
Defines functions checkConflicts

Documented in checkConflicts

#' Check for (potential) data format conflicts
#' This function checks for potential data formatting conflicts that may produce errors or incorrect
#' results when applying the \code{\link{expandMultiarmTrials}} function later on.
#' @param .data Meta-analysis data stored as a \code{data.frame}, to be checked by the function.
#' @param vars.for.id \code{character} vector, containing column names of all variables used to construct unique comparison IDs.
#' @param .no.arms \code{character}, signifying the name of the variable containing the number of arms included in a study (typically 2).
#' @param .condition.specification \code{character}, name of the column containing the specific condition in each trial arm.
#' For multiarm trials, these conditions \emph{must} be distinct (e.g. \code{"cbt-guided"} and \code{"cbt-unguided"}).
#' @param .group.indicator \code{character}, variable encoding if a row represents an intervention or control/reference arm.
#' @param .group.names \code{list}, storing the name of the value in \code{.group.indicator} corresponding to the intervention group (\code{"ig"}) and control group (\code{"cg"}).
#' @param .groups.column.indicator \code{character}. If the dataset is in wide format: a character vector with two elements, representing the suffix used to
#' differentiate between the first and second treatment in a comparison.
#' @param data.format \code{character}. Either \code{"long"} or \code{"wide"}, depending on the format of the dataset in
#' \code{data}. \code{NULL} by default, which lets the user define the format after the function has been called.
#' @usage checkConflicts(.data,
#'                vars.for.id = c("study", "primary",
#'                                "Outc_measure",
#'                                "Time", "Time_weeks",
#'                                "sr_clinician"),
#'                .no.arms = "no.arms",
#'                .condition.specification = "Cond_spec",
#'                .group.indicator = "condition",
#'                .group.names = list("ig" = "ig",
#'                                    "cg" = "cg"),
#'                .groups.column.indicator = c("_trt1", "_trt2"),
#'                data.format = NULL)
#' @return The type of data returned by \code{checkConflicts} depends on the outcome of the evaluation. When no problems
#' have been detected, the function simply returns the dataset provided in \code{.data}.
#' When (potential) formatting formatting issues have been detected, the function throws a message and returns the affected
#' studies/\code{data.frame} columns. In particular, results are provided within a \code{list} of three objects:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{allConflicts}, a \code{data.frame} containing all affected rows, regardless of conflict type.}
#' \item{\code{idConflicts}, a \code{data.frame} containing rows with ID/number of arms conflicts.}
#' \item{\code{cgConflicts}, a \code{data.frame} containing rows with reference arm conflicts
#' (there must be a unique control/reference group for each comparison).}
#' }
#' The returned list has class \code{checkConflicts}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("inpatients")
#' data("psyCtrSubset")
#' # Example 1: Use defaults and simply run checks
#' psyCtrSubset %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   checkConflicts() -> result
#' # Example 2: Use defaults, run check and directly
#' # proceed expanding multiarm trials/calculating effects
#' inpatients %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   checkConflicts() %>%
#'   expandMultiarmTrials() %>%
#'   calculateEffectSizes() -> result
#' # Example 3: Define custom IDs (example generates error)
#' vars.for.id = c("study", "primary",
#'                 "Time", "Time_weeks")
#' psyCtrSubset %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   checkConflicts(vars.for.id) %>%
#'   expandMultiarmTrials(vars.for.id) -> res
#' # Example 4: Wide format
#' data("psyCtrSubsetWide")
#' psyCtrSubsetWide %>%
#'   checkDataFormat() %>%
#'   checkConflicts()
#' # Example 4: Wide format; overrule default input prompt
#' checkConflicts(psyCtrSubsetWide,
#'                data.format = "wide")
#' }
#' @author Mathias Harrer \email{mathias.h.harrer@@gmail.com}, Paula Kuper \email{paula.r.kuper@gmail.com}, Pim Cuijpers \email{p.cuijpers@@vu.nl}
#' @seealso \code{\link{expandMultiarmTrials}}
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter group_map group_by
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_remove_all
#' @importFrom magrittr set_names
#' @importFrom stats dffits model.matrix rnorm rstudent
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export checkConflicts

checkConflicts = function(.data,
                          vars.for.id = c("study", "primary",
                                          "Time", "Time_weeks",
                          .no.arms = "no.arms",
                          .condition.specification = "Cond_spec",
                          .group.indicator = "condition",
                          .group.names = list("ig" = "ig",
                                              "cg" = "cg"),
                          .groups.column.indicator = c("_trt1",
                          data.format = NULL){

  if (!class(.data)[1] %in% c("wide", "long")){
    if (is.null(data.format)){
      # Format switch
      input = readline("Enter: Is the data set in long [l] or wide [w] format? ")
      if (input[1] %in% c("l", "L", "long", "Long")){
        format = "long"
        data.format = "long"
      } else if (input[1] %in% c("w", "W", "wide", "Wide")){
        format = "wide"
        data.format = "wide"
      } else {
        stop("Data format must either be long [l] or wide [w].")

    if (!(data.format[1] %in% c("long", "wide"))){
      # Format switch
      input = readline("Enter: Is the data set in long [l] or wide [w] format? ")
      if (input[1] %in% c("l", "L", "long", "Long")){
        format = "long"
      } else if (input[1] %in% c("w", "W", "wide", "Wide")){
        format = "wide"
      } else {
        stop("Data format must either be long [l] or wide [w].")
    } else {format = data.format}
  } else {
    format = class(.data)[1]

  if (format[1] == "wide"){

    data.return = .data

    # Extract no.arms variable and id.vars
    .data$no.arms = as.numeric(.data[[.no.arms]])
    id.vars = vars.for.id

    .data[colnames(.data) %in%
              paste0(id.vars, .groups.column.indicator),
                     .groups.column.indicator))] %>%
      colnames() -> id.vars

    apply(.data, 1,
          function(x){paste(as.character(x[id.vars]), collapse = "_")}) %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(",", "_") %>% stringr::str_remove_all(" ") -> .data$id

    # Check for ID conflicts
    .data[.data$id %in%
            names(table(.data$id)[table(.data$id) > 1]),] -> conflictIds

    # Set multiple CG IDs conflicts (not used)
    .data[NULL,] -> multipleCgIds

    list(allConflicts = rbind(conflictIds, multipleCgIds),
         idConflicts = conflictIds,
         cgConflicts = multipleCgIds,
         condition.specification = .condition.specification) -> returnlist

    class(returnlist) = c("checkConflicts", "list")

    if (nrow(returnlist$idConflicts) == 0){
      message("- [OK] No data format conflicts detected")
      class(data.return) = c("wide", "data.frame")
    } else {
      message("- [!] Data format conflicts detected!")

  if (format[1] == "long"){

    data.return = .data

    # Extract no.arms variable and id.vars
    .data$no.arms = as.numeric(.data[[.no.arms]])
    id.vars = vars.for.id

    apply(.data, 1,
          function(x){paste(as.character(x[id.vars]), collapse = "_")}) %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all(",", "_") %>% stringr::str_remove_all(" ") -> .data$id

    # Check for number of ID - no.arms conflict
    table(.data$id, .data$no.arms) %>% as.matrix() -> M
    b = as.numeric(colnames(M))
    M[!(rowSums(t(t(M) %/% b)) == 1),] %>% rownames() -> conflictIds

    # Check for unspecified condition specifications
    .data$condition.expanded = paste0(.data[[.group.indicator]], "_",
    .data %>% dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
      dplyr::group_map(~ mean(.x$no.arms) - length(unique(.x$condition.expanded))) %>%
      do.call(c, .) %>% magrittr::set_names(unique(.data$id)) %>%
      {.[. != 0]} %>% names() %>% union(., conflictIds) -> conflictIds

    .data$condition.expanded = NULL

    # Check for double control groups
    table(.data$id, .data[[.group.indicator]] == .group.names[["cg"]])[,2] %>%
      {.[.>1]} %>% names() -> multipleCgIds

    list(allConflicts = .data %>%
           dplyr::filter(id %in% union(conflictIds, multipleCgIds)),
         idConflicts = .data %>%
           dplyr::filter(id %in% conflictIds),
         cgConflicts = .data %>%
           dplyr::filter(id %in% multipleCgIds),
         condition.specification = .condition.specification) -> returnlist

    class(returnlist) = c("checkConflicts", "list")

    if (nrow(returnlist$idConflicts) == 0){
      message("- [OK] No data format conflicts detected")
      class(data.return) = c("long", "data.frame")
    } else {
      message("- [!] Data format conflicts detected!")

#' Print method for the 'checkConflicts' function
#' This S3 method prints the studies with potential formatting conflicts.
#' @param x A \code{list} object of class \code{checkConflicts}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (not used).
#' @author Mathias Harrer & David Daniel Ebert
#' @seealso \code{\link{checkConflicts}}
#' @export
#' @method print checkConflicts

print.checkConflicts = function(x, ...){
  if (nrow(x$idConflicts) != 0){
    message(paste0("ID conflicts \n",
                   "- check if the specified number of arms is correct \n",
                   "- check if selected variables really create unique assessment point IDs \n",
                   paste0("- check if '", x$condition.specification,
                          "' uniquely identifies all trial arms in multiarm trials \n"),
    cat(paste(unique(x$idConflicts$study), collapse = "\n"))

  if (nrow(x$cgConflicts) != 0){
    message(paste0("Trials with 2+ control groups \n",
                   "- NOTE: As of version 0.2.0, 'metapsyTools' can handle 2+ control groups! \n",
    cat(paste(unique(x$cgConflicts$study), collapse = "\n"))

  if (nrow(x$allConflicts) == 0){
    message("Looks good!")

MathiasHarrer/metapsyTools documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:14 p.m.