
Defines functions make_layer

Documented in make_layer

#' Create a ggplot2 annotation given some aesthetics, parameters, and
#' facet variables + values.
#' This function is based on ggplot2::annotate(). The two main differences are:
#' it returns an unevaluated function call rather than a ggproto object; and
#' it can handle limiting annotations to (specified) facet level(s).
#' @param geom Geom to annotate, such as "text".
#' @param aes Named list of aesthetics with corresponding data values, as in
#' `list(x = 3, y = 30, label = "A label")`.
#' @param params Optional. Named list of parameters for geom,
#' such as `list(colour = "black")`
#' @param facets Optional. Named list of facets; the name is the variable and
#' the value if the level, such as `list(cyl = 4)`.
#' @return A call
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' base_plot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_wrap(~cyl)
#' my_annot_call <- make_layer("text",
#'   aes = list(x = 3, y = 30, label = "A label"),
#'   facets = list(cyl = 6),
#'   params = list(col = "red")
#' )
#' my_annotation <- eval(my_annot_call)
#' base_plot + my_annotation
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr compact
#' @importFrom rlang call2 syms `!!!`
#' @importFrom stats setNames

make_layer <- function(geom,
                       aes = NULL,
                       params = NULL,
                       facets = NULL) {
  compact_aes <- purrr::compact(aes)

  aesthetics <- rlang::syms(names(compact_aes))
  names(aesthetics) <- aesthetics
  aes_call <- rlang::call2("aes", !!!aesthetics)

  # Dates
  date_call <- function(arg) {
    if (inherits(arg, "Date")) {
      arg <- as.character(arg)
      arg <- call("as.Date", arg)
  data_cols <- lapply(compact_aes, date_call)

  # Facets
  if (isFALSE(missing(facets)) && length(facets) > 0) {
    if (is.null(names(facets))) {
      stop("facets must be a named list")
    data_cols <- c(data_cols, facets)

  data_call <- rlang::call2("data.frame", !!!data_cols)

  params_list <- purrr::compact(params)

  geom_to_call <- paste0("geom_", geom)

  params_list <- remove_default_params(geom_to_call, params_list)

    data = data_call,
    mapping = aes_call,
    inherit.aes = FALSE
MattCowgill/ggannotate documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 11:03 p.m.