
#' Normalize whitespace in character columns
#' Replaces 1+ whitespace characters with one space; trims leading and
#' trailing whitespace; and replaces zero-length strings with `NA`.
#' @inheritParams write_precincts
#' @param inner Whether to normalize inner whitespace.
#' @export
normalize_whitespace = function(.data, inner = TRUE) {
  if (!is.data.table(.data)) setDT(.data)
  columns = names(.data)[sapply(.data, is.character)]
  if (inner) {
    .data[, c(columns) := lapply(.SD, str_replace_all, '\\s+', ' '), .SDcols = columns]
  .data[, c(columns) := lapply(.SD, str_trim), .SDcols = columns]
  for (column in columns) {
    .data[get(column) == '', c(column) := NA]

#' Detect pattern matches
#' \code{\%=\%} is made for subsetting dataframes. Matching is case-insensitive
#' and vectorized over `string`.
#' This is almost identical to \code{\link[data.table]{\%like\%}} but it ignores
#' case by default. We could use [base::grepl()] or [stringr::str_detect()], but
#' we do a lot of subsetting, and \code{\%=\%} is as many as 30 characters
#' shorter when ignoring case, while maintaining readability.
#' @param string A character vector.
#' @param pattern A regular expression.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' c('apple', 'banana', 'pear') %=% 'pp'
#' data(virginia)
#' virginia[OfficeTitle %=% 'house', .(OfficeTitle)]
`%=%` = function(string, pattern) {
  str_detect(string, stringr::regex(pattern, TRUE))

#' Remove pattern matches
#' Remove a pattern match from a string. Think of this as regex-powered
#' string subtraction. Matching is case-insensitive and greedy, i.e., all
#' matches will be removed.
#' The equivalent alternatives are `str_remove_all(x, regex(pattern, ignore_case
#' = TRUE))` (which this function wraps) or `gsub('pattern', '', x, ignore.case
#' = TRUE)`.
#' @param string A character vector.
#' @param pattern A regular expression.
#' @return The vector `string` without any substrings matching `pattern`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' 'APPLE' %-% 'l\\w' == 'APP'
#' 'BANANA' %-% 'a|n' == 'B'
`%-%` = function(string, pattern) {
  str_remove_all(string, regex(pattern, TRUE))

#' @describeIn grapes-grapes Alias for removing a pattern match
#' @inheritParams %-%
#' @export
`%r%` = `%-%`

#' Move a pattern match between columns
#' @inheritParams write_precincts
#' @inheritParams %=%
#' @param from Source column in `.data`.
#' @param to Destination column in `.data`.
#' @return The dataframe `.data` with new column `to`.
# '@export
move = function(.data, pattern, from, to) {
  .data = to_datatable(.data)
  n_affected = sum(str_detect(.data[[from]], regex(pattern, TRUE)))
  message(glue('{n_affected}/{nrow(.data)} matching rows in `{from}`'))
  .data[, (to) := str_extract(get(from), regex(pattern, TRUE))]
  .data[, (from) := str_remove(get(from), regex(pattern, TRUE))]
  n_target_na = sum(is.na(.data[[to]]))
  message(glue('{n_target_na}/{nrow(.data)} NA rows in `{to}`'))

#' Extract pattern matches
#' This is an infix operator for case-insensitive substring extraction via
#' regex. Matching is non-greedy, i.e., only the first match is returned.
#' It's implemented as  `str_extract(x, regex('pattern', TRUE))` and like
#' `sub(x, 'inverse-pattern', '', ignore.case = TRUE)`.
#' @inheritParams %=%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' 'APPLE' %e% '\\w{3}' == 'APP'
#' 'BANANA' %e% 'a' == 'A'
`%e%` = function(string, pattern) {
  str_extract(string, regex(pattern, TRUE))

char_cols = function(.data) {
  names(.data)[sapply(.data, is.character)]

is_postal = function(x) {
  state_ids = c(state.abb, 'DC')
  assert_that(all(x %chin% state_ids))
MEDSL/medslcleaner documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:39 a.m.