
"llogistic" <- function(
fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "f"),
method = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), ssfct = NULL,
fctName, fctText)
    ## Matching 'adjust' argument
    method <- match.arg(method)

    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 5
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
    if ( !(length(fixed) == numParm) ) {stop("Not correct 'fixed' argument")}

    ## Handling 'fixed' argument
    notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
    parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
    parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]

#    ## Defining the basic non-linear function
#    bfct <- function(x, parm)
#    {
#        parm[2] + (parm[3]-parm[2])/((1+(x/parm[4])^parm[1]))^parm[5]
#    }

    ## Defining the model function
    fct <- function(dose, parm)
        parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
        parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm

        cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
#        cParm + (parmMat[, 3] - cParm)/((1+exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose)-log(parmMat[, 4]))))^parmMat[, 5])
        cParm + (parmMat[, 3] - cParm)/((1+exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose/parmMat[, 4]))))^parmMat[, 5])

    ## Defining the model function adjusted for scaling
    retFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling)
        fct <- function(dose, parm)
            parmMat <- matrix(parmVec / c(1, respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling, 1),
            nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
            parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm

            cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
            cParm + (parmMat[, 3] - cParm)/((1 + exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose / parmMat[, 4]))))^parmMat[, 5])

if (FALSE) {  ## will work once plotFct does not depend on drcFct
    ## Defining the model function adjusted for scaling
    retFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling, numObs)
        parmMat <- matrix(parmVec / c(1, respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling, 1), numObs, numParm, byrow = TRUE)

        fct <- function(dose, parm)
            parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
            cParm <- parmMat[, 2]
            cParm + (parmMat[, 3] - cParm)/((1 + exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose / parmMat[, 4]))))^parmMat[, 5])

    ## Defining scale function
    scaleFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling)
        c(1, respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling, 1)[notFixed]

    ## Defining the self starter function

    ## Defining self starter function
    if (!is.null(ssfct))
        ssfct <- ssfct
    } else {
        ssfct <- llogistic.ssf(method, fixed)

    ## Defining names
    names <- names[notFixed]

    ##Defining the first derivatives (in the parameters)
#    if (useD)
#    {

    deriv1 <- function(dose, parm)
        parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
        parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm

        t1 <- parmMat[, 3] - parmMat[, 2]
        t2 <- exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose) - log(parmMat[, 4])))
#        t3 <- (1 + t2)^(2*parmMat[, 5])
#        t4 <- parmMat[, 5]*((1 + t2)^(parmMat[, 5] - 1))
##        t3 <- parmMat[, 5]*((1 + t2)^(-parmMat[, 5] - 1))
        t5 <- (1 + t2)^parmMat[, 5]

        cbind( -t1 * xlogx(dose/parmMat[, 4], parmMat[, 1], parmMat[, 5] + 1) * parmMat[, 5],  # *t4/t3,
               1 - 1/t5,
#               t1*t2*t4*parmMat[, 1]/parmMat[, 4]/t3,
               t1 * parmMat[, 5] * divAtInf(t2, (1 + t2)^(parmMat[, 5] + 1)) * parmMat[, 1] / parmMat[, 4],
               -t1 * divAtInf(log(1+t2), t5) )[, notFixed]

    deriv2 <- NULL
#    } else {
#        deriv1 <- NULL
#        deriv2 <- NULL
#    }

    ##Defining the first derivative (in the dose)
    derivx <- function(x, parm)
        parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
        parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm

        temp1 <- x/parmMat[, 4]
        temp2 <- 1 + (temp1)^parmMat[, 1]
        temp3 <- parmMat[, 5]*(temp2^(parmMat[, 5] - 1))*(parmMat[, 1]/parmMat[, 4])*temp1^(parmMat[, 1] - 1)
        temp4 <- temp2^(2*parmMat[, 5])

        (-(parmMat[, 3] - parmMat[, 2])*temp3)/temp4

#    ## Setting the limits
#    if (length(lowerc) == numParm) {lowerLimits <- lowerc[notFixed]} else {lowerLimits <- lowerc}
#    if (length(upperc) == numParm) {upperLimits <- upperc[notFixed]} else {upperLimits <- upperc}

    ## The three definitions below are not needed in future ('drm')

#    ## Defining parameter to be scaled
#    if (is.na(fixed[4]))  #  (scaleDose) && (is.na(fixed[4])) )
#    {
#        scaleInd <- sum(is.na(fixed[1:4]))
#    } else {
#        scaleInd <- NULL
#    }
#    ## Defining value for control measurements (dose=0)
#    confct <- function(drcSign)
#    {
#        if (drcSign>0) {conPos <- 2} else {conPos <- 3}
#        confct2 <- function(parm)
#        {
#            parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow=TRUE)
#            parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
#            parmMat[, conPos]
#        }
#        return(list(pos=conPos, fct=confct2))
#    }
#    ## Defining flag to indicate if more general ANOVA model
##    anovaYes <- list(bin = !any(is.na(fixed[c(2,3,5)])) , cont = TRUE)
#    binVar <- all(fixed[c(2, 3, 5)]==c(0, 1, 1))
#    if (is.na(binVar)) {binVar <- FALSE}
#    if (!binVar) {binVar <- NULL}
#    anovaYes <- list(bin = binVar, cont = TRUE)

    ## Defining the ED function
    edfct <- function(parm, respl, reference, type, ...)
        parmVec[notFixed] <- parm
#        if (type == "absolute")
#        {
#            p <- 100*((parmVec[3] - respl)/(parmVec[3] - parmVec[2]))
#        } else {
#            p <- respl
#        }
#        ## Swapping p for increasing curve
#        if ( (type == "relative") && (parmVec[1] < 0) && (reference == "control") )
#        {
#            p <- 100 - p
#        }
        p <- EDhelper(parmVec, respl, reference, type)

        # tempVal <- log((100-p)/100)
        # EDp <- parmVec[4]*(exp(-tempVal/parmVec[5])-1)^(1/parmVec[1])
        # EDder <-
        # EDp*c(-log(exp(-tempVal/parmVec[5])-1)/(parmVec[1]^2),
        # 0, 0, 1/parmVec[4],
        # exp(-tempVal/parmVec[5])*tempVal/(parmVec[5]^2)*(1/parmVec[1])*((exp(-tempVal/parmVec[5])-1)^(-1)))

        tempVal1 <- 100/(100-p)
        tempVal2 <- log(tempVal1^(1/parmVec[5]) - 1)
        lEDp <- parmVec[4] + tempVal2 / parmVec[1]

        ### updated llostic2.R function in package
        if (type=="relative"){

        EDder <-
              0, 0, 1/parmVec[4],

          ## ask Yan for her derivative derivation--change 0,0 part
          ## note below derivative w.r.t c and d are only for f==1 case!!!
          lEDder <-

        return(list(lEDp, lEDder[notFixed]))
# The next lines are not needed because the lower/upper limits are independent of the parameters
# governing the ED values
#        if (type == "absolute")
#        {
#            denom <- (parmVec[3] - parmVec[2])^2
#            EDder <- EDder*c(1, (parmVec[3] - respl)/denom, (respl - parmVec[2])/denom, 1, 1)
#        }

#    ## Defining the SI function
#    sifct <- function(parm1, parm2, pair)
#    {
#        ED1 <- edfct(parm1, pair[1])
#        ED2 <- edfct(parm2, pair[2])
#        SIpair <- ED1[[1]]/ED2[[1]]  # calculating the SI value
#        SIder1 <- ED1[[2]]/ED1[[1]]*SIpair
#        SIder2 <- ED2[[2]]/ED2[[1]]*SIpair
#        return(list(SIpair, SIder1, SIder2))
#    }

#if (FALSE)
#    ## Identifying parameters that are on the same scale as x and y
#    ##  not used in 'multdrc', but in 'drm'
#    if (is.na(fixed[4]))
#    {
#        sxInd <- sum(is.na(fixed[1:4]))  # sxInd <- c(4)
#    } else {
#        sxInd <- NULL
#    }
#    if ( (is.na(fixed[2])) || (is.na(fixed[3])) )
#    {
#        syInd <- c(sum(is.na(fixed[1:2])), sum(is.na(fixed[1:3])))  # syInd <- c(2, 3)
#        if (syInd[2] == 0) {syInd <- syInd[1]}
#        if (syInd[1] == 0) {syInd <- syInd[2]}
#        if (is.na(syInd)) {syInd <- NULL}
#    } else {
#        syInd <- NULL
#    }

    ## Defining the inverse function
    invfct <- function(y, parm)
        parmVec[notFixed] <- parm

        exp(log(((parmVec[3] - parmVec[2])/(y - parmVec[2]))^(1/parmVec[5]) - 1)/parmVec[1] + log(parmVec[4]))

    ## Defining functions returning lower and upper limit and monotonicity
    lowerAs <- pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 2)
    upperAs <- pickParm(parmVec, notFixed, 3)
    monoton <- monoParm(parmVec, notFixed, 1, -1)

    ## Returning the function with self starter and names
    returnList <-
    list(fct = fct, ssfct = ssfct, names = names, deriv1 = deriv1, deriv2 = deriv2, derivx = derivx,
    edfct = edfct, inversion = invfct, scaleFct = scaleFct,
#    scaleInd = scaleInd, confct=confct, anovaYes=anovaYes, lowerc=lowerLimits, upperc=upperLimits,
    name = ifelse(missing(fctName), as.character(match.call()[[1]]), fctName),
    text = ifelse(missing(fctText), "Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter)", fctText),
    noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)), lowerAs = lowerAs, upperAs = upperAs, monoton = monoton,
    retFct = retFct, fixed = fixed)
    # the 4th last line is not needed in the future ('drm')
    #     , sxInd = sxInd, syInd = syInd,

    class(returnList) <- "llogistic"

"LL.2" <-
function(upper = 1, fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("b", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 2
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(fixed[1], 0, upper, fixed[2], 1),
    names = c(names[1], "c", "d", names[2], "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = lowupFixed("Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter)", upper),
    ...) )

l2 <- LL.2

"LL.3" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "d", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 3
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(fixed[1], 0, fixed[2:3], 1),
    names = c(names[1], "c", names[2:3], "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = lowFixed("Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter)"),
    ...) )

l3 <- LL.3

"LL.3u" <-
function(upper = 1, fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 3
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(fixed[1:2], upper, fixed[3], 1),
    names = c(names[1:2], "d", names[3], "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = upFixed("Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter)", upper),
    ...) )

l3u <- LL.3u

"LL.4" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 4
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct names argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(fixed, 1), names = c(names, "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]), ...) )

l4 <- LL.4

"LL.5" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), ...)
    return( llogistic(fixed = fixed, names = names,
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = "Generalized log-logistic (ED50 as parameter)", ...) )

l5 <- LL.5

"MM.2" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("d", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 2
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct names argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(-1, 0, fixed[1:2], 1), names = c("b", "c", names[1:2], "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = "Michaelis-Menten",
    ...) )

"MM.3" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("c", "d", "e"), ...)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 3
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct names argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}

    return( llogistic(fixed = c(-1, fixed[1:3], 1), names = c("b", names[1:3], "f"),
    fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
    fctText = "Shifted Michaelis-Menten",
    ...) )

#if (FALSE)
#    ## Version 1 (default)
#    if (ss == "1")
#    {
#        ssfct <- function(dframe)
#        {
#            x <- dframe[, 1]
#            y <- dframe[, 2]
#            startVal <- rep(0, numParm)
#            startVal[3] <- max(y) + 0.001  # the d parameter
#            startVal[2] <- min(y) - 0.001  # the c parameter
#            startVal[5] <- 1  # better choice may be possible!
#            if (length(unique(x))==1) {return((c(NA, NA, startVal[3], NA, NA))[notFixed])}
#            # only estimate of upper limit if a single unique dose value
#            indexT2 <- (x > 0)
##            if (!any(indexT2)) {return((rep(NA, numParm))[notFixed])}  # for negative dose value
#            x2 <- x[indexT2]
#            y2 <- y[indexT2]
#            startVal[c(1,4)] <- find.be2(x2, y2, startVal[2] - 0.001, startVal[3])
#            # 0.001 to avoid 0 in the denominator
##            logitTrans <- log((startVal[3]-resp3)/(resp3-startVal[2]+0.001))
##            logitFit <- lm(logitTrans ~ log(dose3))
##            startVal[4] <- exp((-coef(logitFit)[1]/coef(logitFit)[2]))  # the e parameter
##            startVal[1] <- coef(logitFit)[2]  # the b parameter
#            return(startVal[notFixed])
#        }
#    }
#    if (ss == "1")
#    {
#        ssfct <- function(dframe)
#        {
#            x <- dframe[, 1]
#            y <- dframe[, 2]
#            startVal <- rep(0, numParm)
#            lenyRange <- 0.001 * diff(range(y))
#            startVal[3] <- max(y) + lenyRange  # the d parameter
#            startVal[2] <- min(y) - lenyRange  # the c parameter
#            startVal[5] <- 1  # better choice may be possible!
##            if (length(unique(x))==1) {return((c(NA, NA, startVal[3], NA, NA))[notFixed])}
##            # only estimate of upper limit if a single unique dose value
##            indexT2 <- (x > 0)
###            if (!any(indexT2)) {return((rep(NA, numParm))[notFixed])}  # for negative dose value
##            x2 <- x[indexT2]
##            y2 <- y[indexT2]
##            startVal[c(1,4)] <- find.be2(x2, y2, startVal[2] - lenyRange, startVal[3])
#            startVal[c(1, 4)] <- find.be3(x, y, startVal[2], startVal[3])
#            # 0.001 to avoid 0 in the denominator
##            logitTrans <- log((startVal[3]-resp3)/(resp3-startVal[2]+0.001))
##            logitFit <- lm(logitTrans ~ log(dose3))
##            startVal[4] <- exp((-coef(logitFit)[1]/coef(logitFit)[2]))  # the e parameter
##            startVal[1] <- coef(logitFit)[2]  # the b parameter
#            return(startVal[notFixed])
#        }
#    }
#    ## Version 2
#    if (ss == "2")
#    {
#        ssfct <- function(dframe, doseScaling, respScaling)
#        {
#            x <- dframe[, 1] / doseScaling
#            y <- dframe[, 2] / respScaling
##            startVal <- rep(0, numParm)
##            startVal[3] <- max(resp3) + 0.001  # the d parameter
##            startVal[3] <- ifelse(notFixed[3], 1.05*max(y), fixed[3])
##            startVal[3] <- mean(resp3[dose2 == max(dose2)]) + 0.001
##            startVal[2] <- min(resp3) - 0.001  # the c parameter
##            startVal[2] <- ifelse(notFixed[2], 0.95*min(y), fixed[2])
##            startVal[2] <- mean(resp3[dose2 == min(dose2)]) + (1e-8)*((max(resp3) - min(resp3))/max(resp3))
##            miny <- min(y)
##            if (all.equal(miny, 0))
##            {
##                miny <- min(y[y > miny])
##            }
#            cVal <- ifelse(notFixed[2], 0.99 * min(y), fixed[2] / respScaling)
#            dVal <- ifelse(notFixed[3], 1.01 * max(y), fixed[3] / respScaling)
##            if (reps)
##            {
##                cVal0 <- median(y[x == min(x)])
##                dVal0 <- median(y[x == max(x)])
##                if (cVal0 > dVal0)  # making dVal0 the largest
##                {
##                    tval <- cVal0
##                    cVal0 <- dVal0
##                    dVal0 <- tval
##                }
##                cVal <- ifelse(notFixed[2], 0.95*cVal0, fixed[2])
##                dVal <- ifelse(notFixed[3], 1.05*dVal0, fixed[3])
##            }
##            startVal[5] <- 1
#            fVal <- 1  # need not be updated with value in 'fixed[5]'
#            # better choice than 1 may be possible!
#            # the f parameter, however, is very rarely a magnitude of 10 larger or smaller
#            if ( length(unique(x)) == 1 ) {return((c(NA, NA, dVal, NA, NA))[notFixed])}
#            # only estimate of upper limit if a single unique dose value
#            # Cutting away response values close to d
#            indexT1a <- x > 0
##            indexT1b <- !(y > 0.95*max(y))
##            indexT2 <- c(max((1:length(y))[!(indexT1a | indexT1b)]):length(y))
##            x2 <- x[indexT2]
##            y2 <- y[indexT2]
#            x2 <- x[indexT1a]
#            y2 <- y[indexT1a]
#            print(c(cVal, dVal))
#            beVec <- find.be2(x2, y2, cVal, dVal)
## These lines are not needed as the b and e parameters are not used in further calculations
##            bVal <- ifelse(notFixed[1], beVec[1], fixed[1])
##            eVal <- ifelse(notFixed[4], beVec[2], fixed[4] / doseScaling)
#            bVal <- beVec[1]
#            eVal <- beVec[2]
##            logitTrans <- log((dVal - y2)/(y2 - cVal))
##            logitFit <- lm(logitTrans ~ log(x2))
##            coefVec <- coef(logitFit)
##            bVal <- coefVec[2]
##            eVal <- exp(-coefVec[1]/bVal)
#            return(as.vector(c(bVal, cVal, dVal, eVal, fVal)[notFixed]))
#        }
#    }
#    ## Version 3
#    if (ss == "3")
#    {
#        ssfct <- function(dframe)
#        {
#            x <- dframe[, 1]
#            y <- dframe[, 2]
#            cVal <- ifelse(notFixed[2], 0.99 * min(y), fixed[2])
#            dVal <- ifelse(notFixed[3], 1.01 * max(y), fixed[3])
#            fVal <- 1  # need not be updated with value in 'fixed[5]'
#            if ( length(unique(x)) == 1 ) {return((c(NA, NA, dVal, NA, NA))[notFixed])}
#            # only estimate of upper limit if a single unique dose value
#            beVec <- find.be1(x, y, cVal, dVal)
#            bVal <- beVec[1]
#            eVal <- beVec[2]
#            return(as.vector(c(bVal, cVal, dVal, eVal, fVal)[notFixed]))
#        }
#    }
#    ## Finding b and e based on stepwise increments
#    find.be1 <- function(x, y, c, d)
#    {
#        unix <- unique(x)
#        uniy <- tapply(y, x, mean)
#        lenx <- length(unix)
#        j <- 2
#        for (i in 2:lenx)
#        {
#            crit1 <- (uniy[i] > (d + c)/2) && (uniy[i-1] < (d + c)/2)
#            crit2 <- (uniy[i] < (d + c)/2) && (uniy[i-1] > (d + c)/2)
#            if (crit1 || crit2) break
#            j <- j + 1
#        }
#        eVal <- (unix[j] + unix[j-1])/2
#        bVal <- -sign(uniy[j] - uniy[j-1])  # -(uniy[j] - uniy[j-1]) / (unix[j] - unix[j-1])
#        return(as.vector(c(bVal, eVal)))
#    }
#    ## Finding b and e based on linear regression
#    find.be2 <- function(x, y, c, d)
#    {
#        logitTrans <- log((d - y)/(y - c))
#        lmFit <- lm(logitTrans ~ log(x))
##        eVal <- exp((-coef(logitFit)[1]/coef(logitFit)[2]))
##        bVal <- coef(logitFit)[2]
#        coefVec <- coef(lmFit)
#        bVal <- coefVec[2]
#        eVal <- exp(-coefVec[1]/bVal)
#        return(as.vector(c(bVal, eVal)))
#    }
#    ## Finding b and e based on linear regression
#    find.be3 <- function(x, y, c, d)
#    {
#        logitTrans <- log((d - y)/(y - c))
#        lmFit <- lm(logitTrans ~ log(x), subset = x > 0)
#        coefVec <- coef(lmFit)
#        bVal <- coefVec[2]
#        eVal <- exp(-coefVec[1] / bVal)
#        print(as.vector(c(bVal, eVal)))
#        return(as.vector(c(bVal, eVal)))
#    }
MaximeBSanofi/drc2 documentation built on Feb. 22, 2022, 12:02 a.m.