addArea | Adds the gridcell area to a spatial Field or... |
addMapOverlay | Make a map overlay for ggplot2 |
addStandardSpatialAttributes | Adds standard spatial attributes to a netCDF file |
addTo | Add Layer/Quantity to a Format/Source/Field |
aDGVMBiomeRules | Rules to classify tropical biomes from aDGVM1 output |
aggregateSpatial | Spatially aggregate a Field |
aggregateSpatial.uncompiled | Spatially aggregate a Field |
aggregateSubannual | Sub-annual aggregation |
aggregateSubannual.uncompiled | Sub-annual aggregation |
aggregateYears | Aggregate years |
aggregateYears.uncompiled | Aggregate years |
availableQuantities | List available quantities |
availableQuantities_aDGVM | List available aDGVM Quantities in a run |
availableQuantities_aDGVM2 | List aDGVM2 quantities avialable |
availableQuantities_GUESS | List all LPJ-GUESS *.out files in a run directory |
availableQuantities_NetCDF | List all LPJ-GUESS *.out files in a source directory |
averageFields | Average Fields |
BiomeScheme-class | Smith et al 2014 *Smith2014BiomeScheme* Classification of... |
byIDfromList | Retrieves an object from a list based on it's 'id' slot |
calcNewField | Simple calculation of new Fields |
calcNME | Calculate Normalised Mean Error |
calcNMSE | Calculate Normalised Mean Square Error |
categoricalComparison | Comparison between two datasets of categorical variables |
checkDimensionValues | Check values of a particular dimension |
checkSource | Checks validity of a 'Source'. |
checkSTAMatches | Checks if STAInfo matches between Fields |
commonSTAInfo | Checks common for STAInfo object |
compareLayers | Compare layers to each other |
Comparison-class | Contains a comparison between two layers |
continuousComparison | Compare continuous data |
copyLayers | Copy layers from one Field to another |
crop-methods | Crop methods |
defineLayer | Define a Layer object |
defineQuantity | Define a Quantity object |
defineSource | Define a Source object that represents a model run or data... |
determinePFTs | Get PFTs present |
DGVMTools-package | An overview of the DGVMTools package |
equivalentQuantities | Check if two Quantity objects are equivalent |
export-methods | Coerce from Fields and Comparisons |
extent-methods | Extent methods |
extractRasterExtent | Get an extent from anything |
extract.seq | Extract a regular sequence from unique values in a vector |
Field-class | Field-class contains data |
FieldToArray | Convert a Field to Arrays |
FireMIPBiomeRules | Rules to classify FireMIP biomes from fractionalcover of PFTs |
Format-class | Format class |
Forrest2015MegaBiomeRules | Rules to classify coarses "mega biomes" as per Forrest et al.... |
FPCMegaBiomeRules | Rules for biome scheme based on FPC |
getDailyField_aDGVM | Get a 'daily' aDGVM Field |
getDimInfo | Returns the spatio-temporal information |
getField | Get a 'Field' from a 'Source' |
getField_aDGVM | Get a Field for aDGVM |
getField_aDGVM2 | Get a Field for aDGVM2 |
getField_GUESS | Get a Field for LPJ-GUESS |
getField_NetCDF | Get a Field for NetCDF |
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme1 | Read aDGVM2 quantities from pop file |
getQuantity_aDGVM2_Scheme2 | Read aDGVM2 quantities from trait file |
getScheme | Get a Classification 'Field' from a 'Source' |
getStandardQuantity_aDGVM | Returns the data from one aDGVM output variable as a... |
getStandardQuantity_LPJ | Returns the data from one LPJ-GUESS output variable as a... |
getYearlyField_aDGVM | Get a yearly aDGVM Field |
grapes-slash-0-grapes | Safe division |
gridarea1d | grid cell area along a vector of latitudes |
gridarea2d | Returns the area for a lon/lat grid. |
GrowthFormAdgvm2BiomeRules | Rules to classify coarse tropical biomes |
Hickler2012Rules | Rules to classify biomes as per Hickler et al. 2012 |
is.leapyear | check if a given year is a leap year |
is.object-methods | Check if an object is a particular type of DGVMTools object. |
Layer-class | Class to hold the metadata for a "Layer" |
layerOp | Layer Operation |
lm_eqn | Make linear fit equation string |
LondonCentre | London centre a gridcell |
lookupQuantity | Retrieve a Quantity from the standard list. |
LPJQuantFromFilename | Helper function to raster::trim the ".out" or the ".out.gz"... |
makeFieldID | Make an ID string for a 'Field' |
makePlotTitle | Make a plot titles |
makeSPDFfromDT | Make SpatialPixelDataFrame from a data.table |
makeYAxis | Make y-axis |
matchLayerCols | Make a LAyer colour list |
MeditBiomeRules | Rules to classify coarses Mediterranean biomes |
MegaBiomeRules_dev | Rules to classify coarser "mega biomes" from LAI, latitude... |
mergeFieldsForPlotting | Merge data from Field for plotting |
names | Layer name methods |
openLPJOutputFile | Open an LPJ-GUESS .out file |
openLPJOutputFile_FireMIP | Open an LPJ-GUESS .out file |
parseStartDate | Parse start date |
Period-class | Time periods - eg. a month or a season or a year. |
PhenologyAdgvm2BiomeRules | Rules to classify coarse tropical biomes |
plotScatter | Make a scatter plot |
plotSpatial | Plot maps from a 'Field' or a lists of 'Field' |
plotSpatialComparison | Plot a comparison between two spatial layers |
plotSubannual | Plots sub-annual cycles |
plotTemporal | Plot temporal data |
plotTemporalComparison | Plot a comparison between two Temporal layers |
processDailyNCAxis | processDailyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which... |
processDailyRelativeNCAxis | processDailyRelativeNCAXis This function processes a relative... |
processMonthlyNCAxis | processMonthlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis... |
processYearlyNCAxis | processYearlyNCAxis This function processes a time axis which... |
promoteToRaster | Convert to Raster |
proportionsComparison | Compare relative proportions data |
Quantity-class | Class to hold meta-data for a vegetation quantity |
readRegularASCII | Read ASCII table |
renameLayers | Rename layers |
santiseComparisonsForPlotting | Sanitise input Comparisons for plotting |
santiseDimensionsForPlotting | Sanitise STAInfo for plotting |
santiseFieldsForPlotting | This is an internal helper function which checks the inputs... |
santiseLayersForPlotting | Sanitise input layers for plotting |
Scheme-class | A classification scheme |
seasonalComparison | Compare seasonal data |
selectDays | Select days from a Field |
selectGridcells | Select gridcells |
selectLayers | Select layers |
selectMonths | Select months from a Field |
selectSeasons | Select seasons from a Field |
selectYears | Select years from a Field |
setKeyDGVM | Sets keys on data.table based in the spatial (Lon, Lat) and... |
show | Show a DGVMTools object |
SimpleAdgvm2BiomeRules | Rules to classify coarse tropical biomes |
SimpleHeightAdgvm2BiomeRules | Rules to classify coarse tropical biomes |
Smith2014BiomeRules | Rules to classify biomes as per Smith et al. 2014 |
Source-class | Metadata for a data source |
STAInfo-class | STAInfo class |
stats_mode | Statistical mode |
Summary-methods | Summary methods |
supported.classification.schemes | Currently supported classification schemes |
trimFieldsForPlotting | Subsets data from Field for plotting |
whichLayers | Select Layers |
writeField-methods | Write methods |
writeNetCDF-methods | writeNetCDF methods |
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