# Selector table
#' Selector table server
#' This generates an rhandson table for selecting items to include in downstream operations.
#' @param id_column name of the ID column - make a rownumber or concatenated column if there is no unique identificer column otherwise
#' @param row_column which column to use as the "row number", by default same as the id_column
#' @param column_select dplyr select statement to choose displayed columns and headers, if not provided (=NULL), will display data table exactly as is (minus the id column which becomes the row number)
#' @param page_lengths page length options, first one will be selected
#' @param initial_page_length initially selected page length, first entry of the page_lengths by default
#' @param dom the available table control elements and their order
#' @param selector_buttons whether the selector buttons are present
#' @family selector table module functions
selector_table_server <- function(input, output, session, settings, id_column, row_column = id_column, column_select = NULL,
page_lengths = list( c(5, 10, 20, -1), c("5", "10", "20", "All")),
initial_page_length = page_lengths[[1]][1], dom = "fltip", selector_buttons = TRUE) {
# safety checks
# namespace
ns <- session$ns
# column selection
column_select_quo = rlang::enquo(column_select) # what should be displayed
# reactive values
values <- reactiveValues(
table = NULL, # what is available
selected = c(), # what is selected
update_selected = 0, # trigger selection update (circumventing circular triggers with user selection)
page_length = initial_page_length, # selected page length
display_start = 0, # which display page to start on
search = "", # search term
order = list() # ordering information
# render table
output$selection_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
values$table # trigger with update of the data table (whole re-render required for client-side)
validate(need(values$table, "None available."))
module_message(ns, "info", "TABLE (re-) rendering with ",
nrow(values$table), " rows")
# prepare data
row_names <- values$table[[row_column]]
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(column_select_quo)) {
# take specified selection
df <- dplyr::select(values$table, !!column_select_quo) %>% as.data.frame()
} else {
# remove id and row columns, rest stays the same
df <- as.data.frame(values$table)
df[[id_column]] <- NULL
df[[row_column]] <- NULL
rownames(df) <- row_names
# make sure selection staes the same
# generate data table
data = df,
options = list(
ordering = values$order,
pageLength = values$page_length,
search = list(regex = FALSE, caseInsensitive = TRUE, search = values$search),
displayStart = values$display_start,
lengthMenu = page_lengths,
searchDelay = 100,
dom = dom,
# save state to get ordering and other information
stateSave = TRUE,
# disable the automatic state reload to avoid issues between different table instances
stateLoadParams = DT::JS("function (settings, data) { return false; }")
server = FALSE # client side usually faster to use with small selector tables
# NOTE: should this ever change, it will require updates to the way the data
# table is replaced too (using the dataTableProxy).
# trigger selection updates
update_selected <- function() values$update_selected <- values$update_selected + 1
observeEvent(values$update_selected, {
selections <- which(values$table[[id_column]] %in% values$selected)
module_message(ns, "info", "TABLE selecting ", length(selections), " row(s)")
proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy("selection_table")
DT::selectRows(proxy, selections)
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# save state
observeEvent(input$selection_table_state, {
module_message(ns, "info", "TABLE saving state")
values$page_length <- input$selection_table_state$length
values$display_start <- input$selection_table_state$start
values$search <- input$selection_table_state$search$search
values$order <- input$selection_table_state$order
}, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# save selection
observeEvent(input$selection_table_rows_selected, {
selections <- input$selection_table_rows_selected
if (!identical(values$selected, selections) && !is.null(values$table) && nrow(values$table) > 0) {
values$selected <- if (is.null(selections)) c() else values$table[[id_column]][selections]
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# selector buttons
if (selector_buttons) {
# select all that match the current filter
observeEvent(input$select_all, {
values$selected <- unique(c(values$selected, values$table[[id_column]][input$selection_table_rows_all]))
# deselect all
observeEvent(input$deselect_all, {
values$selected <- c()
# button visibility
toggle("select_all", condition = !is.null(values$table))
toggle("deselect_all", condition = !is.null(values$table))
# functions
# WARNING: only use inital_selection when first setting the table, not when re-setting it!
set_table <- function(table, initial_selection = c()) {
if (is.null(table) || is.null(values$table) || !identical(table, values$table)) {
initial <- is.null(values$table)
values$table <- table
if (initial && length(initial_selection) > 0)
set_selected <- function(selected) {
if (!identical(selected, values$selected) && (length(selected) > 0 || length(values$selected) > 0)) {
values$selected <- selected
get_selected <- eventReactive(values$selected, {
# make sure all returned selected are valid
if (length(values$selected) == 0) return(c())
else return(values$selected[values$selected %in% values$table[[id_column]]])
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
get_selected_items <- eventReactive(values$selected, {
# get the actual table items that are selected
values$table[values$table[[id_column]] %in% values$selected, ]
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
are_all_selected <- eventReactive(values$selected, {
setequal(get_selected(), values$table[[id_column]])
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
get_table_nrow <- eventReactive(values$table, {
# return functions
set_table = set_table,
set_selected = set_selected,
get_selected = get_selected,
get_selected_items = get_selected_items,
get_table_nrow = get_table_nrow,
are_all_selected = are_all_selected
#' Selector table UI
#' @family selector table module functions
selector_table_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
#' Selector table buttons
#' @family selector table module functions
selector_table_buttons_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("select_all"), "Select all",
icon = icon("check-square-o"),
tooltip = "Select all items that match the current search in addition to those already selected."),
tooltipInput(actionButton, ns("deselect_all"), "Deselect",
icon = icon("square-o"),
tooltip = "Deselct all items (irrespective of the search).")
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