
Defines functions research_project

Documented in research_project

#' This function is called by Rstudio when a Research project rproj template is created
#' Defines folder structure and creates a README
#' @importFrom utils download.file

research_project <- function(path, ...) {
  # Create folders -----------------------------------
  folders <- paste0(

         function(path) if(!dir.exists(path)){
           dir.create(path, FALSE)})

  # Create README.txt ---------------------------------------
    c("# Metadata",
      "What is this project?",
      "Who is involved?",
      "When did it start?",
      "# Journal",
      "What actions were taken to achieve the objectives and when?",
      "# Folder structure",
      "+-- project-name.Rproj",
      "+-- docs\t\t\tLegal, financial and logistic documents",
      "|\t`-- planning-resources",
      "+-- data\t\t\t\tData used to prepare the analysis and outputs",
      "|\t+-- raw\t\t\t\t\tData as collected - NOT ALTERED IN ANY WAY",
      "|\t+-- clean\t\t\t\tData that has been cleaned and corrected",
      "|\t\t`-- *-README.txt\t\tData dictionary for data files",
      "+-- scripts\t\t\t\tScripts used for analysis ",
      "|\t+-- 0-process-data.R\t\t\tProcess raw data into clean",
      "|\t`-- k-*.R\t\t\t\tScripts for other processes",
      "+-- outputs\t\t\t\tOutputs of scripts - figures, tables, models, etc",
      "+-- analysis\t\t\t\tDocuments written about the data and outputs",
      "|\t+-- reports",
      "|\t`-- manuscript",
      "|\t \t`-- biblio.bib \t\t\tBibliography used in manuscript ",
      "`-- photo-backups\t\t\tPhotographic backup of field tables or others"),
    paste0(path, "/README.txt")

  # Download files -------------------------------------
    paste0(path, "/02-data/metadata-template.xlsx")
MarcioFCMartins/MMartins documentation built on May 1, 2024, 2:20 a.m.