
Defines functions .bpNotSharedOrUp .assignIndicesToWorkers .splitVectorByWorkers .splitColsByWorkers .splitRowsByWorkers .single_worker_matrix

Documented in .assignIndicesToWorkers .bpNotSharedOrUp .splitColsByWorkers .splitRowsByWorkers .splitVectorByWorkers

#' Developer utilities
#' Various utilities for re-use in packages that happen to depend on \pkg{scuttle}.
#' These are exported simply to avoid re-writing them in downstream packages, and should not be touched by end-users.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @name scuttle-utils
#' @docType class
#' @aliases .splitRowsByWorkers
#' .splitColsByWorkers
#' .splitVectorByWorkers
#' .assignIndicesToWorkers 
#' .subset2index
#' .bpNotSharedOrUp
#' .ranksafeQR
#' .checkCountMatrix
#' .unpackLists
#' .guessMinMean

.single_worker_matrix <- function(x, subset.row, subset.col) {
    if (!.noOpSubset(subset.row, nrow(x))) {
        x <- x[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
    if (!.noOpSubset(subset.col, ncol(x))) {
        x <- x[,subset.col,drop=FALSE]

#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
.splitRowsByWorkers <- function(x, BPPARAM, subset.row=NULL, subset.col=NULL, assignments=NULL) {
    if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM)==1L) {
        .single_worker_matrix(x, subset.row=subset.row, subset.col=subset.col)
    } else {
        if (is.null(assignments)) {
            assignments <- .assignIndicesToWorkers(nrow(x), BPPARAM, subset=subset.row)

        for (i in seq_along(assignments)) {
            current <- x[assignments[[i]],,drop=FALSE]
            if (!.noOpSubset(subset.col, ncol(x))) {
                current <- current[,subset.col,drop=FALSE]
            assignments[[i]] <- current

#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
.splitColsByWorkers <- function(x, BPPARAM, subset.row=NULL, subset.col=NULL, assignments=NULL) {
    if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM)==1L) {
        .single_worker_matrix(x, subset.row=subset.row, subset.col=subset.col)
    } else {
        if (is.null(assignments)) {
            assignments <- .assignIndicesToWorkers(ncol(x), BPPARAM, subset=subset.col)

        for (i in seq_along(assignments)) {
            current <- x[,assignments[[i]],drop=FALSE]
            if (!.noOpSubset(subset.row, nrow(x))) {
                current <- current[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
            assignments[[i]] <- current

#' @export
.splitVectorByWorkers <- function(x, BPPARAM, subset=NULL, assignments=NULL) {
    if (bpnworkers(BPPARAM)==1L) {
        if (!.noOpSubset(subset, length(x))) {
            x <- x[subset]
    } else {
        if (is.null(assignments)) {
            assignments <- .assignIndicesToWorkers(length(x), BPPARAM, subset=subset)
        for (i in seq_along(assignments)) {
            assignments[[i]] <- x[assignments[[i]]]

#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpnworkers
#' @importFrom utils head
.assignIndicesToWorkers <- function(njobs, BPPARAM, subset=NULL) {
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        subset <- as.vector(subset)
        if (is.logical(subset)) {
            subset <- which(subset)
        njobs <- length(subset)

    n_cores <- bpnworkers(BPPARAM)
    boundaries <- as.integer(seq(from = 0L, to = njobs, length.out = n_cores + 1L))
    per_core <- diff(boundaries)
    work_starts <- head(boundaries, -1L)
    output <- mapply("+", lapply(per_core, seq_len), work_starts, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        for (i in seq_along(output)) {
            output[[i]] <- subset[output[[i]]]            


#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpisup
.bpNotSharedOrUp  <- function(BPPARAM) !bpisup(BPPARAM) && !is(BPPARAM, "MulticoreParam")
LTLA/scuttle documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 3:09 a.m.