params <- 
    filepaths |> 
    lapply(function(methods_file) {
      method_xml <- xml2::read_xml(methods_file, encoding = "UTF-8")
      # id
      method_id <- method_xml |> xml2::xml_child("Id") |> xml2::xml_text()
      # method parameters
      method_xml |> 
        xml2::xml_find_all(".//SerialisedFlowParameter") |> 
        map_xml_children() |> 
        mutate(MethodId = method_id,
               MethodFile = basename(methods_file))
    }) |> 
  # info
  if (!default("quiet")) {
    method_files <- method_params$MethodFile |> unique()
    sprintf("found %d method(s) in .iarc: '%s'", 
            method_files |> length(), 
            str_c(method_files, collapse = "', '")) |> 
      log_message(prefix = "      ")

# process iarc tasks xml files
process_iarc_tasks_xml <- function(filepaths, method_parameters) {
  # global vars
  Id <- NULL
  process_iarc_task_xml <- function(task_file) {
    # read file
    task_xml <- xml2::read_xml(task_file, encoding = "UTF-8")  
    # retrieve general task info
    task_info <- 
      c("GlobalIdentifier", "Name", "Id", 
        "AcquisitionStartDate", "AcquisitionEndDate", # not sure these are useful
        "CompletionState", "MethodId", "ProcessingListTypeIdentifier") |> 
      sapply(function(child) task_xml |> xml2::xml_child(child) |> xml2::xml_text() |> list())
    # retrieve task values based on methods information (if there is any)
    if (nrow(method_parameters) > 0) {
      task_values <-
        task_xml |> 
        xml2::xml_find_all(".//SerialisableTaskValue") |> 
        map_xml_children() |> 
        # link with parameters defined in methods
          MethodId = task_info[["MethodId"]],
          GlobalIdentifier = task_info[["GlobalIdentifier"]]
        ) |> 
        left_join(method_parameters, by = c("MethodId" = "MethodId", "ParameterIdentifier" = "Id"))
    } else {
      task_values <- tibble()
    # @NOTE: TypeIdentifier in the method_parameters holds the data type but even for numbers it seems to always be "String", currently not processed further (i.e. not turned into a different data type)
    # retrieve task data (where the real information is recorded)
    task_data <- 
      task_xml |> 
      xml2::xml_find_all(".//SerialisableDataSet") |> 
        select = c("Id", "AcquireDataStatus", "AcquireStartDate", "AcquireEndDate", "TypeIdentifier")) |> 
        GlobalIdentifier = task_info[["GlobalIdentifier"]],
        DataFile = str_c(Id, ".hdf5")
      ) |> 
    # prepare return
    Value <- NULL # global variables
    # task info tibble
    task_info_tibble <- task_info |> dplyr::as_tibble()
    if (nrow(task_values) > 0) {
      task_info_tibble <- task_info_tibble |>
          # wide format for task values
          task_values |> select("GlobalIdentifier", "DisplayName", "Value") |> 
            group_by(!!sym("GlobalIdentifier"), !!sym("DisplayName")) |> 
            summarize(Value = str_c(Value, collapse = ", ")) |> # make sure multiple values are collapsed properly
            ungroup() |> 
            spread("DisplayName", "Value"), 
          by = "GlobalIdentifier"
    # return list
      filename = basename(task_file),
      # combine task info with task values 
      info = task_info_tibble,
      # task data
      data_files = task_data
  # for all task files, run the processing function
  tasks <- filepaths |> lapply(process_iarc_task_xml)
  if (!default("quiet")) {
    sprintf("found %d sample(s) in .iarc", length(tasks)) |> 
      log_message(prefix = "      ")
  # combine info and data_files across tasks

# process iarc tasks xml files
process_iarc_processing_xml <- function(processing_list_id, filepath) {
  if (!file.exists(filepath)) stop("invalid processing list file path: ", filepath, call. = FALSE)
  if (!default("quiet")) {
    sprintf("searching processing list '%s' for gas configurations...", basename(filepath)) |> 
      log_message(prefix = "      ")
  # global variables for NSE
  Label <- NumeratorBeamChannel <- numerator_mass <- DenominatorBeamChannel <- denominator_mass <- NULL
  # read file
  xml <- xml2::read_xml(filepath, encoding = "UTF-8")
  global_id <- xml |> xml2::xml_child("DefinitionUniqueIdentifier") |> xml2::xml_text()
  # safety check
  if (global_id != processing_list_id) {
    sprintf("mismatch between Info processing list ID ('%s') and processing list file id ('%s')",
            processing_list_id, global_id) |> stop(call. = FALSE)
  ## helper functions ##
  # find the species
  xml_find_species <- function(node) {
    # potentially useful(?): DetectionBeamChannel
    node |> xml2::xml_child("SerialisedPropertyBagProperties") |>
      xml_fetch_container_value("Species") |> purrr::pluck("Species")
  # find the channel masses from the beam ratio definitions
  xml_find_channel_masses <- function(node) {
    # find the beam ratio definitions
    ratio_defs <-
      node |> xml2::xml_child("SerialisedChildPropertyBags") |> 
      xml2::xml_find_all(".//SerialisablePropertyBag[Identifier[.='{42D28191-A6E9-4B7B-8C3D-0F0037624F7D}']]") |>  
      map(xml_fetch_container_value, c("NumeratorBeamChannel", "DenominatorBeamChannel", "Label")) |>
    if (nrow(ratio_defs) == 0) return (tibble(channel = character(), mass = character()))  
    # derive channel defintions
    channel_defs <-
      ratio_defs |> 
      # find masses from label
        numerator_mass = str_match(Label, "^(\\d+)/")[,2],
        denominator_mass = str_match(Label, "/(\\d+)$")[,2]
    channel_defs <-
      # channel to mass matches
        select(channel_defs, channel="NumeratorBeamChannel", mass="numerator_mass"),
        select(channel_defs, channel="DenominatorBeamChannel", mass="denominator_mass")
      ) |> 
  # find the H3 factor
  xml_find_H3_factor <- function(node) {
    H3_factor <- 
      node |> xml2::xml_child("SerialisedPropertyBagProperties") |>
      xml_fetch_container_value(c("ApplyH3CorrectionFactor", "H3CorrectionFactor"))
    if (!is.na(H3_factor$ApplyH3CorrectionFactor) && H3_factor$ApplyH3CorrectionFactor == "True") 
    else return(NULL)
  # process channel configurations
  species_config <- xml |> 
    xml2::xml_find_all("//SerialisablePropertyBag[Identifier[.='10DC1602-5ED4-4D62-BAB0-2693E3FBC3AF']]") |> 
    sapply(function(node) {
      species <- xml_find_species(node)
      if (is.null(species) || is.na(species)) # no species definition found
      config <- list(channels = xml_find_channel_masses(node))
      if (!is.null(H3_factor <- xml_find_H3_factor(node))) config$H3_factor <- H3_factor
      config |> list() |> rlang::set_names(species)
  # info
  if (!default("quiet")) {
    sprintf("found configurations for '%s'", 
            species_config |> names() |> str_c(collapse = "', '")) |> 
      log_message(prefix = "      ")
  # debug
  if (default("debug")) {
    log_message("species configurations:\n", species_config, prefix = "DEBUG: ")
  list(list(species = species_config))
KopfLab/isoreader documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 9:22 p.m.