
Defines functions build_one_exemplar_list exemplar_lists load_exemplar_table sample_exemplar_table_path

Documented in exemplar_lists load_exemplar_table sample_exemplar_table_path

#' Gives a file path to a sample exemplar table
#' @return A path to a sample exemplar table bundled with this package.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sample_exemplar_table_path()
sample_exemplar_table_path <- function() {
  file.path("extdata", "Exemplar_Table.xlsx") %>%
    system.file(package = "PFUWorkflow")

#' Read an exemplar table from an Excel file
#' An exemplar table has a column of country names
#' and additional metadata,
#' including the exemplar country and any name changes through time.
#' This function gathers (actually, `tidyr::pivot_longer()`) years into a Year column.
#' It also
#' @param exemplar_table_path The path to the Excel file containing an exemplar table.
#'                            Default is the value of `sample_exemplar_table_path()`.
#' @param countries The countries for which exemplars are desired. If `NULL`, the default,
#'                  all countries in the file at `exemplar_table_path` are returned.
#' @param max_year The maximum year for which you want the exemplar table, an integer.
#'                 Default is `NULL`, meaning that all years from the file at `exemplar_table_path` are included.
#' @param exemplar_table_tab_name,prev_names See `PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names`.
#' @param year,country See `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @return an exemplar table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_exemplar_table()
load_exemplar_table <- function(exemplar_table_path = sample_exemplar_table_path(),
                                countries = NULL,
                                max_year = NULL,
                                exemplar_table_tab_name = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$exemplar_tab_name,
                                prev_names = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$prev_names,
                                country = IEATools::iea_cols$country,
                                year = IEATools::iea_cols$year) {

  raw <- readxl::read_excel(path = exemplar_table_path, sheet = exemplar_table_tab_name)
  # Figure out year columns.
  year_columns <- IEATools::year_cols(raw, return_names = TRUE)
  max_yr_in_exemplar_table <- year_columns %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
  # Set last_year if its value is NULL.
  if (is.null(max_year)) {
    max_year <- max_yr_in_exemplar_table

  # Set the Country column from the most recent year available.
  out <- raw %>%
      "{country}" := .data[[as.character(max_yr_in_exemplar_table)]]
    ) %>%
    # Gather columns of alternative names
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = tidyselect::all_of(year_columns), names_to = year, values_to = prev_names)
  if (!is.null(countries)) {
    out <- out %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data[[country]] %in% countries, .data[[year]] <= max_year)

#' Create exemplar lists from an exemplar table
#' An exemplar list is a list of countries or regions
#' that should be used to complete a country's
#' final-to-useful allocation table
#' or its efficiency table.
#' This function uses an exemplar table
#' (probably read by `load_exemplar_table()`)
#' to create exemplar lists.
#' The value of this function is a tibble with three columns:
#' Country, Year, and Exemplars.
#' Country contains 3-letter ISO country codes
#' or names of world regions.
#' Year contains years.
#' Exemplars contains a list of countries or regions
#' that should serve as exemplars for the country in that year.
#' Order in each of the exemplar lists is important,
#' because countries and regions will be searched
#' in the order they appear in the sub-list
#' when searching for missing allocations and efficiencies.
#' @param exemplar_table An exemplar table, probably read by `load_exemplar_table()`.
#' @param countries The countries for which exemplar lists are desired. Default is `NULL`, which returns all known countries.
#' @param exemplars,prev_names,exemplar_country,region_code,world See `PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names`.
#' @param country,year See `IEATools::iea_cols`.
#' @param year_temp The name of a temporary year column. Default is ".year_temp".
#' @param prev_names_list The name of a temporary column in `exemplar_table`. Default is ".prev_names_list".
#' @return A tibble containing countries and regions to be searched for missing
#'         final-to-useful allocation data or final-to-useful efficiency data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use an exemplar table that is part of this package.
#' el <- exemplar_lists(load_exemplar_table()) %>%
#' # Montenegro is a particularly interesting case, as it had many name changes.
#' # Look at the first year, the last year as Yugoslavia, the first year as Serbia,
#' # and today.
#'   dplyr::filter(.data[[IEATools::iea_cols$country]] == "MNE",
#'                 .data[[IEATools::iea_cols$year]] %in% c(1971, 1989, 1990, 2017))
#' el
#' el[[1, "Exemplars"]]
#' el[[2, "Exemplars"]]
#' el[[3, "Exemplars"]]
#' el[[4, "Exemplars"]]
exemplar_lists <- function(exemplar_table,
                           countries = NULL,
                           prev_names = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$prev_names,
                           exemplar_country = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$exemplar_country,
                           exemplars = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$exemplars,
                           region_code = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$region_code,
                           world = PFUWorkflow::exemplar_names$world,
                           country = IEATools::iea_cols$country,
                           year = IEATools::iea_cols$year,
                           year_temp = ".year_temp",
                           prev_names_list = ".prev_names_list") {

  # Take care of the degenerate case.
  if (nrow(exemplar_table) == 0) {

  # A data frame that consists of all year and country combinations in exemplar_table
  year_country <- exemplar_table %>%
    dplyr::select(year, country)

  pntable <- exemplar_table %>%
    dplyr::select(country, year, prev_names) %>%
    dplyr::rename("{year_temp}" := year) %>%
    tidyr::nest("{prev_names}" := c(year_temp, prev_names))

  # First step: join the previous names to each country and year
  with_prev_names_list <- dplyr::left_join(year_country, pntable, by = country) %>%
    # Unnest to get all years.
    tidyr::unnest(cols = prev_names) %>%
    # Eliminate rows that don't apply, i.e.,
    # those rows where the year of the alternative name is AFTER the year of interest
    dplyr::filter(.data[[year_temp]] <= .data[[year]]) %>%
    # Eliminate an unneeded column.
    dplyr::select(!year_temp) %>%
    # Keep only the unique name regions.
    dplyr::group_by(.data[[year]], .data[[country]]) %>%
    unique() %>%
    # Eliminate the current name of the country from its list of previous names.
    dplyr::filter(.data[[country]] != .data[[prev_names]]) %>%
    # Build a list column containing all previous names for the given country.
      "{prev_names_list}" := list(.data[[prev_names]] %>% rev())

  out <- exemplar_table %>%
    # Join these lists back to the original data frame
    dplyr::left_join(with_prev_names_list, by = c(country, year)) %>%
    # Do some renaming
    dplyr::select(!prev_names) %>%
      "{prev_names}" := prev_names_list
    ) %>%
    # Create the full list of exemplars and store in the exemplars column.
    # Use the helper function to do this.
      "{exemplars}" := Map(f = build_one_exemplar_list,
                           p_names = .data[[prev_names]],
                           exemp = .data[[exemplar_country]],
                           row_region_code = .data[[region_code]],
                           world = world)
    ) %>%
    # {exemplars} is a column with entries like list(c(coun1, coun2, ...)).
    # Unnest to get only c(coun1, coun2, ...).

  # filter by country, if that was requested.
  if (!is.null(countries)) {
    out <- out %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data[[country]] %in% countries)

  # Eliminate unneeded columns
  out <- out %>%
    dplyr::select(country, year, exemplars) %>%
      "{year}" := as.numeric(.data[[year]])


#' Make a list of exemplar countries
#' This is a non-public, internal helper function
#' @param p_names A character vector of previous names for this country.
#' @param exemp An exemplar country.
#' @param row_region_code The rest-of-world region code for this country.
#' @param world A string indicating the world.
#' @return A list of length 1 containing all possible exemplars, in the order in which they apply.
#' @noRd
build_one_exemplar_list <- function(p_names, exemp, row_region_code, world) {
  c(unlist(p_names), exemp, row_region_code, world) %>%
    # For countries with row_region_code that matches world,
    # duplicated world codes are included in this list.
    # To avoid duplication, call unique().
    unique() %>%
    # Bundle as a list and return.
MatthewHeun/SEAPSUTWorkflow documentation built on April 22, 2022, 2:21 p.m.