Man pages for Luisiglm/KBoost
Inference of gene regulatory networks from gene expression data

add_namesFunction to add names to network for the user.
AUPR_AUROC_matrixFunction to calculate the AUROC and AUPR of a known network....
d4_mfacFunction to obtain the AUPR and AUROC in the DREAM4...
D4_multi_1Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 1
D4_multi_2Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 2
D4_multi_3Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 3
D4_multi_4Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 4
D4_multi_5Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge dataset 5
G_D4_multi_1Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge...
G_D4_multi_2Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge...
G_D4_multi_3Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge...
G_D4_multi_4Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge...
G_D4_multi_5Gold Standard Dream 4 multifactorial pertubation challenge...
Gerstein_Prior_ENET_2Gene Regulatory Network from human ChIP-Seq data in Encode
get_prior_GersteinFunction to build a prior using a previously built Network on...
get_tfs_humanFunction to automatically assign Human TFs given a list of...
grid_search_kboostFunction to perform a grid search and find the...
Human_TFsIndex of human genes' Symbols, Entrez and Ensembl for K-Boost...
irma_checkFunction to produce the AUPR and AUROC Results on the IRMA...
IRMA_GoldIRMA Gold Standard Network
irma_offIRMA Off Dataset
irma_onIRMA On Dataset
kboostA function to run KBoost.
KBoost_human_symbolFunction for KBoost on data from a human sample annotated...
kernel_normalA function to perform feature normalization in kernel space.
kernel_pc_boostingFunction to perform Kernel Principal Component Boosting
KPCFunction to calculate the principal components of a kernel.
net_dist_binFunction to calculate the distance between nodes.
net_refineFunction to do a heuristic post-processing that improves...
net_summary_binFunction to summarize the GRN filtered with a threshold,
RBF_KFunction to calculate the RBF Kernel of a matrix X with width...
tab_2_matrix_D4Function to produce the gold standard of the DREAM4...
write_GRN_D4Function to write output in DREAM4 Challenge Format.
Luisiglm/KBoost documentation built on May 13, 2021, 7:27 p.m.