## ----packages and setup, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, fig.width=8, autodep=TRUE)
library(DGVMTools, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## ----Define source, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------
# a little bit of magic to get the path to the example data included in the package on your system
example.run.directory <- system.file("extdata", "LPJ-GUESS_Runs", "CentralEurope", package = "DGVMTools")
GUESS.run <- defineSource(id = "LPJ-GUESS_Example",
dir = example.run.directory, # this would normlly just be a character string containing a path
format = GUESS,
name = "LPJ-GUESS Example Run")
## ----Source info, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
## ----Get data, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------------------
LAI.full <- getField(source = GUESS.run,
var = "lai")
## ----Field info, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------------
## ----Get data with year aggregation, echo=TRUE--------------------------------
LAI.year.mean <- getField(source = GUESS.run,
var = "lai",
year.aggregate.method = "mean")
## ----Check dimensions, echo = TRUE--------------------------------------------
## ----Get data with spatial aggregation, echo = TRUE---------------------------
LAI.spatial.mean <- getField(source = GUESS.run,
var = "lai",
spatial.aggregate.method = "mean")
## ----Spatial plot, out.width = "95%", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 1, echo = TRUE----
## ----Spatial plot layers, out.width = "95%", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 0.5, echo = TRUE----
print(plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, layers = c("TeBS", "Total")))
## ----Temporal plot, out.width = "95%", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 1, echo = TRUE----
## ----Fail plot, out.width = "95%", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 1, echo = TRUE----
## ----layerOp, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------
# calculate tree total the long way around
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(x = LAI.year.mean, operator = "+", layers = c("BINE", "BNE", "BNS", "IBS", "TeBS", "TeBE", "TeNE", "TrBE", "TrIBE", "TrBR"), new.layer = "TreeTotal1")
# calculate tree total using dot notation
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(x = LAI.year.mean, operator = "+", layers = ".Tree", new.layer = "TreeTotal2")
# check the difference (subtract, print and plot)
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(x = LAI.year.mean, operator = "-", layers = c("TreeTotal1", "TreeTotal2"), new.layer = "TreeTotalDiff")
print(plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, c("TreeTotal1", "TreeTotal2", "TreeTotalDiff")))
## ----layerOp max, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
# calculate maximum PFT
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "max.layer", ".PFT", "MaxPFT")
# calculate maximum Tree
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "max.layer", ".Tree", "MaxTree")
# plot
print(plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, c("MaxPFT", "MaxTree")))
# calculate total tree and grass totals. Note that further to `"+"` as used above, addition of layers can be defined with the with character string `"sum"` or and arbitary function i.e. `sum`
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "sum", ".Grass", "Grass")
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, sum, ".Tree", "Tree")
# Calculate if trees or grasssis dominant
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "max.layer", c("Tree", "Grass"), "MaxLifeform")
# plot
print(plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, c("MaxLifeform")))
## ----layerOp fraction, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------
# calculate maximum PFT
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "/", c("Tree", "Total"), "TreeFraction")
LAI.year.mean <- layerOp(LAI.year.mean, "/", c("Grass", "Total"), "GrassFraction")
# plot
print(plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, c("TreeFraction", "GrassFraction")))
## ----open data, echo=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------
# new Source (different model run, this time over fFrica)
GUESS.Africa.run <- defineSource(id = "LPJ-GUESS_Example_Africa",
dir = system.file("extdata", "LPJ-GUESS_Runs", "CentralAfrica", package = "DGVMTools"),
format = GUESS,
name = "LPJ-GUESS Africa Example Run")
# get standard variable vegC_std between the years 2000 and 2010
GUESS.vegC <- getField(GUESS.Africa.run,
first.year = 2000,
last.year = 2010,
year.aggregate.method = "mean")
# calculate Tree total and have a plot
GUESS.vegC <- layerOp(GUESS.vegC, "+", ".Tree", "Tree")
print(plotSpatial(GUESS.vegC, "Tree"))
# define the data Source (Saatchi biomass data @ HD)
Saatchi.dataset <- defineSource(id = "Saatch2011",
name = "Saatchi et al. 2011 tropical biomass",
format = DGVMData,
dir = system.file("extdata", "DGVMData", "Saatchi2011", "HD", package = "DGVMTools"))
# get the data field
Saatchi.vegC <- getField(source = Saatchi.dataset,
var = "vegC_std")
# have a look and plot
## ----comparison, fig.asp = 1, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------
# compare layers to produce a Comparison object
vegC.comparison <- compareLayers(field1 = GUESS.vegC, field2 = Saatchi.vegC, layers1 = "Tree", layers2 = "Tree", override.quantity = TRUE)
# have a look at this comparison object (lots of metadata tracked)
print(vegC.comparison )
# plot difference map
# plot side-by-side
print(plotSpatialComparison(vegC.comparison, type = "values"))
# make scatter plot
## ----select, fig.asp = 1, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# define a gridecll and the get a Field of the monthly LAI for the gridcell
gridcell <- data.frame(Lon = c(0.25), Lat = c(51.25))
London.mlai <- getField(source = GUESS.run,
var = "mlai",
spatial.extent = gridcell,
spatial.extent.id = "London baby")
# plot LAI
print(plotSubannual(field = London.mlai,
col.by = "Year",
alpha = 0.5))
## ----model biomes, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------------
# read and plot global biomes
biomes.model <- getScheme(GUESS.run, Smith2014BiomeScheme, year.aggregate.method = "mean")
#print(plotSpatial(biomes.model, map.overlay = "world"))
## ----data biomes, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
# data biomes source
biomes.source <- defineSource(id = "DataBiomes",
dir = system.file("extdata", "DGVMData", "HandP_PNV", "HD", package = "DGVMTools"),
format = DGVMData,
name = "Haxeltine and Prentice Biomes")
biomes.data <- getField(source = biomes.source, var = "Smith2014")
## ----biomes comparison, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------
biome.comparison <- compareLayers(field1 = biomes.model, field2 = biomes.data, layers1 = "Smith2014", layers2 = "Smith2014")
# have a look at this comparison object
print(biome.comparison )
# plot side-by-side
print(plotSpatialComparison(biome.comparison, type = "values"))
# plot difference map
print(plotSpatialComparison(biome.comparison, type = "difference"))
## ----facetting, echo=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------
# make a plot with silly facets
lifeform.plot <- plotSpatial(LAI.year.mean, layers = c("Tree", "Grass", "Total"), ylim = c(35,45))
# arrange facets with three rows
lifeform.plot <- lifeform.plot + facet_wrap(~Facet, nrow =3)
## ----legends, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------
# ove and format legends, and make the text slightly smaller
biome.plot <- plotSpatialComparison(biome.comparison, type = "values")
biome.plot <- biome.plot + theme(legend.position = "bottom", text = element_text(size = theme_get()$text$size * 0.75))
biome.plot <- biome.plot+ guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 2))
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