dot-reformat: reformat input treatments data.frame

Description Usage Arguments Value


reformat input treatments data.frame





a data.frame showing number of samples per treatment group. For single factor experiment, treatments should contain two columns with one column showing levels of the factor and the other column named "replicates" for number of samples in each level. For factorial experiments, there should be one column for each factor, and the "replicates" column gives number of samples in each combination of factor levels. Please see treatments.example for a template. For the purpose of plotting, please use short factor names and in factorial design using numbers for factor levels is recommended.


a data frame of reformated input treatments dataframe to use as blocksdesign input, repeat each row "replicates" times, so nrow = total number of samples

Lina-Gao/DEdesign documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:39 a.m.