## ----packages, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------
library(DGVMTools, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#library(raster, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#library(data.table, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#library(plyr, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#library(viridis, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#library(Cairo, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------
## ----accessing a slot, echo=TRUE-----------------------------------------
## ----get Layers, echo=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
original.Layers <- GUESS@predefined.layers
## ----modify PFTs, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------
new.Layer = new("Layer",
id = "NewTree",
name = "Some New Tree PFT Layer",
colour = "red",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Summergreen",
climate.zone = "Temperate")
new.Layer.list <- append(original.Layers, new.Layer)
GUESS@predefined.layers <- new.Layer.list
## ----id slot, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------------
id_NewFormat <- "Example_Format"
## ----defined.layers slot, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------
Layers_NewFormat <- list(
# A couple of tree PFTs
TeBE = new("Layer",
id = "TeBE",
name = "Temperate Broadleaved Evergreen Tree",
colour = "darkgreen",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Evergreen",
climate.zone = "Temperate")
TeBS = new("Layer",
id = "TeBS",
name = "Temperate Broadleaved Summergreen Tree",
colour = "darkolivegreen3",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Tree",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "Summergreen",
climate.zone = "Temperate")
# And a couple of grasses
C3G = new("Layer",
id = "C3G",
name = "Boreal/Temperate Grass",
colour = "lightgoldenrod1",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "GrassPhenology",
climate.zone = "NA")
C4G = new("Layer",
id = "C4G",
name = "Tropical Grass",
colour = "sienna2",
properties = list(type = "PFT",
growth.form = "Grass",
leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
phenology = "GrassPhenology",
climate.zone = "NA")
# Now take a look at them
for(Layer in Layers_NewFormat) {
## ----quantities slot, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------
quantities_NewFormat <- list(
# Just a couple of example quantities
id = "LAI",
name = "LAI",
units = "m^2/m^2",
colours = reversed.viridis,
format = c("Example_Format"),
cf.name = "leaf_area_index"),
id = "Veg_C",
name = "Vegetation Carbon Mass",
units = "kgC/m^2",
colours = viridis::viridis,
format = c("Example_Format"))
# Now take a look at them
for(quant in quantities_NewFormat ) {
## ----available Quantities, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------
availableQuantities_NewFormat <- function(x, names = TRUE, additional.args){
# typical stuff
# * get a list of files in the directory
# * scan the files for different variables
# * build a list of qunatities present in the model output / dataset
# dummy code
Quantities.present <- list()
## ----get Field, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------------
getField_NewFormat <- function(source, quant, sta.info, verbose, ...){
# open the file and read the data with ncvar_get() or read.table() or whatever
# code needs to get the data as a data.table so reformat it
# data.tables should be melted down to one column for Lat, Lon, Year, Month and Day (as appropriate).
# days run from 1-365, and if data is daily no Month column should be used
# dummy code
dt <- data.table()
# also an STAInfo object
# define this properly based on the actual data in the data.table
return.sta.info <- new("STAInfo",
first.year = 1901, # let's say
last.year = 2018, # let's say
year.aggregate.method = "none", # see NOTE 1 below
spatial.extent = extent(dt), # raster::extent function has been define for data.tables, might be useful
spatial.extent.id = "Full", # see NOTE 2 below
spatial.aggregate.method = "none", # see NOTE 1 below
subannual.resolution = "monthly", # let's say
subannual.aggregate.method = "none", # see NOTE 1 below
subannual.original = "monthly" # let's say
# NOTE 1: normally there is no reason to do any aggregation in this function since it will be done later (and doesn't save any disk reading)
# NOTE 2: if no spatial cropping at this stage set this to be the character string "Full", if spatial cropping was done, set it to the spatail.extent.id argument of the target sta.info object
# make the Field ID based on the STAInfo and
field.id <- makeFieldID(source = source, var.string = quant@id, sta.info = sta.info)
# build a new Field
return.Field <- new("Field",
id = field.id,
quant = quant,
data = dt,
sta.info = return.sta.info,
source = source)
## ----Builing the Format, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------
NewFormat <- new("Format",
id = id_NewFormat,
predefined.layers = Layers_NewFormat,
quantities = quantities_NewFormat,
availableQuantities = availableQuantities_NewFormat,
getField =getField_NewFormat)
## ----Final print, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------
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