
Defines functions hybrid_simultanee

Documented in hybrid_simultanee

# hybrid_simultanee
#' \code{hybrid_simultanee} performs a simultaneous seg - clustering for bivariate signals.
#' It is an algorithm which combines dynamic programming
#' and the EM algorithm to calculate the MLE of phi and T, which 
#' are the mixture parameters and the change point instants.
#' this algorithm is run for a given number of clusters,
#' and estimates the parameters for a segmentation/clustering
#' model with P clusters and 1:Kmax segments
#' @param x the two-dimensionnal signal, one line per dimension
#' @param P the number of classes 
#' @param Kmax the maximal number of segments
#' @export
#' @return  a list with Linc, the incomplete loglikelihood =Linc,param=paramtau posterior probability 
#' @examples
#' K  <- 5; rupt <- sample(1:20, K+1, replace=TRUE); rupt <- cumsum(rupt); 
#' n <- max(rupt)
#' muSim <- matrix(rnorm(2*K+2,  mean=20, sd=5), nrow=2) 
#' muSim <- apply(muSim,1, cumsum)
#' muSim <- t(muSim)
#' sdSim <- matrix(sqrt(1/rgamma(2*K+2, shape = 10, rate = 10)), nrow=2)
#' print(muSim)
#' pos <- lapply(1:(K+1), function(d) 1*(rupt[d]<(1:n )))
#' pos <- Reduce('+', x=pos)+1
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(2*length(pos), mean=muSim[,pos], sd=sdSim[,pos]), nrow=2)
#' bisig_plot(x = x)
#' n  = dim(x)[2]
#' res <- hybrid_simultanee(x, P=2, Kmax=10)
#' Kopt=5
#' param <- res$param[[Kopt]]
#' bisig_plot(x = x, rupt = param$rupt, mu=param$phi$mu )

hybrid_simultanee <- function(x,P,Kmax,lmin=2, sameSigma=TRUE){
  Linc  = matrix(-Inf,nrow=Kmax,ncol=1)
  n     = dim(x)[2]
  param = list()
  Kmin  = P
  if (P==1){
    rupt               = c(1, n)
    phi                = list(mu=matrix(rowMeans(x),ncol=1),sigma=matrix(apply(x,1,sd),ncol=1),prop=1)
    Linc[Kmin:Kmax]    = logdens_simultanee(x,phi)
    param[[1]]         = list(phi=phi,rupt=rupt)
    #phi contient les moyennes, ecart-types et proportions de chaque composante du m?lange  
  } else {
    # Rq: lmin=2 for the initialization step because of the hierarchical clustering
    G      = Gmean_simultanee(x,lmin)
    out    = DynProg(G,Kmax=Kmax)
    for (K in Kmin:Kmax){
      cat("P",P,"K", K ,"\n")
      j      = 0
      delta  = Inf
      empty  = 0
      dv     = 0
      th     = out$t.est[K,1:K]
      rupt   = matrix(ncol=2,c(c(1,th[1:(K-1)]+1),th)) 
      phi    = EM.init_simultanee(x,rupt,K,P)
      out.EM = EM.algo_simultanee(x,rupt,P,phi, sameSigma=sameSigma)
      phi    = out.EM$phi
      tau    = out.EM$tau
      bisig_plot(x, rupt = rupt)
      lvCurrent <- out$J.est[K]
      improveLv <- TRUE
      while ( (delta>1e-4) & (empty==0) & (dv==0) & (j<=100) & improveLv){           

        j          = j+1 
        phi.temp   = phi
        G          = Gmixt_simultanee(x,lmin=lmin,phi.temp)
        out.DP     = DynProg(G,K)
        t.est      = out.DP$t.est
        J.est      = out.DP$J.est
        rupt       = ruptAsMat(t.est[K,])
        out.EM     = EM.algo_simultanee(x,rupt,P,phi.temp, sameSigma=sameSigma)
        phi        = out.EM$phi
        tau        = out.EM$tau
        empty      = out.EM$empty
        dv         = out.EM$dv
        lvinc.mixt = out.EM$lvinc
        improveLv <- ( lvinc.mixt > lvCurrent)
        lvCurrent <- lvinc.mixt
        bisig_plot(x, rupt = rupt)
        delta      =max(unlist(lapply(names(phi),function(d) {max(abs(phi.temp[[d]]-phi[[d]])/phi[[d]])})))
      }#end while
      param[[K]] = list(phi=phi,rupt=rupt, tau=tau, cluster=apply(tau, 1, which.max))
    } #end K
  # smoothing likelihood ----------------------------------------------------
  Ltmp= rep(-Inf,Kmax)
  cat("tracking local maxima for P =",P,"\n")
  while (sum(Ltmp!=Linc)>=1) {
    #    # find the convex hull of the likelihood
    Ltmp     = Linc  
    kvfinite = which(is.finite(Linc[(P):Kmax]))+P-1
    Lfinite  = Linc[kvfinite]
    a        = chull(Lfinite)
    a        = kvfinite[a]
    oumin    = which(a==(Kmin))
    oumax    = which(a==(Kmax))
    a        = a[oumin:oumax]
    kvfinite = sort(a)
    # find the coordinates of points out of the convex hull
    Kconc    = c(1:Kmax)
    Kconc    = Kconc[-which(Kconc %in% c(kvfinite))]
    Kconc    = Kconc[Kconc>=Kmin]   
    for (k in Kconc){
      out.neighbors  = neighbors(x=x, L=Linc,k=k,param=param,P=P,lmin=lmin)
      param          = out.neighbors$param
      Linc           = out.neighbors$L
      #plot(1:length(Linc),Linc,col=1)     lines(1:length(Ltmp),Ltmp,col=2)     lines(k,Linc[k],col=3)
    } # end k
    out.neighbors  = neighbors(x=x, L=Linc,k=Kmax,param=param,P=P,lmin=lmin)
    param          = out.neighbors$param
    Linc          = out.neighbors$L
  } # end while


} #end function
MarieEtienne/segTraj documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:51 p.m.