"weibull2" <- function(
fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e"),
method = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), ssfct = NULL,
fctName, fctText)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 4
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'fixed' argument")}
# if (!is.logical(useD)) {stop("Not logical useD argument")}
# if (useD) {stop("Derivatives not available")}
notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
parmVec1 <- parmVec
parmVec2 <- parmVec
## Defining the non-linear function
fct <- function(dose, parm)
parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
parmMat[,2] + (parmMat[,3] - parmMat[,2]) * (1 - exp(-exp(parmMat[,1] *(log(dose) - log(parmMat[,4])))))
# ## Defining value for control measurements (dose=0)
# confct <- function(drcSign)
# {
# if (drcSign>0) {conPos <- 2} else {conPos <- 3}
# confct2 <- function(parm)
# {
# parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow=TRUE)
# parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
# parmMat[, conPos]
# }
# return(list(pos=conPos, fct=confct2))
# }
# ## Defining flag to indicate if more general ANOVA model
# anovaYes <- TRUE
## Defining the self starter function
if (FALSE)
ssfct <- function(dataFra)
dose2 <- dataFra[,1]
resp3 <- dataFra[,2]
startVal <- rep(0, numParm)
startVal[3] <- max(resp3) # +0.001 # the upper bound
startVal[2] <- min(resp3) # -0.001 # the lower bound
# startVal[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
if (length(unique(dose2))==1) {return((c(NA, NA, startVal[3], NA))[notFixed])}
# only estimate of upper limit if a single unique dose value
indexT2 <- (dose2>0)
if (!any(indexT2)) {return((rep(NA, numParm))[notFixed])} # for negative dose value
dose3 <- dose2[indexT2]
resp3 <- resp3[indexT2]
loglogTrans <- log(-log((startVal[3] - resp3 + 0.001)/(startVal[3]-startVal[2]))) # 0.001 to avoid 0 as argument to log
loglogFit <- lm(loglogTrans~log(dose3))
startVal[4] <- exp(-coef(loglogFit)[1]/coef(loglogFit)[2]) # the e parameter
startVal[1] <- coef(loglogFit)[2] # the b parameter
## Avoiding 0 as start value for lower limit (convergence will fail)
if ( startVal[2] < 1e-12 ) {startVal[2] <- startVal[3]/10}
if (!is.null(ssfct))
ssfct <- ssfct # in case it is explicitly provided
} else {
ssfct <- weibull2.ssf(method, fixed)
## Defining names
w2.names <- names[notFixed]
# ## Defining parameter to be scaled
# if ( (scaleDose) && (is.na(fixed[4])) )
# {
# scaleInd <- sum(is.na(fixed[1:4]))
# } else {
# scaleInd <- NULL
# }
## Defining derivatives
deriv1 <- function(dose, parm)
parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
t1 <- parmMat[, 3] - parmMat[, 2]
t2 <- exp(parmMat[, 1]*(log(dose) - log(parmMat[, 4])))
t3 <- exp(-t2)
# derMat <- as.matrix(cbind( t1*t3*t2*(log(dose) - log(parmMat[, 4])),
derMat <- as.matrix(cbind( t1*xexplogx(dose/parmMat[, 4], parmMat[, 1]),
1 - (1 - t3),
1 - t3,
-t1*xexpx(dose/parmMat[, 4], parmMat[, 1])*parmMat[, 1]/parmMat[, 4] ))
# -t1*t3*t2*parmMat[, 1]/parmMat[, 4] ))
return(derMat[, notFixed])
deriv2 <- NULL
derivx <- NULL
## Limits
# if (length(lowerc)==numParm) {lowerLimits <- lowerc[notFixed]} else {lowerLimits <- lowerc}
# if (length(upperc)==numParm) {upperLimits <- upperc[notFixed]} else {upperLimits <- upperc}
## Defining the ED function
# edfct <- function(parm, p, upper=NULL) # upper argument not used in 'gompertz'
# {
# parmVec[notFixed] <- parm
# tempVal <- log(-log(p/100))
# EDp <- exp(tempVal/parmVec[1] + log(parmVec[4]))
# EDder <- EDp*c( -tempVal/(parmVec[1]*parmVec[1]), 0, 0, 1/parmVec[4])
# return(list(EDp, EDder[notFixed]))
# }
edfct <- function(parm, p, reference, type, ...)
parmVec[notFixed] <- parm
p <- absToRel(parmVec, p, type)
## Reversing p
# if (identical(type, "absolute"))
# {
# p <- 100 - p
# type <- "relative"
# }
if (identical(type, "absolute") && (parmVec[1] > 0) && (reference == "control"))
p <- 100 - p
# if ( (parmVec[1] > 0) && (reference == "control") )
# {
# p <- 100 - p
# reference <- "upper" # to avoid resetting of p in weibull1() called below
# }
# if ( (parmVec[1] < 0) && (reference == "control") )
# {
# p <- 100 - p
# }
# weibull1(fixed, names)$edfct(parm, 100 - p, reference, type, ...)
weibull1(fixed, names)$edfct(parm, p, reference, "relative", ...)
## Defining the SI function
# sifct <- function(parm1, parm2, pair)
# {
# parmVec1[notFixed] <- parm1
# parmVec2[notFixed] <- parm2
# tempVal1 <- log(-log(pair[1]/100))
# tempVal2 <- log(-log(pair[2]/100))
# SIpair <- exp(tempVal1/parmVec1[1] + log(parmVec1[4]))/exp(tempVal2/parmVec2[1] + log(parmVec2[4]))
# SIder1 <- SIpair*c(-tempVal1/(parmVec1[1]*parmVec1[1]), 0, 0, 1/parmVec1[4])
# SIder2 <- SIpair*c(tempVal2/(parmVec2[1]*parmVec2[1]), 0, 0, -1/parmVec2[4])
# return(list(SIpair, SIder1[notFixed], SIder2[notFixed]))
# }
## sifct <- function(parm1, parm2, pair)
## {
## weibull(lowerc, upperc, fixed, names, scaleDose, useDer)$sifct(parm1, parm2, 100-pair)
## }
returnList <-
list(fct = fct, ssfct = ssfct, names = w2.names, deriv1 = deriv1, deriv2 = deriv2, derivx = derivx, edfct = edfct,
# list(fct=fct, confct=confct, ssfct=ssfct, names=w2.names, deriv1=deriv1, deriv2=deriv2,
# lowerc=lowerLimits, upperc=upperLimits, edfct=edfct, anovaYes=anovaYes,
name = ifelse(missing(fctName), as.character(match.call()[[1]]), fctName),
text = ifelse(missing(fctText), "Weibull (type 2)", fctText),
noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)),
fixed = fixed)
class(returnList) <- "Weibull-2"
"W2.2" <- function(
upper = 1, fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("b", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 2
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = c(fixed[1], 0, upper, fixed[2]), names = c(names[1], "c", "d", names[2]),
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = lowupFixed("Weibull (type 2)", upper), ...))
"W2.3" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "d", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 3
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = c(fixed[1], 0, fixed[2:3]), names = c(names[1], "c", names[2:3]),
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = lowFixed("Weibull (type 2)"), ...))
"W2.3u" <-
function(upper = 1, fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 3
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = c(fixed[1:2], upper, fixed[3]),
names = c(names[1:2], "d", names[3]),
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = upFixed("Weibull (type 2)", upper), ...))
"W2.4" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA, NA), names = c("b", "c", "d", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 4
if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = fixed, names = names,
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = "Weibull (type 2)", ...))
"AR.2" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("d", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 2
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = c(1, 0, fixed[1:2]),
names = c("b", "c", names[1:2]),
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = lowFixed("Asymptotic regression"), ...))
"AR.3" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("c", "d", "e"), ...)
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 3
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed)==numParm)) {stop("Not correct length of 'fixed' argument")}
return(weibull2(fixed = c(1, fixed[1:3]),
names = c("b", names[1:3]),
fctName = as.character(match.call()[[1]]),
fctText = "Shifted asymptotic regression", ...))
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