
# This script transplants the Annoy headers from RcppAnnoy into BiocNeighbors.
# Fundamentally, this is necessary because changes in the Annoy libaries (and
# thus RcppAnnoy versions) cause changes in the results. Thus, we want a
# constant version in BiocNeighbors during the lifetime of a single BioC
# release. See the discussion in jlmelville/uwot#69 for more details.

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (length(args)!=2) {
    stop("need <version> <target>")

version <- args[1]
if (version=="current") {
    options(repos = "")
    df <-
    df <- df["RcppAnnoy",]
    url <- sprintf("", df$Version)
} else {
    url <- sprintf("", version)

tmp <- tempfile(fileext=".tar.gz")
download.file(url, tmp)
exdir <- tempfile()
untar(tmp, exdir=exdir)

target <- args[2]
dest <- file.path(target, "src/annoy")
unlink(dest, recursive=TRUE)

src <- file.path(exdir, "RcppAnnoy/inst/include")
contents <- list.files(src)
for (x in contents) {
    file.copy(file.path(src, x), file.path(dest, x), recursive=TRUE)
LTLA/kmknn documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 6:03 p.m.