
Defines functions multiSpider

Documented in multiSpider

#' multispider plot
#' @param x1 data
#' @param x2 data to plot on top of x1
#' @param colRec color of x1 rectangular
#' @param alphaRec alpha of the rectangular
#' @param colRecBorder color of rectangular's border
#' @param titles for each plot
#' @param cexSteps size of radial labels
#' @param cexProcent size of procent texts
#' @param parValues par(...) values to be called for each plot
#' @param mar list of 2xmargin vectors, first one for the inner plot
#' @param cexPoints size of the points
#' @param sizeMiddle proportion of middle plot to the outer plots
#' @param twist twist the outer plots
#' @param circleLines default = 5
#' @param ... arguments passend down to spider()
#' @export

multiSpider = function(x1 = NULL,x2 = NULL,
                       colRec = NULL, alphaRec = 0.5,colRecBorder = "#ff6666", titles = NULL,cexSteps = c(0.01, 1.4), cexProcent = c(0.2,0.8),
                       parValues = list(pty = "s"), circleLines = c(5,5),mar = list(c(0,2,1,2)+0.7,c(0,0,1,0)+0.2),cexPoints = 1.0,
                       sizeMiddle = 0.5, twist = 90,multiCoords = NULL, ...){
  ## help functions:
  deg2rad <- function(deg) {(deg * pi) / (180)}
  addA = function(col, alpha = 0.25) apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))

  if(is.null(dim(x1))) stop("Only one row found, use spider()")
  if(length(colRecBorder) == 1) colRecBorder = rep(colRecBorder, nrow(x1))

  ## sizes:
  mid = rep(c(0.5 - 0.5*sizeMiddle, 0.5 + 0.5*sizeMiddle), 2)
  sideMid = 3*(1-sizeMiddle) / 4
  sideDis = (1-sizeMiddle)/4

  ## init:
  nrTest = nrow(x1)
  if(is.null(colRec)) colRec = colRecBorder
  if(is.null(titles)) titles = rep(NULL, nrow(x1))

    multiCoords = matrix(0, nrow(x1) + 1, 4)
    angles = seq(0+twist,360+twist,length.out = nrTest+1)[1:(nrTest)]
    multiCoords[1,] = mid
    for(p in 2:nrow(multiCoords)){
      pp = p -1
      multiCoords[p,1] = cos(deg2rad(angles[pp])) * sideMid + 0.5 - sideDis
      multiCoords[p,2] = multiCoords[p,1] + 2*sideDis
      if(multiCoords[p,1] > multiCoords[p,2]) multiCoords[p,] = multiCoords[p,c(2,1,3,4)]
      multiCoords[p,3] = sin(deg2rad(angles[pp])) * sideMid  + 0.5 -sideDis
      multiCoords[p,4] = multiCoords[p,3] + 2*sideDis
      if( multiCoords[p,4] > 1) multiCoords[p,4] = 1
  for(plt in 1:(nrTest + 1)){
    if(plt == (nrTest + 1)){
      parValues2 = c(parValues, list(fig = multiCoords[1,], new = T, mar = mar[[1]]))
      spider(x1,  colRec = NULL, alphaRec = alphaRec, colRecBorder = colRecBorder,
              cexSteps = cexSteps[2], cexProcent = cexProcent[2], parValues = parValues2,circleLines = circleLines[2], cexPoints = cexPoints, singlePanel = T, titles = NULL, ...)
    } else {
      if(plt == 1) parValues2 = c(parValues, list(fig = multiCoords[plt+1,], mar = mar[[2]]))
      else parValues2 = c(parValues, list(fig = multiCoords[plt+1,], new = T))
      spider(x1[plt,,drop = F], x2[plt,,drop = F],colRec = colRec[plt], alphaRec = alphaRec, colRecBorder = colRecBorder[plt],
                 cexSteps = cexSteps[1], cexProcent = cexProcent[1], parValues = parValues2, circleLines = circleLines[1], cexPoints = cexPoints, singlePanel = F, titles = titles[plt],...)

MaximilianPi/Aranea documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:42 a.m.