
Defines functions adapted.chisq.test

Documented in adapted.chisq.test

adapted.chisq.test <- function(freq, coverage, Ne, gen, poolSize=NULL, mincov=1, MeanStart=TRUE, IntGen=FALSE, TA=FALSE, RetVal=0){
  if(!RetVal==0 && !RetVal==1 && !RetVal==2){
    stop("(", RetVal, ") is not a valid choice for RetVal.
         RetVal needs to be 0 (p-value) or 1 (test statistic) or 2 (test statistic and p-value).")
  if(IntGen==FALSE && length(gen)>2){
    stop("IntGen is set to FALSE: Only two generations can be considered. 
         For more than one replicate the CMH test must be used.")
  if(IntGen==TRUE && length(unique(gen))<length(gen)){
    stop("The values of gen are not all different. 
         For more than one replicate the CMH test must be used.")
    stop("Allele frequency matrix has missing values.")
    stop("Coverage matrix has missing values.")
  if(sum(freq<0)>0) {
    stop("Negative allele frequencies are not allowed.")
  if(sum(coverage<=0)>0) {
    stop("Negative values and 0 are not allowed for coverage.")
  if(!is.null(poolSize) && sum(poolSize<=0)>0) {
    stop("Negative values and 0 are not allowed for poolSize.")
  if(IntGen==TRUE && length(unique(gen))==2){
    warning("IntGen is set to TRUE, but only two time points are given. They will be used
            as first and last time point and no intermediate generations will be considered.")
  if (TA==TRUE && IntGen==FALSE){
    warning("Is it only possible to do Taylor approximation of the variance of the test 
            statistic if intermediate generatons are given. TA option will be ignored")
  if(length(mincov <- as.numeric(mincov)) != 1 ) {
    stop("Length of 'mincov' (", length(mincov), ") has to be equal to '1'.")
  if(is.na(mincov) | mincov < 1 ) {
    stop("'mincov' (", mincov, ") has to be >= 1.")
  if (sum(coverage<mincov)>0) {
    warning("'NA' will be returned in the entries where 'coverage' is smaller than 'mincov' (", mincov, ") ")
    freq <- matrix(freq, nrow=1)
    coverage <- matrix(coverage, nrow=1)
  if(!identical(dim(freq), dim(coverage)))
    stop("The dimensions of 'freq' (", dim(freq), ") and 'coverage' (", dim(coverage), ") have to be identical.")
    if (!is.integer(Ne)){
      Ne <- as.integer(Ne)
      warning("Ne value(s) which are not integer are converted to integer")
  npop <- ncol(freq)
  if(npop == 1)
    stop("Allele frequencies of at least two populations need to be provided.")
  if(npop %% length(gen) != 0) 
    stop("The number of populations (", npop, ") has to be a multiple of the length of 'gen'(", length(gen), ").")
  popInfo <- data.table(pop=1:ncol(freq), gen=gen)
  ng <- length(unique(gen))
  mask <- rowSums(coverage < mincov)
  stat <- NA
  ####### no drift
  if(length(unique(popInfo$gen)) == 1) {
      warning("Value of 'Ne' will be ignored because no random genetic drift is assumed.")
    # sample of alleles 
    if(is.null(poolSize)) {
      x1 <- coverage[,1]
      x2 <- coverage[,2]
      n <- x1 + x2
      x11 <- freq[,1] * x1
      if(sum(x11==0)>0) {
        x11[x11==0] <- rep(1,sum(x11==0))
        warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
        x11[x11==x1] <- x1[x11==x1]-1
        warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
      x12 <- x1 - x11
      x21 <- freq[,2] * x2
      x22 <- x2 - x21
      x_1 <- x11 + x21
      x_2 <- x12 + x22
      stat <- (n*((x11/x1)-(x21/x2))^2)/((x_1*x_2)/(x1*x2))
      # pooled sequencing
      } else if(npop %% length(poolSize) == 0) {
        R1 <- coverage[,1]
        R2 <- coverage[,2]
        x11R <- freq[,1] * R1
        if(sum(x11R==0)>0) {
          x11R[x11R==0] <- rep(1,sum(x11R==0))
          warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                  locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
          x11R[x11R==R1] <- R1[x11R==R1]-1
          warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                  locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
        x12R <- R1 - x11R
        x21R <- freq[,2] * R2
        x22R <- R2 - x21R
        x1 <- poolSize[1]
        x2 <- poolSize[2]
        stat <- (((x11R/R1)-(x21R/R2))^2)/(((x11R*x12R)/(R1^3))*(1+(R1-1)/x1) + ((x21R*x22R)/(R2^3))*(1+(R2-1)/x2))
        } else {
          stop("The number of populations (", npop, ") has to be a multiple of the length of 'poolSize' (", length(poolSize), ").")
    ####### with drift
      } else {
        # sample of alleles
        if(is.null(poolSize)) {
          ming <- min(gen)
          maxg <- max(gen)
          x1 <- coverage[,popInfo$gen == ming]
          x2 <- coverage[,popInfo$gen == maxg]
          x11 <- freq[,popInfo$gen == ming] * x1
          if(sum(x11==0)>0) {
            x11[x11==0] <- rep(1,sum(x11==0))
            warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                    locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
            x11[x11==x1] <- x1[x11==x1]-1
            warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                    locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
          x12 <- x1 - x11
          x21 <- freq[,popInfo$gen == maxg] * x2
          x22 <- x2 - x21
          sigd <- x11/x1*(1-x11/x1)*(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^(maxg-ming))
          Ep2 <- (x11/x1 + x21/x2)/2
          if(MeanStart==FALSE) { Ep2 <- x11/x1 }
          # intermediate generations
          if (IntGen == TRUE){
            freq_int <- freq[,!(popInfo$gen %in% c(ming, maxg))]
            coverage_int <- coverage[,!(popInfo$gen %in% c(ming, maxg))]
            x_int1 <- freq_int * coverage_int
            if(sum(x_int1==0)>0) {
              x_int1[x_int1==0] <- rep(1,sum(x_int1==0))
              warning('The counts of the intermediate generations assuming values 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                      locus are changed to 1 and to coverage-1 respectively.')
              x_int1[x_int1==coverage_int] <- coverage_int[x_int1==coverage_int]-1
              warning('The counts of the intermediate generations assuming values 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                      locus are changed to 1 and to coverage-1 respectively.')
            if (is.matrix(freq_int)==FALSE & length(freq_int)==nrow(freq)) {
                x_int1 <- matrix(x_int1, ncol=1)
                coverage_int <- matrix(coverage_int, ncol=1)
            if (MeanStart==TRUE) {
              if (nrow(freq)==1){
                allCountsVec <- c(as.numeric(x11),x_int1,as.numeric(x21))
                allNVec <- c(as.numeric(x1),coverage_int,as.numeric(x2))
                allFreqVec <- allCountsVec/allNVec
                Ep2 <- mean(allFreqVec)
                } else {
                allCountsVec <- cbind(as.numeric(x11),x_int1,as.numeric(x21))
                allNVec <- cbind(as.numeric(x1),coverage_int,as.numeric(x2))
                allFreqVec <- allCountsVec/allNVec
                Ep2 <- rowMeans(allFreqVec)
            if (TA==FALSE){
              if (nrow(freq)==1) {sigd <- sum((c(x11,x_int1)*(c(x1,coverage_int)-c(x11,x_int1))/c(x1,coverage_int)^2)*(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)])))
              else {sigd <- rowSums((cbind(x11,x_int1)*(cbind(x1,coverage_int)-cbind(x11,x_int1))/cbind(x1,coverage_int)^2)*(matrix(rep(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]),length(x1)),nrow = length(x1), byrow = TRUE)))}
            } else {
              if (nrow(freq)==1) {sigd <- sum((c(x11,x_int1)*(c(x1,coverage_int)-c(x11,x_int1))/c(x1,coverage_int)^2)*(c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]))/((2*Ne)^1))}
              else {sigd <- rowSums((cbind(x11,x_int1)*(cbind(x1,coverage_int)-cbind(x11,x_int1))/cbind(x1,coverage_int)^2)*(matrix(rep(c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]),length(x1)),nrow = length(x1), byrow = TRUE))/((2*Ne)^1)) }
          stat <- ((x11*x22-x12*x21)^2)/(x2^2*x11*x12/x1+x1^2*x2*(Ep2*(1-Ep2)+(x2-1)*sigd))
          # pooled sequencing
          } else if(npop %% length(poolSize) == 0) {
            ming <- min(gen)
            maxg <- max(gen)
            R1 <- coverage[,popInfo$gen == ming]
            R2 <- coverage[,popInfo$gen == maxg]
            x11R <- freq[,popInfo$gen == ming] * R1
            if(sum(x11R==0)>0) {
              x11R[x11R==0] <- rep(1,sum(x11R==0))
              warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                      locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
              x11R[x11R==R1] <- R1[x11R==R1]-1
              warning("The counts that equal 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                      locus are changed to 1 or to coverage-1 respectively.")
            x12R <- R1 - x11R
            x21R <- freq[,popInfo$gen == maxg] * R2
            x22R <- R2 - x21R
            x1 <- poolSize[1]
            x2 <- poolSize[2]
            Ep2 <- (x11R/R1+x21R/R2)/2
            if(MeanStart==FALSE){Ep2 <- x11R/R1}
            sigd <- (x11R/R1)*(1-(x11R/R1))*(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^(maxg-ming))
            # intermediate generations
            if (IntGen == TRUE){
              freq_int <- freq[,!(popInfo$gen %in% c(ming, maxg))]
              coverage_int <- coverage[,!(popInfo$gen %in% c(ming, maxg))]
              x_int1 <- freq_int * coverage_int
              if(sum(x_int1==0)>0) {
                x_int1[x_int1==0] <- rep(1,sum(x_int1==0))
                warning('The counts of the intermediate generations assuming values 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                        locus are changed to 1 and to coverage-1 respectively.')
                x_int1[x_int1==coverage_int] <- coverage_int[x_int1==coverage_int]-1
                warning('The counts of the intermediate generations assuming values 0 or equal the coverage of the considered 
                        locus are changed to 1 and to coverage-1 respectively.')
              if (is.matrix(freq_int)==FALSE & length(freq_int)==nrow(freq)) {
                x_int1 <- matrix(x_int1, ncol=1)
                coverage_int <- matrix(coverage_int, ncol=1)
              if (MeanStart==TRUE) {
                if (nrow(freq)==1){
                  allCountsVec <- c(as.numeric(x11R),x_int1,as.numeric(x21R))
                  allNVec <- c(as.numeric(R1),coverage_int,as.numeric(R2))
                  allFreqVec <- allCountsVec/allNVec
                  Ep2 <- mean(allFreqVec)
                  } else {
                  allCountsVec <- cbind(as.numeric(x11R),x_int1,as.numeric(x21R))
                  allNVec <- cbind(as.numeric(R1),coverage_int,as.numeric(R2))
                  allFreqVec <- allCountsVec/allNVec
                  Ep2 <- rowMeans(allFreqVec)
              if (TA==FALSE){
                if (nrow(freq)==1) {sigd <- sum((c(x11R,x_int1)*(c(R1,coverage_int)-c(x11R,x_int1))/c(R1,coverage_int)^2)*(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]))) }
                else { sigd <- rowSums((cbind(x11R,x_int1)*(cbind(R1,coverage_int)-cbind(x11R,x_int1))/cbind(R1,coverage_int)^2)*(matrix(rep(1-(1-1/(2*Ne))^c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]),length(R1)),nrow = length(R1), byrow = TRUE))) }
              } else {
                if (nrow(freq)==1) {sigd <- sum((c(x11R,x_int1)*(c(R1,coverage_int)-c(x11R,x_int1))/c(R1,coverage_int)^2)*(c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]))/((2*Ne)^1)) }
                else { sigd <- rowSums((cbind(x11R,x_int1)*(cbind(R1,coverage_int)-cbind(x11R,x_int1))/cbind(R1,coverage_int)^2)*(matrix(rep(c(sort(gen)[2]-sort(gen)[1],sort(gen)[-c(1,2)]-sort(gen)[-c(1,ng)]),length(R1)),nrow = length(R1), byrow = TRUE))/((2*Ne)^1)) }
            stat <- (x11R*x22R-x12R*x21R)^2/(R2^2*(R1*(x11R/R1)*(1-(x11R/R1))*(1+(R1-1)/x1))+R1^2*(R2*Ep2-R2*Ep2^2 + R2*(R2-1)/x2*(Ep2*(1-Ep2)+(x2-1)*sigd)))
            } else {
              stop("The number of populations (", npop, ") has to be a multiple of the length of 'poolSize' (", length(poolSize), ").")
  # convert summary statistic to p-value and return it
  stat[mask>0] <- NA
  res <- pchisq(stat, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE) 
      res <- stat 
    }else if(RetVal==2){
      res <- cbind(stat,pchisq(stat, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE))
      colnames(res) <- c("test_statistic", "p.value")
MartaPelizzola/ACER documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 3:34 a.m.