getTranscripts_GeneSymbol_HG19: getTranscripts_GeneSymbol_HG19

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/getTranscriptsAndExons.R


Get the transcripts for a particular gene


getTranscripts_GeneSymbol_HG19(theGeneEq, theZipFile =
"/geneSurveyData/", theVerboseFlag = FALSE)



The gene symbol (or other entry from the HG19 data)– does not need to have the Ensembl id. If given just the symbol, all gene symbol|Ensembl ids will be returned.


Default: For DQS Servers. If you are on a server where the GENE_REPORT directory is on a different path, you can pass in a value to override the default of "/geneSurveyData/".


Default: FALSE. TRUE means write all output, which can be very verbose.


Collects all transcripts from the Ensembl definitions. All transcripts for the gene requested will be returned. See value for more details.


Returns a data.frame with the following colnames. "gene" The gene symbol|Ensembl id for this row, such as, TP53TG3|ENSG00000183632. "chromosome" The chromosome will be a number from 1 to 16 or an X or Y. "start" Start location for the Exon. "end" End location for the Exon. "strand" The + or - strand. "transcript_type" The transcript type such as "protein_coding" or "nonsense_mediated_decay". "transcript_id" The transcript id to which this Exon belongs, such as ENST00000398680. "transcript_symbol" The transcript symbol, a gene symbol, a dash, and an integer, such as TP53TG3-201.

MD-Anderson-Bioinformatics/GeneSurvey documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:04 p.m.