# ---- pkg_doc ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Spatial econometric interaction models in R
#' @description
#' The `spflow` package provides function to estimate models of
#' origin-destination flows with spatial autocorrelation.
#' The implementation exploits the efficiency gains of the matrix formulation
#' that avoids duplication of the data that describes the origins and
#' the destinations.
#' It offers new data structures and a convenient formula interface
#' that allows to estimate the models with maximal efficiency and minimal
#' effort for the user.
#' The estimators are detailed in \insertCite{Dargel2021;textual}{spflow}.
#' @section Network data:
#' The package provides a new class for representing network data.
#' [These classes][spflow_network_classes()] help to exploit the relational
#' structure of the data and ensure that all origins and destinations are
#' correctly identified.
#' @section Model estimation:
#' The [spflow()] function is the main function for estimation and can be used
#' out of the box using the default configuration, which corresponds to the
#' most general model possible.
#' Fine grained control over the estimation procedure is given via the
#' [spflow_control()] argument through which the user can change, for example,
#' the estimation method or the way in which the covariates should be used.
#' @aliases spflow-package
#' @docType package
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix image diag
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom methods as canCoerce is isGeneric new setClassUnion setGeneric
#' slot validObject
#' @importFrom stats as.formula contrasts cor formula model.matrix optim predict pt
#' quantile reformulate rgamma rnorm runif sd terms terms.formula
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @keywords internal
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
# ---- pkg_deprected ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Deprecated functions in package \pkg{spflow}.
#' @description The functions listed below are deprecated and will be defunct in
#' the near future. When possible, alternative functions with similar
#' functionality are also mentioned. Help pages for deprecated functions are
#' available at \code{help("<function>-deprecated")}.
#' @name spflow-deprecated
#' @keywords internal
# ---- other ------------------------------------------------------------------
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