
Defines functions glmnet_test mtcars_tests iris_test model_selection_many_to_few model_selection

Documented in model_selection model_selection_many_to_few

### main

#' model_selection
#' Main function for model selection from a set of many variables
#' @param df, a data.frame containing response and observations variables. Factors with more than 2 levels have only been implimented for test='LRT'
#' @param observations, a character vector of the names of independent/observations variables in df
#' @param response, a character vector of the names of dependent/response variables in df
#' @param family, a character string indicating the family associated with the submitted model c('gaussian','binomial','poisson'...)
#' @param model, a model associated for testing the variables c(glm,lm)
#' @param interactions, a boolean indicating if interactions should be assessed. Default is NULL, by default, interactions will be examined according to the constraints set by sig_vars_thresh. If a value is set for interactions (T/F) this will override the recomendations of sig_vars_thresh
#' @param test, a character string indicating Likelihood Ratio Test ('LRT') testing likelihood improvement of a model or Wald test ('Wald') testing coefficient > 0
#' @param thresh_screen, a numeric value indicating the p-value cutoff for the univariate screening
#' @param only_return_selected, a boolean value. If true, only models with p-value less than the threshold will be returned. Otherwise, all models will be returned.
#' @param K, a numeric value indicating the number of folds to use for k-fold cross-validation. K=10 by default. K=0 to skip k-fold validation.
#' @param sig_vars_thresh a list specifying the maximal number of significant variables allowed for each final model generating method. NULL (self initializing) by default.
#' @param robust boolean indicating if regularization will be run multiple times to get a robust indication of the underlying structure
#' @param N, a numeric value, default N=1, indicating the number of cross validation iterations to perform
#' @param robust_n, number of iterations for the robust glmnet run
#' @param alpha, alpha parameter if glmnet is used for a regularization method
#' @return a list containing: univariate models, the final selected model, and crossvalidation stats.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=F,test='LRT',K=5,family = 'gaussian',model=glm)
#' out=vis(mod)
#' print(out[[1]])
#' print(out[[2]])
#' @import glmnet
#' @import glinternet
model_selection <- function(df,observations,response,family='gaussian',model=glm,interactions=FALSE,test=c('Wald','LRT'),
  if(length(response)!=1){stop('use multiresponse_model_selection()')}
  if(!test%in%c('Wald','LRT')){stop("test is not in c(Wald,LRT)")}
  #if(!interactions%in%c('signif','none','all')){stop("interactions is not in c(signif,none,all)")}
    sig_vars_thresh = list(model_sel_interaction=6,model_sel_additive=25,glmnet_interaction=200,glmnet_additive=2000)
  # Univariate Screen
  observationsL = univariate_screen(df,observations,response,family,model,interactions,test,thresh=thresh_screen,only_return_selected=only_return_selected)
  # Multivariate Model
  obs_sign = na.omit( names(observationsL)[attr(observationsL,'Pr')<thresh_screen] )
  if( length( obs_sign ) == 0 ){ stop("There are no observations that pass the threshold set by thresh_screen. Consider increasing thresh_screen.")}
  # set interaction based on the number of variables passing the screening threshold
    if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$model_sel_interaction){
      print('interactive model: selection')
    }else if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$model_sel_additive){
      print('additive model: selection')
    }else if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$glmnet_interaction){
      #glm_reg = glinternet ## not yet implimented
      glm_reg = cv.glmnet
      print('interactive model: regularization')
    }else if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$glmnet_additive){
      glm_reg = cv.glmnet
      print('additive model: regularization')
      #glm_reg = glinternet ## not yet implimented
      glm_reg = cv.glmnet
      print('interactive model: regularization (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)')
      glm_reg = cv.glmnet
      print('additive model: regularization')
  # construct multivariate models
  if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$model_sel_additive){
    selected_model = stepwise_multivariate_model_selection(df,obs_sign,response,family,model,interactions,aic_k=aic_k)
    if(robust){ # run glmnet several times
      selected_model_list = list()
      for(i in 1:robust_n){
        indx = sample(1:nrow(df)) # randomize 
        indy = sample(1:length(obs_sign)) # randomize 
        selected_model_list[[i]] = glm_reg(y=df[indx,response],x=data.matrix(df[indx,obs_sign[indy]]),family=family,alpha=alpha) ## untested
      selected_model = glm_reg(y=df[,response],x=data.matrix(df[,obs_sign]),family=family,alpha=alpha) ## untested
  if(length(obs_sign) > sig_vars_thresh$glmnet_additive){
    warning(paste(length(obs_sign),'is a large number of variables that may pose a relative challenge to glmnet'))

  # Model Diagnostics

  # Cross Validation
  if(length(obs_sign) < sig_vars_thresh$model_sel_additive){
      # multi-model characterization
      selected_model = vis_reg(selected_model_list)
      cv = list(auc=selected_model$sel_return[[1]]$cvm[selected_model$sel_return[[1]]$lambda==selected_model$sel_return[[1]]$lambda.min],other_stats=selected_model$sel_return[[1]])
      # cross validation for regularization
      cv = list(auc=selected_model$cvm[selected_model$lambda==selected_model$lambda.min],other_stats=selected_model)

#' model_selection_many_to_few
#' runs regularization then model selection to reduce many variables to a small robust model TODO: Austin and Ben w/ vis_reg
#' @param ..., see model_select parameters
#' @return a list containing: univariate models, the final selected model, and crossvalidation stats.
model_selection_many_to_few <- function(...){
  # run regularization
  # (optional) run interaction regularization
  # identify regularization prototype models
  # for each prototypical model:
    # while not overfit:
      # select highest magnitude contributors
      # univariate screening and backward selection
  # return prototypical models

### Run Tests

mtcars_tests <- function(){
  #	source('~/Desktop/modeling_functions.r')
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',K=5,family = 'gaussian',model=glm)
  sig_vars_thresh = list(model_sel_interaction=6,model_sel_additive=7,glmnet_interaction=200,glmnet_additive=2000) # see regularization output (lower upper bound for additive model selection)
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',K=5,family = 'gaussian',model=glm,sig_vars_thresh=sig_vars_thresh)
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',family='poisson',K=K,thresh_screen = .05)

  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='Wald',K=K)
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',K=K)
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',only_return_selected=FALSE,K=K)
  mtcars$log_mpg = log(mtcars$mpg)
  mod=model_selection(df=mtcars,colnames(mtcars)[-1],response = 'log_mpg',interactions=inter,test='LRT',K=K)

  sig_vars_thresh = list(model_sel_interaction=1,model_sel_additive=1,glmnet_interaction=1,glmnet_additive=1e5)
LewisLabUCSD/RegressionModelPipeline documentation built on Jan. 11, 2021, 10:33 p.m.