Man pages for MagicForrest/DGVMTools
DGVM Processing, Analysis and Plotting Tools

addAreaAdds the gridcell area to a spatial Field or...
addMapOverlayMake a map overlay for ggplot2
addStandardSpatialAttributesAdds standard spatial attributes to a netCDF file
addToAdd Layer/Quantity to a Format/Source/Field
aDGVMBiomeRulesRules to classify tropical biomes from aDGVM1 output
aggregateSpatialSpatially aggregate a Field
aggregateSpatial.uncompiledSpatially aggregate a Field
aggregateSubannualSub-annual aggregation
aggregateSubannual.uncompiledSub-annual aggregation
aggregateYearsAggregate years
aggregateYears.uncompiledAggregate years
availableQuantitiesList available quantities
availableQuantities_aDGVMList available aDGVM Quantities in a run
availableQuantities_aDGVM2List aDGVM2 quantities avialable
availableQuantities_GUESSList all LPJ-GUESS *.out files in a run directory
availableQuantities_NetCDFList all LPJ-GUESS *.out files in a source directory
averageFieldsAverage Fields
BiomeScheme-classSmith et al 2014 *Smith2014BiomeScheme* Classification of...
byIDfromListRetrieves an object from a list based on it's 'id' slot
calcNewFieldSimple calculation of new Fields
calcNMECalculate Normalised Mean Error
calcNMSECalculate Normalised Mean Square Error
categoricalComparisonComparison between two datasets of categorical variables
checkDimensionValuesCheck values of a particular dimension
checkSourceChecks validity of a 'Source'.
checkSTAMatchesChecks if STAInfo matches between Fields
commonSTAInfoChecks common for STAInfo object
compareLayersCompare layers to each other
Comparison-classContains a comparison between two layers
continuousComparisonCompare continuous data
copyLayersCopy layers from one Field to another
crop-methodsCrop methods
defineLayerDefine a Layer object
defineQuantityDefine a Quantity object
defineSourceDefine a Source object that represents a model run or data...
determinePFTsGet PFTs present
DGVMTools-packageAn overview of the DGVMTools package
equivalentQuantitiesCheck if two Quantity objects are equivalent
export-methodsCoerce from Fields and Comparisons
extent-methodsExtent methods
extractRasterExtentGet an extent from anything
extract.seqExtract a regular sequence from unique values in a vector
Field-classField-class contains data
FieldToArrayConvert a Field to Arrays
FireMIPBiomeRulesRules to classify FireMIP biomes from fractionalcover of PFTs
Format-classFormat class
Forrest2015MegaBiomeRulesRules to classify coarses "mega biomes" as per Forrest et al....
FPCMegaBiomeRulesRules for biome scheme based on FPC
getDailyField_aDGVMGet a 'daily' aDGVM Field
getDimInfoReturns the spatio-temporal information
getFieldGet a 'Field' from a 'Source'
getField_aDGVMGet a Field for aDGVM
getField_aDGVM2Get a Field for aDGVM2
getField_GUESSGet a Field for LPJ-GUESS
getField_NetCDFGet a Field for NetCDF
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1Read aDGVM2 quantities from pop file
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2Read aDGVM2 quantities from trait file
getSchemeGet a Classification 'Field' from a 'Source'
getStandardQuantity_aDGVMReturns the data from one aDGVM output variable as a...
getStandardQuantity_LPJReturns the data from one LPJ-GUESS output variable as a...
getYearlyField_aDGVMGet a yearly aDGVM Field
grapes-slash-0-grapesSafe division
gridarea1dgrid cell area along a vector of latitudes
gridarea2dReturns the area for a lon/lat grid.
GrowthFormAdgvm2BiomeRulesRules to classify coarse tropical biomes
Hickler2012RulesRules to classify biomes as per Hickler et al. 2012
is.leapyearcheck if a given year is a leap year
is.object-methodsCheck if an object is a particular type of DGVMTools object.
Layer-classClass to hold the metadata for a "Layer"
layerOpLayer Operation
lm_eqnMake linear fit equation string
LondonCentreLondon centre a gridcell
lookupQuantityRetrieve a Quantity from the standard list.
LPJQuantFromFilenameHelper function to raster::trim the ".out" or the ".out.gz"...
makeFieldIDMake an ID string for a 'Field'
makePlotTitleMake a plot titles
makeSPDFfromDTMake SpatialPixelDataFrame from a data.table
makeYAxisMake y-axis
matchLayerColsMake a LAyer colour list
MeditBiomeRulesRules to classify coarses Mediterranean biomes
MegaBiomeRules_devRules to classify coarser "mega biomes" from LAI, latitude...
mergeFieldsForPlottingMerge data from Field for plotting
namesLayer name methods
openLPJOutputFileOpen an LPJ-GUESS .out file
openLPJOutputFile_FireMIPOpen an LPJ-GUESS .out file
parseStartDateParse start date
Period-classTime periods - eg. a month or a season or a year.
PhenologyAdgvm2BiomeRulesRules to classify coarse tropical biomes
plotScatterMake a scatter plot
plotSpatialPlot maps from a 'Field' or a lists of 'Field'
plotSpatialComparisonPlot a comparison between two spatial layers
plotSubannualPlots sub-annual cycles
plotTemporalPlot temporal data
plotTemporalComparisonPlot a comparison between two Temporal layers
processDailyNCAxisprocessDailyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which...
processDailyRelativeNCAxisprocessDailyRelativeNCAXis This function processes a relative...
processMonthlyNCAxisprocessMonthlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis...
processYearlyNCAxisprocessYearlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which...
promoteToRasterConvert to Raster
proportionsComparisonCompare relative proportions data
Quantity-classClass to hold meta-data for a vegetation quantity
readRegularASCIIRead ASCII table
renameLayersRename layers
santiseComparisonsForPlottingSanitise input Comparisons for plotting
santiseDimensionsForPlottingSanitise STAInfo for plotting
santiseFieldsForPlottingThis is an internal helper function which checks the inputs...
santiseLayersForPlottingSanitise input layers for plotting
Scheme-classA classification scheme
seasonalComparisonCompare seasonal data
selectDaysSelect days from a Field
selectGridcellsSelect gridcells
selectLayersSelect layers
selectMonthsSelect months from a Field
selectSeasonsSelect seasons from a Field
selectYearsSelect years from a Field
setKeyDGVMSets keys on data.table based in the spatial (Lon, Lat) and...
showShow a DGVMTools object
SimpleAdgvm2BiomeRulesRules to classify coarse tropical biomes
SimpleHeightAdgvm2BiomeRulesRules to classify coarse tropical biomes
Smith2014BiomeRulesRules to classify biomes as per Smith et al. 2014
Source-classMetadata for a data source
STAInfo-classSTAInfo class
stats_modeStatistical mode
Summary-methodsSummary methods
supported.classification.schemesCurrently supported classification schemes
trimFieldsForPlottingSubsets data from Field for plotting
whichLayersSelect Layers
writeField-methodsWrite methods
writeNetCDF-methodswriteNetCDF methods
MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.