#' Basic summary from the Logdata of a Participation
#' Takes the log data and the already prepared workflow data from a single participant
#' and returns a single line dataframe with general information on the participation.
#' @param json_data The log data for a single participation in form of a json object
#' @param event_lists The prepared data from the workflows of the participant
#' @param scenario_elements Table of scenario elements, their ids and other info
#' @param debug_mode If TRUE the internal hash IDs for the project elements are included and no module specific data is returned.
#' @return A dataframe (consisting of one row) including general information for a single participation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' json_file = "participation_logdata.json"
#' json_data <- rjson::fromJSON(json_file)
#' workflow <- get_workflow(json_data, module_specific=TRUE)
#' participation_data <- get_participation_data(json_data, workflow)
#' }
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr slice
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
get_logdata_summary <- function (json_data, event_lists, scenario_elements, debug_mode=FALSE) {
# Initialization of the dataframe row for the general answer data of the participant with its ID
logdata_summary <- tibble::tibble(id = json_data$surveyInvitation$id) %>%
# extract basic project and survey info
dplyr::mutate(project = json_data$project$title, survey = json_data$survey$title) %>%
# extract basic participation info
dplyr::mutate(token = json_data$surveyInvitation$token,
account_participation = json_data$surveyInvitation$isUserAccountParticipation,
open_participation = json_data$surveyInvitation$isOpenParticipation,
did_participate = FALSE) %>%
# summary information for participants who have actually participated
{ if (length(event_lists)!=0) {
dplyr::mutate(., did_participate = as.logical(length(json_data$surveyEvents)>0),
project_start = getTime(json_data$surveyInvitation$firstSurveyEventTimestamp),
project_end = getTime(json_data$surveyInvitation$lastSurveyEventTimestamp))
} else {.}
} %>%
# Remove ID variable if indicated by Boolean 'hash_ids'
dplyr::select_if(debug_mode|!grepl("^id$|Id$", names(.)))
# Checking if invited participant actually participated
# (to avoid errors by calling non existent variables)
if (logdata_summary$did_participate) {
logdata_summary <- logdata_summary %>%
mutate(salutation = json_data$surveyEvents[[1]]$data$salutation,
first_name = json_data$surveyEvents[[1]]$data$firstName,
last_name = json_data$surveyEvents[[1]]$data$lastName)
# If not debug mode: Add module specific summary information on the event lists
# (i.e., in debug mode module specific info is not available)
if (!debug_mode) {
for (module in names(event_lists)) {
module_events <- event_lists[[module]]
# Extraction of the content of the answer email
# Take the id of the scenario given in the scenario start event
scenario_id <- module_events$data[grepl("STR_SCN$", module_events$code)]
# Use the id to get the completion email address for the scenario given in the `scenario_elements`
completion_email_address <- scenario_elements$name[grepl("^CompletionEmailAddress", scenario_elements$usage_type)&
# Extracting the content of the answer email
# only take the text from the last sent email if the scenario was ended by the participant
if (any(module_events$data[grepl("END_SCN$", module_events$code)]=="ByParticipant")){
answer_sent <- module_events %>%
dplyr::filter(grepl("^T01SND", code)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(time) %>%
dplyr::slice(n()) %>%
# otherwise return `NA`
} else {
answer_sent <- NA
# If no completion email address exists (e.g., because an old data format was used
if (length(completion_email_address)==0){
# always set answer_last_edit to `NA`
answer_last_edit <- NA
# If completion email address is given
} else {
# look for all email address fields in the module events that include the completion mail address after `to` in the data field.
completion_email_header_update_events <- module_events %>%
dplyr::filter(grepl("^T01UPD", code)) %>% # filter to all email header updates
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_extract(data, "^To: ([^;]+);") == paste0("To: ", completion_email_address, ";")) # filter to all that include the completion email address
# get the element codes of all mails that include the completion mail address
completion_email_element_code <- substr(completion_email_header_update_events$code, 7, 11)
# If completion email was sent, set answer_last_edit to the same content
if (length(answer_sent)>1){
answer_last_edit <- answer_sent
# If no completion email was sent
# set the text of answer_last_edit to the text of the last edited email that included the completion email address
} else {
# get the last edit of all emails with the above resulting ids.
answer_last_edit <- module_events %>%
dplyr::filter(grepl("^T01EDT", code) & substr(code, 7, nchar(code)) %in% completion_email_element_code) %>% #select all edit events for the given codes
dplyr::arrange (time) %>% #sort rows by time (for safety purposes - should be sorted already in that way)
dplyr::slice(n()) %>% #select the last row/event
dplyr::pull(data) # get the content of the data column
### In very rare cases, there might be an error if the `to`field is edited again after the editing of the email
### I might be that the participant copies the answer from the clipboard and does not edit it before sending. In that case the
### `answer_last_edit` is different from `answer_sent`! (See example event list below.)
#> tail(module_events)
## A tibble: 6 x 8
#time code duration intensity label data project_time module_time
#<dttm> <chr> <drtn> <int> <chr> <chr> <drtn> <drtn>
#1 2022-01-17 13:01:48 T02DIR9037 2.1620002 secs 1 Email Explorer "Draft" 4278.408 se~ 3330.827 s~
#2 2022-01-17 13:01:50 T01EDT0066 4.1030002 secs 5 Edit Email ">\nHallo Frau Flocke,\n >\n >wie wir~ 4280.570 se~ 3332.989 s~
#3 2022-01-17 13:01:54 T05PST0000 1.7399998 secs 1 Paste From Clipboard "" 4284.673 se~ 3337.092 s~
#4 2022-01-17 13:01:56 T01SND0066 0.0150001 secs 1 Send Email "Sehr geehrter Herr Boeschek, \n\nPow~ 4286.413 se~ 3338.832 s~
#5 2022-01-17 13:01:56 T02DIR9038 1.1480000 secs 1 Email Explorer "Sent" 4286.428 se~ 3338.847 s~
#6 2022-01-17 13:01:57 M02END_SCN 0.0000000 secs 1 Scenario End "ByParticipant" 4287.576 se~ 3339.995 s~
logdata_summary[[paste0("module_",module, "_start_time")]] <- as.numeric(module_events$project_time[1])
logdata_summary[[paste0("module_",module, "_total_duration")]] <- as.numeric(module_events$module_time[length(module_events$module_time)])
logdata_summary[[paste0("module_",module, "_answer_sent")]] <- answer_sent
logdata_summary[[paste0("module_",module, "_answer_last_edit")]] <- answer_last_edit
logdata_summary[[paste0("module_",module, "_event_list")]] <- list(module_events)
#' Formatting time data
#' @param time Time value in string format that is formatted
#' @param tzone Time zone to be used for the formatting of the time value
getTime <- function(time, tzone="CET"){
if (is.null(time)){
} else {
return(lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(time), tzone))
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