#' generic plot server
#' @param get_variable get variable name
#' @param generate_plot function to create the plot
#' @param reset_trigger reactive function to trigger a reset of the plot options (plot height, legend and font size)
plot_server <- function(input, output, session, settings, get_variable, generate_plot, reset_trigger = reactive({})) {
# namespace
ns <- session$ns
# reactive values =====
values <- reactiveValues(
reset_plot = 1,
render_plot = 1,
has_plot = FALSE
# remember settings ====
observeEvent(input$plot_height, {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT user set height to ", input$plot_height)
settings$set(ns(paste0("plot_height-", get_variable())), input$plot_height)
observeEvent(input$legend_position, {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT user set legend position to '", input$legend_position, "'")
settings$set(ns(paste0("legend_position-", get_variable())), input$legend_position)
observeEvent(input$font_size, {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT user set font size to ", input$font_size)
settings$set(ns(paste0("font_size-", get_variable())), input$font_size)
# restore settings =====
observeEvent(get_variable(), {
session, "plot_height",
value = settings$get(ns(paste0("plot_height-", get_variable())))
observeEvent(get_variable(), {
session, "legend_position",
selected = settings$get(ns(paste0("legend_position-", get_variable())))
observeEvent(get_variable(), {
session, "font_size",
value = settings$get(ns(paste0("font_size-", get_variable())))
# reset settings
observeEvent(reset_trigger(), {
updateNumericInput(session, "plot_height", value = 500)
updateSelectInput(session, "legend_position", selected = "right")
updateNumericInput(session, "font_size", value = 18)
# reset plot =====
reset_plot <- function() {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT resetting plot")
values$reset_plot <- values$reset_plot + 1
values$has_plot <- FALSE
# reset with change in dataset
observeEvent(get_variable(), reset_plot())
# render plot ======
render_plot <- function() {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT rendering plot")
values$render_plot <- values$render_plot + 1
values$has_plot <- TRUE
# render on click
observeEvent(input$render_plot, render_plot())
# disable/enable buttons =====
observeEvent(values$has_plot , {
shinyjs::toggleState("download_dialog", condition = values$has_plot)
# generate plot ====
generate_full_plot <- reactive({
req(p <- generate_plot())
# font size
p <- p + theme(text = element_text(size = input$font_size))
# legend position
if (input$legend_position == "bottom") {
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction="vertical")
} else if (input$legend_position == "hide") {
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
# plot output =====
output$plot <- renderPlot({
# trigger new plot on reset and render
validate(need(values$has_plot, "Please select plot parameters and click on 'Plot' to generate the plot."))
height = reactive({
# trigger plot height change only on render
# plot save dialog =====
save_dialog <- reactive({
file_name <- paste0(get_variable(), ".pdf")
title = "Save plot", fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE, size = "s",
textInput(ns("save_name"), "Filename:", file_name),
numericInput(ns("save_width"), "Width [inches]:", 12),
numericInput(ns("save_height"), "Height [inches]:", 8),
footer =
downloadButton(ns("download"), label = "Download", icon = icon("download")),
observeEvent(input$download_dialog, showModal(save_dialog()))
# download handler =====
output$download <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() { isolate(input$save_name) },
content = function(filename) {
module_message(ns, "info", "PLOT saving ", input$save_name, " (", input$save_width, " by ", input$save_height, ")")
ggsave(file = filename, plot = generate_full_plot(), width = input$save_width, height = input$save_height, device = "pdf")
# legend position code ====
get_theme_options <- reactive({
theme_options <- list(text = rlang::expr(element_text(size = !!input$font_size)))
if (input$legend_position == "bottom") {
theme_options <- c(theme_options,
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.direction = "vertical")
} else if (input$legend_position == "hide") {
theme_options <- c(theme_options, legend.position = "none")
# return functions =====
render_plot = render_plot,
has_plot = reactive({ values$has_plot }),
dblclick = reactive({ input$plot_dblclick }),
click = reactive({ input$plot_click }),
brush = reactive({ input$plot_brush }),
get_theme_options = get_theme_options
#' plot UI
#' @param brush_direction if NULL no brush, if "x", "y", or "xy", creates a brush
plot_ui <- function(
id, min_height = "500px;",
action_widths = c(3, 6, 3),
left_actions = list(), center_actions = list(), right_actions = list(),
click = FALSE, dblclick = FALSE, brush_direction = NULL) {
# namespace
ns <- NS(id)
if (!is.null(brush_direction)) {
brush <- brushOpts(
id = ns("plot_brush"),
delay = 10000, # ms (basically let the user finish the brush themselves)
delayType = "debounce",
direction = brush_direction,
resetOnNew = TRUE
} else {
brush <- NULL
# plot actions
div(id = ns("plot_actions"),
column(width = action_widths[1], aligh = "left", left_actions),
column(width = action_widths[2], align = "center", center_actions),
column(width = action_widths[3], align = "right",
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("render_plot"), "Plot", icon = icon("refresh"),
tooltip = "Render the plot with the selected files and parameters."),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("download_dialog"), "Save", icon = icon("download"),
tooltip = "Download the plot as a PDF") %>%
div(id = ns("plot_div"), style = paste("min-height:", min_height),
plotOutput(ns("plot"), height = "100%",
dblclick = if (dblclick) ns("plot_dblclick") else NULL,
click = if (click) ns("plot_click") else NULL,
brush = brush) %>%
withSpinner(type = 5, proxy.height = min_height)
#' plot height ui
plot_height_ui <- function(id, label = "Plot height:", label_width = 4, input_width = 8) {
ns <- NS(id)
h4(label) %>% column(width = label_width),
numericInput(ns("plot_height"), NULL, value = 500, min = 100, step = 50) %>%
column(width = input_width)
#' legend ui
plot_legend_ui <- function(id, label = "Legend:", label_width = 4, input_width = 8) {
ns <- NS(id)
h4(label) %>% column(width = label_width),
selectInput(ns("legend_position"), NULL, choices = c("right", "bottom", "hide"), selected = "right") %>%
column(width = input_width)
#' font size
plot_font_size_ui <- function(id, label = "Font Size:", label_width = 4, input_width = 8) {
ns <- NS(id)
h4(label) %>% column(width = label_width),
numericInput(ns("font_size"), NULL, value = 18) %>%
column(width = input_width)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.