#' @title Limpieza de datos en la bitácora de regiones
#' @description Función para filtrar la base de datos de regiones teniendo en
#' cuenta los errores producidos durante la medición de los datos.
#' @usage filter.reg(file, sp = c("ANC", "MUN", "JUR",
#' "VIN", "POT", "BAG", "CAB", "SAM"), frequency,
#' path.save)
#' @param file bitácora de regiones en formato *.csv*
#' @param sp especies a analizar. Por default se consideran: anchoveta
#' (ANC), munida (MUN), jurel (JUR), vinciguerria (VIN), pota (POT),
#' bagre (BAG), caballa (CAB) y samasa (SAM).
#' @param frequency frecuencia a la que corresponden los datos.
#' @param path.save ruta donde será guardada la nueva base de datos.
#' @details
#' Los filtros se realizan en dos niveles: generales y por especie.
#' En los filtros generales se corrigen todos los valores que por default
#' produce echoview para las medidas de longitud, latitud y Sv.
#' Para evitar malas detecciones dentro del campo cercano del transductor, se
#' considera el campo cercano de cada frecuencia y se eliminan las regiones
#' que se encuentran dentro de la mismas.
#' En los filtros por especie consideran el valor de Sv por especie
#' y la profundidad máxima a la cual pueden llegar.
#' @export
filter.reg = function(file, sp = c('ANC', 'MUN', 'JUR', 'VIN', 'POT', 'BAG', 'CAB',
'SAM'), frequency, path.save)
datos = utils::read.csv(file)
## lon & lat
indLon = which(datos$Lon_M > 0)
indLat = which(datos$Lat_M > 0)
## Sv
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean == -999)
## No. pings
indPing = which(datos$Ping_E - datos$Ping_S < 3)
## eliminando datos
index = unique(c(indLon, indLat, indSv, indPing))
if (length(index) > 0)
datos = datos[-index,]
## campo cercano de acuerdo a cada frecuencia
## SIMRAD. (2015). Simrad EK60 Installation manual
datos$tsup = datos$Depth_mean - (datos$Height_mean/2)
if (frequency == 38){
indNF = which(datos$tsup > 2.08)
datos = datos[indNF,]
} else if(frequency == 70){
indNF = which(datos$tsup > 1.13)
datos = datos[indNF,]
} else if(frequency == 120){
indNF = which(datos$tsup > 0.66)
datos = datos[indNF,]
} else if(frequency == 200){
indNF = which(datos$tsup > 0.39)
datos = datos[indNF,]
for (isp in 1:length(sp))
## anchoveta
if (sp[isp] == 'ANC' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' ANCP' | datos$Region_class == ' ANCG')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' ANCP' | datos$Region_class == ' ANCG')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -70 | datos$Sv_mean > -30)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 100)
indLen = which(datos$Corrected_length < 0.5 | datos$Corrected_length > 14000)
indThick = which(datos$Corrected_thickness < 0.5 | datos$Corrected_thickness > 60)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf, indLen, indThick))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## munida
if (sp[isp] == 'MUN' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' MUN')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' MUN')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -75 | datos$Sv_mean > -40)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 150)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## jurel
if (sp[isp] == 'JUR' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' JUR')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' JUR')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -65 | datos$Sv_mean > -35)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 100)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## vinciguerria
if (sp[isp] == 'VIN' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' VIN')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' VIN')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -65 | datos$Sv_mean > -35)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 500)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## pota
if (sp[isp] == 'POT' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' POT')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' POT')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -75 | datos$Sv_mean > -45)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 500)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## bagre
if (sp[isp] == 'BAG' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' BAG')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' BAG')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -65 | datos$Sv_mean > -35)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 100)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## caballa
if (sp[isp] == 'CAB' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' CAB')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' CAB')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -65 | datos$Sv_mean > -35)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 100)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
## samasa
if (sp[isp] == 'SAM' && length(which(datos$Region_class == ' SAM')) > 0)
indSP = which(datos$Region_class == ' SAM')
indSv = which(datos$Sv_mean <= -65 | datos$Sv_mean > -35)
indProf = which(datos$Depth_mean > 100)
index = unique(c(indSv, indProf))
indTRUE = which(indSP %in% index == TRUE)
indexclude = indSP[indTRUE]
datos$Depth_mean[indexclude] = -999
datos = datos[which(datos$Depth_mean != -999),]
if (grepl('/', file, fixed = T) == TRUE)
file = unlist(strsplit(file, '/'))
file = file[length(file)]
n = nchar(file)
file = substr(file,1,n-4)
utils::write.csv(datos, paste0(path.save, file,'_OK.csv'), row.names = F)
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