
Defines functions pat_dailySoH

Documented in pat_dailySoH

#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr contains
#' @title Daily state of health
#' @param pat PurpleAir Timeseries \code{pat} object.
#' @param SoH_functions Vector of function names. All the passed in functions 
#' must output tibbles with a daily \code{datetime} variable and must cover the same
#' period of time.
#' @description This function combines the output of the State of Health (SoH) 
#' function arguments into a single tibble. 
#' @seealso \link{pat_dailySoHPlot}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(AirSensor)
#' SoH <- 
#'   example_pat %>%
#'   pat_dailySoH() 
#' timeseriesTbl_multiPlot(SoH, ncol = 4)
#' }

pat_dailySoH <- function(
  pat = NULL,
  SoH_functions = c("PurpleAirSoH_dailyPctDC", 
) {
  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------
  if ( !pat_isPat(pat) )
    stop("Parameter 'pat' is not a valid 'pa_timeseries' object.")
  if ( pat_isEmpty(pat) )
    stop("Parameter 'pat' has no data.") 
  # ----- Calculate SoH values -------------------------------------------------
  # Initialize a list to store the output of each function
  SoH_list <- list()
  for ( SoH_function in SoH_functions ) {
    # Isolate each passed in function
    result <- try({
      FUN <- get(SoH_function)
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if ( ! "try-error" %in% class(result) ) {
      result <- try({
        # Run the pat through the function and store it in the list
        SoH_list[[SoH_function]] <- FUN(pat)
      }, silent = TRUE)
    # In case of error, add a tibble with NA values
    if ( "try-error" %in% class(result) ) {
      localTime <- lubridate::with_tz(pat$data$datetime, tzone = pat$meta$timezone)
      hour <- lubridate::hour(localTime)
      start <- lubridate::floor_date(localTime[ min(which(hour == 0)) ], unit = "hour")
      end <- lubridate::floor_date(localTime[ max(which(hour == 23)) ], unit = "hour")
      days <- dplyr::tibble(datetime = MazamaCoreUtils::dateSequence(start, end, timezone = pat$meta$timezone))
      SoH_list[[SoH_function]] <- rep_len(as.numeric(NA), length.out = length(days$datetime))
  # ----- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------
  # All SoH dataframes have the same 'datetime' axis.
  # Choose one so that it can be add back later.
  datetime <-  SoH_list[[1]]$datetime
  # Remove 'datetime' to retain only data columns from each dataframe
  SoHData_list <- lapply(SoH_list, dplyr::select, -.data$datetime)
  # Bind the all columns from the list into a tibble with one datetime column
  SoH_tbl <- 
    dplyr::bind_cols(SoHData_list) %>% 
      datetime = !!datetime, .before = 1

# ===== DEBUGGING ==============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {

  pat <- example_pat
  SoH_functions = c("PurpleAirSoH_dailyPctDC", 
MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.