plot_module: Plot co-expression network

plot_moduleR Documentation

Plot co-expression network


Display a graph representing the co-expression network and different informations like hubs, enrichments


  hubs = NULL,
  groups = NULL,
  lower_weight_th = NULL,
  upper_weight_th = NULL,
  title = "Module",
  degree_node_scaling = TRUE,
  node_scaling_min = 1,
  edge_scaling_min = 0.2,
  node_scaling_max = 6,
  edge_scaling_max = 1,
  nb_row_legend = 6,
  layout = "auto",
  zoom = 1,
  vertex.label.cex = 0.7,
  vertex.label.color = "gray20", = "Helvetica",
  edge.color = "gray70",
  vertex.frame.color = "white",
  vertex.color = "gray60",
  vertex.label.dist = 1,
  legend_cex = 0.8,
  groups_palette = NULL,
  window_x_min = -1,
  window_x_max = 1,
  window_y_min = -1,
  window_y_max = 1,
  legend = TRUE,



igraph object, module to plot.


character vector or numeric vector with names, optionnal, vector of gene names or vector of numeric values named with gene names.


matrix or data.frame, a two cols table with the gene id in the first one, and the group assignation in the second one.

lower_weight_th, upper_weight_th

decimal, weight threshold above lower_weight_th or below upper_weight_th which edges will be removed.


string, main title that will be displayed on the plot.


boolean, indicates if node size should represent the degree of this node.

node_scaling_min, node_scaling_max

integer, if degree_node_scaling is TRUE, it is the min/max size of the node, else it is the exact size of all node.

edge_scaling_min, edge_scaling_max

integer, min/max width of the edge


integer, number of levels in the legend.


numeric matrix or function or string, numeric matrix for nodes coordinates, or function for layout, or name of a layout function available in igraph. Default "auto" will choose the best layout depending on the graph. For more information, see igraph.plotting.


integer, scaling factor by which it's possible to have compact graph (< 1) or larger graph (> 1) display.

vertex.label.cex, legend_cex

float, font size for vertex labels. It is interpreted as a multiplication factor of some device-dependent base font size. If 0, no labels displayed.

vertex.label.color, edge.color, vertex.frame.color, vertex.color

character and/or integer vector , color of the labels. It may either contain integer values, named colors or RGB specified colors with three or four bytes. All strings starting with ‘#’ are assumed to be RGB color specifications. It is possible to mix named color and RGB colors.

character, font family to be used for vertex labels.


integer, distance of the label from the center of the vertex. If it is 0 then the label is centered on the vertex. If it is 1 then the label is displayed beside the vertex.


character and/or integer vector, vertices group palette of colors for the groups specified. It may either contain integer values, named colors or RGB specified colors with three or four bytes. All strings starting with ‘#’ are assumed to be RGB color specifications. It is possible to mix named color and RGB colors.


decimal, value for the bottom limit of the window.


decimal, value for the top limit of the window.


decimal, value for the left limit of the window.


decimal, value for the right limit of the window.


boolean, indicates if the legend should be plotted.


any other parameter compatible with the plot.igraph function.


Take care of you intend to compare modules' graphs, the same size of node will not correspond to the same values because of the scaling.


matrix, layout of the graph as a two column matrix (x, y)


mat <- matrix(runif(40*40), 40)
g <- build_graph_from_sq_mat(mat)
plot_module(g, lower_weight_th = -0.5, upper_weight_th = 0.5)

Kumquatum/GWENA documentation built on July 7, 2023, 3:41 p.m.