
Defines functions TENxMTX

Documented in TENxMTX

#' TENxMTX: The Matrix Market representation class for 10X Data
#' @description This class is designed to work with 10x MTX datasets,
#'   particularly from the multiome pipelines.
#' @slot compressed logical(1) Whether or not the file is in compressed format,
#'   usually gzipped (`.gz`).
#' @details The `TENxMTX` class is a straightforward implementation that allows
#'   the user to import a Matrix Market file format using `Matrix::readMM`.
#'   Currently, it returns a `SummarizedExperiment` with an internal `dgCMatrix`
#'   assay. To request other formats, please open an issue on GitHub.
#' @return A `TENxMTX` class object
#' @exportClass TENxMTX
.TENxMTX <- setClass(Class = "TENxMTX", contains = "TENxFile")

#' TENxMTX: Represent Matrix Market Format Files from 10X
#' This constructor function accepts `.mtx` and `.mtx.gz` compressed formats
#' for eventual importing. It is mainly used with tarball files from 10X
#' Genomics, where more annotation data is included. Importing solely the
#' `.mtx` format will provide users with a `SummarizedExperiment` with an assay
#' of class `dgCMatrix` from the `Matrix` package. Currently, other formats are
#' not supported but if you'd like to request support for a format, please open
#' an issue on GitHub.
#' @inheritParams TENxFile
#' @param compressed logical(1) Whether the resource file is compressed (default
#'   FALSE)
#' @return A `SummarizedExperiment` instance with a `dgCMatrix` in the assay
#' @examples
#' mtxf <- system.file(
#'     "extdata", "pbmc_3k_ff_bc_ex.mtx",
#'     package = "TENxIO", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' con <- TENxMTX(mtxf)
#' import(con)
#' @export
TENxMTX <- function(resource, compressed = FALSE, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    ext <- dots[["extension"]]
    if (is.null(ext))
        ext <- .get_ext(resource)
    compr <- identical(ext, "mtx.gz")
    if (!ext %in% c("mtx.gz", "mtx"))
        warning("File extension is not 'mtx'; import may fail", call. = FALSE)
    .TENxMTX(resource = resource, compressed = compr, extension = ext)

#' @describeIn TENxMTX Import method mainly for mtx.gz files from 10x
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM
#' @inheritParams BiocIO::import
#' @export
setMethod("import", "TENxMTX", function(con, format, text, ...) {
    mtxf <- Matrix::readMM(path(con))
    ## coerce to common use class
    mtxf <- as(mtxf, "CsparseMatrix")
        assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts = mtxf)
LiNk-NY/TENxIO documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 10:59 p.m.