
# load KRAKEN assignment
dat <- load_edge_assignment("../test_data/SSputum-no-cDNA/kraken_mini/allReads-kraken_mini.list.txt", type = 'kraken')

# create an outout folder
tmp_folder <- file.path(getwd(), "sandbox")
dir.create(path = tmp_folder, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

# the file names we are going to save plots into
pdf_name <- file.path(tmp_folder, "test_pdf.pdf")
png_name <- file.path(tmp_folder, "test_png.png")

# generate a PDF and also get a ggplot out
gplot <- plot_edge_assignment(dat, "family", "Test Plot #1",
             "SSputum-no-cDNA", file.path(tmp_folder, "test_pdf"))

# write down the plot as PNG
Cairo::Cairo(width = 500, height = 500,
      file = png_name, type = "png", pointsize = 18,
      bg = "white", canvas = "white", dpi = 86)

# check that the files has been created
expect_that(file.exists(png_name), is_true())
expect_that(file.exists(pdf_name), is_true())

# check that the size >0
expect_that(file.info(png_name)$size > 0, is_true())
expect_that(file.info(pdf_name)$size > 0, is_true())

# cleanup after the test
unlink(tmp_folder, recursive = T)
LANL-Bioinformatics/MetaComp documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:51 p.m.