
Defines functions data_quality

Documented in data_quality

#' Performs a quality audit of a table
#' This function performs a quality check on a table. The number of missing values by
#' variable along with the quantiles for the numeric variables and a frequency table for
#' each categorical variable can be found in the result.
#' The types are defined based on the types in the input table and on the value of other
#' arguments. 'numeric_cutoff' allows numeric variables to be classified as categorical if
#' they have less unique values than the value of 'numeric_cutoff'. Date, POSIXct and
#' POSIXlt are the only classes treated as date.
#' @param data a data.frame.
#' @param numeric_cutoff the minimum number of distinct values required for a numeric
#'   vector not to be coerced to a fator. -1 is the default, meaning no minimum required.
#' @param na_type charcater vector with valus that should be considered NA. Default to
#'   NULL, no values other than regular NA are treated as NA.
#' @param max_length the maximum number of rows in the frequency tables
#' @param global_only logical, whether to return only the global summary
#' @return a list with a global summary, and if available, information on numeric,
#'   categorical and date variables
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' res <- data_quality(iris)
#' # global quality
#' res$global
#' # numerical data summary
#' res$numeric_output
#' # categorical data summary
#' res$categorical_output
#' @import data.table
#' @export
data_quality <- function(data, numeric_cutoff = -1, na_type = NULL,
                         max_length = Inf, global_only = FALSE) {
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("'data' must be have data.frame class.")
  if (!is.data.table(data)) data <- as.data.table(data)
  if (!(is.numeric(numeric_cutoff) & length(numeric_cutoff) == 1)) {
    stop("'numeric_cutoff' must be numeric of length one.")
  if (!is.null(na_type)) {
    if (!is.character(na_type) & !is.na(na_type)) {
      stop("'na_type' must be a character vector or NA.")
  types <- sapply(X = data, FUN = function(x) which_type(x, numeric_cutoff))
  numeric_var <- names(types)[types == "numeric"]
  categorical_var <- names(types)[types == "categorical"]
  date_var <- names(types)[types == "date"]
  result <- list(global = audit_global(
    data = data,
    numeric_cutoff = numeric_cutoff,
    na_type = na_type
  if (!global_only) {
    if (length(numeric_var) > 0) {
      numeric_output <- audit_numeric(data = data, numeric_var = numeric_var)
      result <- append(result, list(numeric = numeric_output))
    if (length(categorical_var) > 0) {
      categorical_output <- audit_categorical(
        data = data,
        categorical_var = categorical_var,
        max_length = max_length
      result <- append(result, list(categorical = categorical_output))
    if (length(date_var) > 0) {
      date_output <- audit_date(
        data = data,
        date_var = date_var,
        max_length = max_length
      result <- append(result, list(date = date_output))
  class(result) <- append(class(result), "qualityResult")
MathieuMarauri/auditdata documentation built on March 6, 2020, 7:09 p.m.