
Defines functions dbs_add dbs_get

Documented in dbs_add dbs_get

#' Get DBS information from a file
#' @param file_path path to DBS excel-file
#' @param match_file path to the match-file for DBS
#' @param debug logical to keep debug information (default: FALSE)
#' @return tibble of DBS data
#' @family dbs-functions
#' @family MOAS get-functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{

#' dbs_get(file_path = "path/to/file",
#'        match_file = "path/to/MOAS/data-raw/Blood_data/DBS_MOAS_match.tsv")
#' dbs_get(file_path = "path/to/file",
#'        match_file = "path/to/MOAS/data-raw/Blood_data/DBS_MOAS_match.tsv",
#'        debug = TRUE)
#'  }
dbs_get <- function(file_path,
                    match_file = "data-raw/Blood_data/DBS_MOAS_match.tsv",
                    debug = FALSE){

  match <- readr::read_tsv(match_file)
  match <- dplyr::filter(match, trusted == 1)

  dt <- rio::import_list(file_path)
  dt$Frontpage <- NULL

  dt <- lapply(dt, function(x){
    names(x)[1:3] <- c("sample_id", "species", "sample_type")
    dplyr::select(x, sample_id:Note)
  } )

  # some har several analytes in the sheet. find them and make them long.
  # assumes sheet name is compatiable with column names for analytes
  nn <- purrr::map_lgl(dt, ~ "Analyte" %in% names(.x))

  for(i in which(!nn)){
    nm <- names(dt)[i]
    dt[[nm]] <- tidyr::gather(dt[[nm]],
                              Analyte, Result,

  # Make sure the Result column is numeric
  # Will throw warnings of NA, which is fine
  dt <- purrr::map(dt, ~ dplyr::mutate(.x,
                                Result = ifelse(grepl("<", Result),
                                                .5 * LLOQ,

  dt <- dplyr::bind_rows(dt)
  dt <- dplyr::as_tibble(dt)
  dt <- dplyr::mutate(dt,
                      Analyte = gsub("\\(|\\)|:|_|-", "", Analyte)

  # Merge with the match file to keep only trusted samples.
  ret_dt <- dplyr::left_join(match, dt, by = "sample_id")
  ret_dt <- dplyr::rename(ret_dt,
                          DBS_Units = Units,
                          DBS_LLOQ = LLOQ,
                          DBS_Result = Result,
                          DBS_Analyte = Analyte)
  ret_dt <- dplyr::distinct(ret_dt)
  ret_dt <- dplyr::filter(ret_dt, !is.na(DBS_Result))

                  -sample_id, -trusted, -comment, -Note,
                  -species, -sample_type)

#' Add DBS data to data frame
#' calls [\code{dbs_get}] to get DBS information
#' from file and add it to the MOAS-like dta frame
#' @param data a MOAs--like data frame the data should be added
#' to column-wise
#' @inheritParams dbs_get
#' @return tibble
#' @family dbs-funcions
#' @family MOAS add-funcions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dbs_add(MOAS_testing,
#'        file_path = "path/to/file",
#'        match_file = "path/to/MOAS/data-raw/Blood_data/DBS_MOAS_match.tsv")
#'  }
dbs_add <- function(data,
                    match_file = "data-raw/Blood_data/DBS_MOAS_match.tsv"){

  ret_dt <- dbs_get(file_path, match_file, debug = FALSE)
  ret_dt <- dplyr::select(ret_dt, -DBS_Units, -DBS_LLOQ)
  ret_dt <- dplyr::mutate(ret_dt, DBS_Analyte = paste0("DBS_", DBS_Analyte))
  ret_dt <- tidyr::spread(ret_dt, DBS_Analyte, DBS_Result)

  dplyr::left_join(data, ret_dt)

## quiets concerns of R CMD check
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
  utils::globalVariables(c("DBS_Units", "DBS_LLOQ",
                           "DBS_Analyte", "DBS_Result",
                           "trusted", "sample_id",
                           "Note", "Analyte", "LLOQ",
                           "FID", "species",
                           "sample_type", "Units", "Result"
LCBC-UiO/MOAS documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 3:29 a.m.