#' Compute means by lm, tidy, unnest
#' This returns a clean df of means for each group
#' @param df_nest a nested df
#' @param val_name name of value column
#' @param clean Clean the broom colnames?
#' @param vcov. Specify vcov
#' @param weight weight argument passed to lm
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' data(iris_tb)
#' iris_tb %>%
#' tidyr::nest(data=-Species) %>%
#' mat_lm_means_tidy(Petal.Width)
#' @export
mat_lm_means_tidy <- function(df_nest, val_name = value, clean = TRUE, vcov.=NULL, weight) {
val_name_pr <- rlang::enquo(val_name)
## difficult to pass ... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48215325/passing-ellipsis-arguments-to-map-function-purrr-package-r
if(missing(weight)) {
lm_fo <- function(f, data) lm(f, data = data)
} else {
lm_fo <- function(f, data) lm(f, data = data, weights=weight)
res <- df_nest %>%
mutate(reg = map(.data$data, ~lm_fo(value ~ 1, data = rename(., value = !!val_name_pr))),
n = map_int(.data$data, nrow)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(reg_out = map(.data$reg, ~lmtest::coeftest(., vcov. = vcov.) %>%
tidy.coeftest(conf.int = TRUE))) %>%
unnest("reg_out") %>%
select(-"reg", -"data", -"term")
if(clean) res <- res %>%
setNames(stringr::str_replace(colnames(.), "\\.", "_"))
#' Tidy columns: . to _
#' @param df data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reg <- lm(freeny)
#' out_1 <- broom::tidy(reg)
#' out_2 <- broom::glance(reg)
#' mat_tidy_clean(out_1)
#' mat_tidy_clean(out_2)
mat_tidy_clean <- function(df) {
df_out <- df %>%
setNames(stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(df), "\\.", "_"))
## rename (Intercept)
if("term" %in% colnames(df_out) && any(isTRUE(str_detect(df_out$term, "\\(Intercept\\)")))){
if(is.factor(df_out$term)) {
levels(df_out$term) <- str_replace(levels(df_out$term), "\\(Intercept\\)", "Intercept")
} else {
df_out <- df_out %>%
mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::any_of('term'), ~str_replace(., "\\(Intercept\\)", "Intercept")))
#' For broom coef tidy output: bar plot for coefs
#' DEPRECATED! Use instead \code{\link{mat_plot_coefs_tidy}}
#' @param df data
#' @param x_var var used in x axis (y is estimate)
#' @param fill_var var used to have multiple x
#' @param fac_1,fac_2 vars for facetting
#' @export
mat_tidy_coef_plot <- function(df, x_var, fill_var, fac_1=NULL, fac_2=NULL) {
warning("Deprecated! Should use mat_plot_coefs_tidy instead:
- OLD: mat_tidy_coef_plot(df, x_var, fill_var, fac_1=NULL, fac_2=NULL) {
- NEW: mat_plot_coefs_tidy(df, fill_var=term, fac1_var=NULL, fac2_var=NULL, x_var=term)")
x_var <- rlang::enquo(x_var)
fill_var <- rlang::enquo(fill_var)
fac_1 <- rlang::enquo(fac_1)
fac_2 <- rlang::enquo(fac_2)
## from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53218152/ggplot2-facet-grid-with-conditional-facets-and-tidy-evaluation
if (rlang::quo_is_null(fac_1)) {
rows <- vars()
} else {
rows <- vars(!!fac_1)
if (rlang::quo_is_null(fac_2)) {
cols <- vars()
} else {
cols <- vars(!!fac_2)
pl <- df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = !!x_var, y = .data$estimate, fill = !!fill_var)) +
geom_col(position = "dodge") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = .data$conf.low, ymax = .data$conf.high, colour = I("black")),
position = "dodge")
if(!rlang::quo_is_null(fac_1)|!rlang::quo_is_null(fac_2)) {
pl <- pl +
cols = cols,
scales = "free")
#' Use tidy() with robust vcov directly
#' @param x object for which hopfully there is a coeftst/vcov method
#' @param conf.int return confindence interval? Determined by level
#' @param df,parm,level,vcov. arguments to \code{\link{coeftest}}
#' @param \ldots passed to vcov (well to coeftest who does the jo)
#' @examples
#' library(sandwich)
#' reg <- lm(freeny)
#' standard_me <- mat_tidy_robust(reg)
#' standard_br <- broom::tidy(reg, conf.int = TRUE)
#' all.equal(as.data.frame(standard_me), as.data.frame(standard_br))
#' mat_tidy_robust(reg, vcov. = vcovHC(reg))
#' mat_tidy_robust(reg, vcov. = vcovHC)
#' @export
mat_tidy_robust <- function(x, vcov. = NULL, conf.int = TRUE, df = NULL, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, ...) {
res <- lmtest::coeftest(x=x, vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...) %>%
if(conf.int) {
ci <- lmtest::coefci(x=x, parm = parm, level = level, vcov. = vcov., df = df, ...) %>%
colnames(ci) <- c("conf.low", "conf.high")
res <- res %>%
#' Tidy on a df of regs with col reg_out
#' @param df data
#' @param reg_col name of column with regs?
#' @param \ldots futher arguments passed to tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(purrr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' iris_regs <- nest(iris, data=-Species) %>%
#' mutate(reg_out = map(data, ~lm(Petal.Width~Petal.Length, data=as_tibble(.)))) %>%
#' select(-data)
#' mat_tidy_do(df=iris_regs)
mat_tidy_do <- function(df, reg_col = reg_out, ...) {
df %>%
mat_add_row_num(col_name = "n_reg") %>%
mutate(coef_out = map(!!rlang::enquo(reg_col), function(x) broom::tidy(x, conf.int=TRUE, ...))) %>%
select(-!!enquo(reg_col)) %>%
unnest(.data$coef_out) %>%
mat_tidy_clean() %>%
select("n_reg", tidyselect::everything())
#' Remove reg details
#' @param df data
#' @examples
#' library(purrr)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(tidyr)
#' iris_regs <- nest(iris, data=-Species) %>%
#' mutate(reg_out = map(data, ~lm(Petal.Width~Petal.Length, data=as_tibble(.)))) %>%
#' select(-data)
#' coefs_out <- mat_tidy_do(df=iris_regs)
#' mat_tidy_keep_estimate(coefs_out)
#' mat_tidy_keep_estimate(df= freeny)
#' @export
mat_tidy_keep_estimate <- function(df){
cols_rem <- c("p_value", "std_error", "statistic", "p_value", "conf_low", "conf_high", "n")
cols_here <- which(cols_rem %in% colnames(df))
if(length(cols_here)==0) {
df[, - which(colnames(df) %in%cols_rem)]
#' Tidy and glance together
#' @param reg regression object
#' @param wide Do wide (removing pval, se, etc...)
#' @examples
#' reg <- lm(freeny)
#' mat_tidy_glance(reg)
#' mat_tidy_glance(reg, wide=FALSE)
#' @export
mat_tidy_glance <- function(reg, wide=TRUE) {
coefs <- broom::tidy(reg)
stats <- broom::glance(reg) %>%
select(.data$r.squared, .data$sigma, .data$deviance)
res <- coefs %>%
cbind(stats) %>%
as_tibble %>%
if(wide) {
res <- res %>%
select(-.data$std_error, -.data$statistic, -.data$p_value) %>%
spread(.data$term, .data$estimate)
#' Get coef as wide df
#' @param reg regression object
#' @examples
#' reg <- lm(freeny)
#' mat_coef_wide(reg)
#' @export
mat_coef_wide <- function(reg) {
res <- tibble::enframe(stats::coef(reg)) %>%
spread(.data$name, .data$value)
if("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(res) ) {
res <- res %>%
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