Man pages for MSKCC-Epi-Bio/gnomeR
Wrangle and analyze IMPACT and TCGA mutation data

add_pathwaysPathway Alterations
annotate_any_panelAnnotate Missing Gene Values According to Specific Panels
annotate_specific_panelUtility function to insert NA's According to Panel
clin_collab_dfAn example data set for an IMPACT analysis coming from a...
cnaAn example IMPACT cBioPortal mutation data set in API format
cna_wideAn example IMPACT cBioPortal CNA in wide format
consequence_mapConsequence Map
create_gene_binaryEnables creation of a binary matrix from a mutation, fusion...
dot-abort_if_not_numericCheck if all gene_binary columns except sample_id and...
dot-check_for_fus_in_mutCheck for fusions in maf file
dot-check_required_colsCheck a Data Frame for Required Columns
dot-clean_and_check_colsChecks genomic input file columns to ensure column names are...
dot-cna_gene_binaryMake Binary Matrix From CNA data frame
dot-filter_to_sample_listFilter to final sample list
dot-fusions_gene_binaryMake Binary Matrix From Fusion data frame
dot-infer_mutation_statusInfer mutation status and assume somatic if none
dot-infer_variant_typeInfer variant type if not present in data
dot-mutations_gene_binaryMake Binary Matrix From Mutation data frame
dot-paste_endingsAdd descriptive endings to hugo symbol names that do not have...
dot-process_binaryCreate binary data.frames depending on type of mutation data
dot-sum_alts_in_pathwaySum Alterations in a Pathway
extract_patient_idExtract IMPACT Patient ID From Sample ID
gene_panelsPublic Gene Panels on cBioPortal
genie_alias_tableGENIE Alias Table
genie_cnaAn example GENIE BPC CNA data set
genie_fusionAn example GENIE BPC fusions data set
genie_mutAn example GENIE BPC mutations data set
ggcomutComutation Heatmap of the Top Altered Genes
gggenecorCorrelation Heatmap of the Top Altered Genes
ggsamplevar#' Utility Function to Extract SNV #' #' @param x string #'...
ggtopgenesBarplot of Most Frequently Altered Genes
ggvarclassBarplot of Variant Classification Counts
ggvartypeBarplot of Variant Type Counts
gnomer_colorsList of suggested color palettes for when you need a large...
gnomeR-packagegnomeR: Wrangle and analyze IMPACT and TCGA mutation data
gnomer_paletteAccess the colors in a gnomeR color palette
gnomer_palettesComplete list of gnomeR color palettes
impact_alias_tableIMPACT Alias Tables
mutationsAn example IMPACT cBioPortal mutation data set in API format
mutation_vizCreates a set of plot summarising a mutation file.
names_dfData Frame of Column Names
pathwaysIMPACT Oncogenic Signaling Pathways
pivot_cna_longerReformat Wide CNA Data to Long
pivot_cna_widerPivot CNA from maf (long) version to wide version
recode_aliasRecode Hugo Symbol Column
recode_cnaFunction to recode numeric CNA alteration values to factor...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reformat_fusionEnables users to reformat fusions files so that each fusion...
rename_columnsRename columns from API results to work with gnomeR functions
reset_gnomer_paletteReset gnomeR color palette
resolve_aliasResolve Hugo Symbol Names with Aliases
segA segmentation file from the cbioPortal datasets
set_gnomer_paletteSet gnomeR color palette
specify_impact_panelsIMPACT Panel Annotation of NA's
subset_by_frequencySubset a Binary Matrix By Alteration Frequency Threshold
subset_by_panelSubset a Binary Matrix By Genes Available on Specified Panel
summarize_by_geneSimplify binary matrix to one column per gene that counts any...
svAn example IMPACT cBioPortal mutation data set in API format
sv_longAn example of long-format fusion/sv files
which_impact_panelprovide a list of impact panels a provided gene is found...
MSKCC-Epi-Bio/gnomeR documentation built on March 28, 2024, 2:42 a.m.