
test_that("SUT matrix energy balance works with energy only", {
    UKEnergy2000mats %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
      dplyr::filter(Last.stage %in% c(IEATools::last_stages$final, IEATools::last_stages$useful)) %>%
  # Try with missing R matrix
    UKEnergy2000mats %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
        V = matsbyname::sum_byname(R, V),
        R = NULL
      ) %>%
      dplyr::filter(Last.stage %in% c(IEATools::last_stages$final, IEATools::last_stages$useful)) %>%

test_that("SUT matrix energy balance fails when a number has changed", {
  mats <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
    dplyr::filter(Last.stage == IEATools::last_stages$final)
  R <- mats$R[[1]]
  U <- mats$U[[1]]
  V <- mats$V[[1]]
  Y <- mats$Y[[1]]
  expect_equal(verify_SUT_energy_balance(R = R, U = U, V = V, Y = Y),
               list(.SUT_energy_balance = TRUE))
  Y[2, 2] <- 42 # Replace a 0 with a value
  expect_warning(verify_SUT_energy_balance(R = R, U = U, V = V, Y = Y),
                 "Energy not conserved")

test_that("SUT matrix energy balance with units works as expected", {
  result <- verify_SUT_energy_balance_with_units(
    UKEnergy2000mats %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix),
    tol = 1e-3)
  expect_true(all(result$.SUT_prod_energy_balance %>% as.logical()))
  expect_true(all(result$.SUT_ind_energy_balance %>% as.logical()))

  # Now try when R is gone.
  result_noR <- verify_SUT_energy_balance_with_units(
    UKEnergy2000mats %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
        V = matsbyname::sum_byname(R, V),
        R = NULL
    tol = 1e-3)
  expect_true(all(result_noR$.SUT_prod_energy_balance %>% as.logical()))
  expect_true(all(result_noR$.SUT_ind_energy_balance %>% as.logical()))

test_that("all SUT industries are producing energy", {
  UKspread <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix)
  result <- verify_SUT_industry_production(UKspread)
  expect_true(all(result[[".industry_production_OK"]] %>% as.logical()))

  # Try it when something doesn't produce energy
  R <- UKspread$R[[1]]
  U <- UKspread$U[[1]]
  V <- UKspread$V[[1]]
  expect_equal(V["Crude dist.", "Crude [from Dist.]"], 47500)
  V["Crude dist.", "Crude [from Dist.]"] <- 0 # Zero out production of Crude - Dist. from Crude dist.
  expect_warning(result <- verify_SUT_industry_production(R = R, U = U, V = V),
                 "There are some industries that consume but do not produce energy.")
  expect_equal(expected = "Crude dist.", result$.problem_industries)

  # Try when there is no R matrix
  UKspread_noR <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix) %>%
      V = matsbyname::sum_byname(R, V),
      R = NULL
  result_noR <- verify_SUT_industry_production(UKspread_noR)
  expect_true(all(result_noR[[".industry_production_OK"]] %>% as.logical()))

test_that("SUT energy balance works with single matrices", {
  UKspread <- UKEnergy2000mats %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = matrix.name, value = matrix)
  R <- UKspread$R[[1]]
  U <- UKspread$U[[1]]
  V <- UKspread$V[[1]]
  Y <- UKspread$Y[[1]]
  expect_silent(verify_SUT_energy_balance(R = R, U = U, V = V, Y = Y))

test_that("IEA energy balance works correctly", {
  # Make sure that it works.
    UKEnergy2000tidy %>%
      dplyr::group_by(Country, Year, Energy.type, Last.stage) %>%
      # On Matt's new M1 Pro MacBook Pro, this test has small errors in energy differences.
      # Not sure if that is due to the processor being less precise?
      # Anyway, setting tol = 0.2 so that the results can slip under that level and prevent
      # errors in tests.
      # Note that is 0.2 out of 1e14.  So not a big deal.
      verify_IEATable_energy_balance(energy = "E.dot", tol = 0.2)

  # Introduce something to make the energy balance fail.
  Unbalanced <- UKEnergy2000tidy
  # Change from 5e4 to 1e4
  Unbalanced$E.dot[[1]] <- 1e4
  # Now try energy balance. It should fail.
  expect_error(Unbalanced %>%
                 dplyr::group_by(Country, Year, Energy.type, Last.stage) %>%
                 verify_IEATable_energy_balance(energy = "E.dot"),
                 "Energy not balanced in verify_IEATable_energy_balance.")

MatthewHeun/Recca documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 6:18 p.m.