

test_that("One variable", {
    expect_equal(stat_summary("a"), NULL)
    expect_equal(stat_summary(as.numeric(1:10)), c(summary(1:10), "SD" = sd(1:10), "Variance" = var(1:10)))
    expect_equal(table_summary(rnorm(10)), NULL)
    expect_equal(table_summary(1:10), table(1:10, dnn = c("information")))
        table_summary(paste(letters[1:10], collapse = ";")),
        table(letters[1:10], dnn = c("information"))

test_that("Drop NA", {
    expect_equal(nrow(dropEmpty_row(mtcars)), nrow(mtcars))
    expect_equal(nrow(dropEmpty_row(rbind(mtcars, NA))), nrow(mtcars))

mtcars$mine <- letters[seq_len(nrow(mtcars) / 4)]
mtcars$int <- seq_len(nrow(mtcars))
mtcars$log2 <- mtcars$log <- as.logical(mtcars$vs)
mtcars$log2[nrow(mtcars)] <- NA

test_that("Plot one variable", {
    expect_equal(plot_oneway(mtcars$mpg, "mpg")$n, 32)
    expect_equal(plot_oneway(as.factor(mtcars$gear), "gear"), matrix(c(0.7, 1.9, 3.1), ncol = 1))
    expect_equal(class(plot_oneway(mtcars$int, "int")), "histogram")
    expect_equal(nrow(plot_oneway(mtcars$mine, "mine")), nrow(mtcars) / 4)

test_that("Two variables plot", {
    expect_error(plot_twoway(as.factor(mtcars$gear), mtcars$mpg, xvar = "gear", yvar = "mpg", pal = "random"))
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(as.factor(mtcars$gear), mtcars$mpg, xvar = "gear", yvar = "mpg"), NULL)
    expect_equivalent(as.table(plot_twoway(as.factor(mtcars$gear), as.factor(mtcars$gear), xvar = "gear", yvar = "gear")), table("x" = as.factor(mtcars$gear), "y" = as.factor(mtcars$gear)))
    expect_equivalent(as.table(plot_twoway(mtcars$mine, as.factor(mtcars$gear), xvar = "mine", yvar = "gear")), table("x" = as.factor(mtcars$gear), "y" = mtcars$mine))
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(mtcars$mine, mtcars$mpg, xvar = "mine", yvar = "mpg"), NULL)
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$mine, xvar = "mpg", yvar = "mine"), NULL)
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(mtcars$log, mtcars$mpg, xvar = "log", yvar = "mpg"), NULL)
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(mtcars$log2, mtcars$mpg, xvar = "log2", yvar = "mpg"), NULL)
    expect_equal(plot_twoway(mtcars$vs, as.factor(mtcars$gear), xvar = "vs", yvar = "mpg"), seq(0.5, 2.5, by = 0.5))

test_that("Plot code", {
    expect_error(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars$mpg, x = "mpg"), selection = 1)
    expect_error(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars, x = "wooot"))
    expect_error(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars, x = "mpg", selection = 1e4))
    expect_error(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars, x = "mpg", y = "woot"))
    expect_equal(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars, x = "mpg", selection = 1:5), "\n## Install shinycsv if needed\ninstall.packages('devtools')\ndevtools::install_github('LieberInstitute/shinycsv')\n\n## Load necessary code\nlibrary('shinycsv')\n\n## Load your data\ndf <- read_table('mtcars.csv')\n\n## If your file is not in the R current working directory (see it with getwd())\n## then you can run:\n# df <- read_table(file.choose())\n## Note that using file.choose() is not completely reproducible, which is why\n## we prefer the first option.\n\n## Drop empty rows\ndf <- dropEmpty_row(df)\n\n## Subset data\ndf <- df[, c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]\n\n## One variable plot\nplot_oneway(info = df$mpg, title = 'mpg', color = 'lightblue')\n\n## Reproducibility information\noptions(width = 120)\ndevtools::session_info()\nSys.time()\n\n")
    expect_equal(plot_code("mtcars.csv", mtcars, x = "mpg", y = "vs"), "\n## Install shinycsv if needed\ninstall.packages('devtools')\ndevtools::install_github('LieberInstitute/shinycsv')\n\n## Load necessary code\nlibrary('shinycsv')\n\n## Load your data\ndf <- read_table('mtcars.csv')\n\n## If your file is not in the R current working directory (see it with getwd())\n## then you can run:\n# df <- read_table(file.choose())\n## Note that using file.choose() is not completely reproducible, which is why\n## we prefer the first option.\n\n## Drop empty rows\ndf <- dropEmpty_row(df)\n\n## Two variable plot\nplot_twoway(x = df$mpg, y = df$vs, xvar = 'mpg', yvar = 'vs', color = 'lightblue', pal = 'Set1')\n\n## Reproducibility information\noptions(width = 120)\ndevtools::session_info()\nSys.time()\n\n")
LieberInstitute/shinycsv documentation built on May 8, 2023, 7:27 p.m.