
Defines functions trainNMF

Documented in trainNMF

#' @name trainNMF
#' @rdname trainNMF
#' @title train NMF model
#' @aliases trainNMF
#' @description This is the training function used by SPOTLight. This function
#'   takes in single cell expression data, trains the model and learns topic
#'    profiles for each cell type
#' @param x,y single-cell and mixture dataset, respectively. Can be a
#'   numeric matrix or \code{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @param groups character vector of group labels for cells in \code{x}.
#'   When \code{x} is a \code{SingleCellExperiment},
#'   defaults to \code{colLabels(x)}. Make sure groups is not a Factor.
#' @param mgs \code{data.frame} or \code{DataFrame} of marker genes.
#'   Must contain columns holding gene identifiers, group labels and
#'   the weight (e.g., logFC, -log(p-value) a feature has in a given group.
#' @param hvg character vector containing hvg to include in the model.
#'   By default NULL.
#' @param gene_id,group_id,weight_id character specifying the column
#'   in \code{mgs} containing gene identifiers, group labels and weights,
#'   respectively.
#' @param scale logical specifying whether to scale single-cell counts to unit
#'   variance. This gives the user the option to normalize the data beforehand
#'   as you see fit (CPM, FPKM, ...) when passing a matrix or specifying the
#'   slot from where to extract the count data.
#' @param n_top integer scalar specifying the number of markers to select per
#'  group. By default NULL uses all the marker genes to initialize the model.
#' @param model character string indicating which model to use when running NMF.
#' Either "ns" (default) or "std".
#' @param slot_sc,slot_sp If the object is of class \code{SingleCellExperiment}
#'  indicates matrix to use. By default "counts".
#' @param verbose logical. Should information on progress be reported?
#' @param ... additional parameters.
#' @return base a list where the first element is an \code{NMFfit} object and
#'   the second is a matrix containing the topic profiles learnt.
#' @author Marc Elosua Bayes & Helena L Crowell
#' @examples
#' set.seed(321)
#' # mock up some single-cell, mixture & marker data
#' sce <- mockSC(ng = 200, nc = 10, nt = 3)
#' spe <- mockSP(sce)
#' mgs <- getMGS(sce)
#' res <- trainNMF(
#'     x = sce,
#'     y = spe,
#'     groups = sce$type,
#'     mgs = mgs,
#'     weight_id = "weight",
#'     group_id = "type",
#'     gene_id = "gene")
#' # Get NMF model
#' res[["mod"]]
#' # Get topic profiles
#' res[["topic"]]

#' @rdname trainNMF
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom NMF nmf nmfModel
#' @export
trainNMF <- function(
    groups = NULL,
    n_top = NULL,
    gene_id = "gene",
    group_id = "cluster",
    weight_id = "weight",
    hvg = NULL,
    model = c("ns", "std"),
    scale = TRUE,
    verbose = TRUE,
    slot_sc = "counts",
    slot_sp = "counts",
    ...) {
    # check validity of input arguments
    model <- match.arg(model)

    if (is.null(n_top))
        n_top <- max(table(mgs[[group_id]]))
    ids <- c(gene_id, group_id, weight_id)

        is.character(ids), length(ids) == 3, ids %in% names(mgs),
        is.null(groups) | length(groups) == ncol(x),
        is.logical(scale), length(scale) == 1,
        is.logical(verbose), length(verbose) == 1)

    # Set groups if x is SCE or SE and groups is NULL
    if (is.null(groups))
        groups <- .set_groups_if_null(x)

    groups <- as.character(groups)

    # Stop if at least one of the groups doesn't have marker genes
    stopifnot(groups %in% mgs[[group_id]])

    # Extract expression matrices for x and y
    if (!is.matrix(x))
        x <- .extract_counts(x, slot_sc)

    if (!is.matrix(y))
        y <- .extract_counts(y, slot_sp)

    # select genes in mgs or hvg
    if (!is.null(hvg)) {
        # Select union of genes between markers and HVG
        mod_genes <- union(unique(mgs[, gene_id]), hvg)
    } else {
        # Select genes from the marker genes only
        mod_genes <- unique(mgs[, gene_id])

    # Select intersection between interest and present in x (sce) & y (spe)
    mod_genes <- intersect(mod_genes, intersect(rownames(x), rownames(y)))

    # drop features that are undetected
    # in single-cell and/or mixture data
    x <- .filter(x[mod_genes, ], y[mod_genes, ])
    mgs <- mgs[mgs[[gene_id]] %in% rownames(x), ]

    # scale to unit variance (optional)
    if (scale) {
        if (verbose) message("Scaling count matrix")
        x <- .scale_uv(x)

    # capture start time
    t0 <- Sys.time()

    # set model rank to number of groups
    rank <- length(unique(groups))

    # get seeding matrices (optional)
    seed <- if (TRUE) {
        if (verbose) message("Seeding initial matrices")
        hw <- .init_nmf(x, groups, mgs, n_top, gene_id, group_id, weight_id)
        nmfModel(W = hw$W, H = hw$H, model = paste0("NMF", model))

    # train NMF model
    if (verbose) message("Training NMF model")
    mod <- nmf(x, rank, paste0(model, "NMF"), seed, ...)

    # capture stop time
    t1 <- Sys.time()

    # print runtimes
    if (verbose) {
        dt <- round(difftime(t1, t0, units = "mins"), 2)
        message("Time for training: ", dt, "min")

    # get topic profiles per cell type
    topic <- .topic_profiles(mod, groups)

    return(list("mod" = mod, "topic" = topic))
MarcElosua/SPOTlight documentation built on March 7, 2024, 4:58 p.m.