
Defines functions pat_outliers

Documented in pat_outliers

#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @import graphics
#' @title Detect and replace time series outliers
#' @param pat PurpleAir Timeseries \emph{pat} object.
#' @param windowSize Integer window size for outlier detection.
#' @param thresholdMin Threshold value for outlier detection.
#' @param replace Logical specifying whether replace outliers with the window
#'   median value.
#' @param showPlot Logical specifying whether to generate outlier detection 
#'   plots.
#' @param data_shape Symbol to use for data points.
#' @param data_size Size of data points.
#' @param data_color Color of data points.
#' @param data_alpha Opacity of data points.
#' @param outlier_shape Symbol to use for outlier points.
#' @param outlier_size Size of outlier points.
#' @param outlier_color Color of outlier points.
#' @param outlier_alpha Opacity of outlier points.
#' @return A \emph{pat} object with outliers replaced by median values.
#' @description Outlier detection using a Median Average Deviation "Hampel" 
#' filter. This function applies a rolling Hampel filter to find those points
#' that are very far out in the tails of the distribution of values within the
#' window.
#' The \code{thresholdMin} level is similar to a sigma value for normally 
#' distributed data. The default threshold setting \code{thresholdMin = 8} 
#' identifies points that are extremely unlikely to be part of a normal 
#' distribution and therefore very likely to be an outlier. By choosing a 
#' relatively large value for `thresholdMin`` we make it less likely that we 
#' will generate false positives.
#' The default setting of the window size \code{windowSize = 15} means that 15 samples
#' from a single channel are used to determine the distribution of values for
#' which a median is calculated. Each PurpleAir channel makes a measurement
#' approximately every 120 seconds so the temporal window is 15 * 120 sec or
#' approximately 30 minutes. This seems like a reasonable period of time over
#' which to evaluate PM2.5 measurements.
#' Specifying \code{replace = TRUE} allows you to perform smoothing by 
#' replacing outliers with the window median value. Using this technique, you 
#' can create an highly smoothed, artificial dataset by setting 
#' \code{thresholdMin = 1} or lower (but always above zero).
#' @note Additional documentation on the algorithm is available in 
#' \code{seismicRoll::findOutliers()}.
#' @examples
#' library(AirSensor) 
#' example_pat %>%
#'   pat_outliers(replace = TRUE, showPlot = TRUE)

pat_outliers <- function(
  pat = NULL,
  windowSize = 15,
  thresholdMin = 8,
  replace = FALSE,
  showPlot = TRUE,
  data_shape = 18, 
  data_size = 1, 
  data_color = "black",
  data_alpha = 0.5,
  outlier_shape = 8, 
  outlier_size = 1, 
  outlier_color = "red",
  outlier_alpha = 1.0
) {
  # TODO: Update this to no longer utilize internal .fun functions. Instead 
  # TODO: this should be implemented using the pat_aggregate function, which 
  # TODO: allows efficient binning (arguments f, k) and function mapping. 
  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------
  if ( !pat_isPat(pat) )
    stop("Parameter 'pat' is not a valid 'pa_timeseries' object.")
  if ( pat_isEmpty(pat) )
    stop("Parameter 'pat' has no data.")
  # Remove any duplicate data records
  pat <- pat_distinct(pat)
  # ----- Prepare separate A/B subsets -----------------------------------------
  # NOTE:  Outlier detection doesn't work when there are lots of missing values.
  # NOTE:  The 'pat' object combines data from both channels which are on separate
  # NOTE:  time axes. The result is a dataframe that has lots of missing values.
  # NOTE:  We filter here to separate the A data from the B data and avoid this 
  # NOTE:  problem. But we retain the omitted records for merging back later.
  # NOTE:
  # NOTE:  We keep most columns in A_data and only pm25_B and datetime_B in B_data
  # NOTE:  so that we can dplyr::left_join() them together at the end.
  A_data <- 
    pat$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$pm25_A)) %>% 
    dplyr::select( -.data$pm25_B, -.data$datetime_B)
  B_data <- 
    pat$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$pm25_B)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(.data$datetime, .data$pm25_B, .data$datetime_B)
  A_missing <- 
    pat$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$pm25_A)) %>% 
    dplyr::select( -.data$pm25_B, -.data$datetime_B)
  B_missing <- 
    pat$data %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$pm25_B)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(.data$datetime, .data$pm25_B, .data$datetime_B)

  # ----- Find outliers --------------------------------------------------------
  # Flag outliers 
  A_flagged <- 
      parameter = "pm25_A", 
      windowSize = windowSize, 
      thresholdMin = thresholdMin
  B_flagged <- 
      parameter = "pm25_B", 
      windowSize = windowSize, 
      thresholdMin = thresholdMin
  A_outlierIndices <- which(A_flagged$pm25_A_outlierFlag)
  B_outlierIndices <- which(B_flagged$pm25_B_outlierFlag)
  # ----- Create median-fixed replacement values -------------------------------
  if ( replace ) {
    # IAN: Added inheritign window size and threshold
    A_fixed <- 
        parameter = "pm25_A", 
        thresholdMin = thresholdMin, 
        medWin = windowSize
    B_fixed <- 
        parameter = "pm25_B", 
        thresholdMin = thresholdMin, 
        medWin = windowSize
  } else { 
    A_fixed <- A_data$pm25_A
    B_fixed <- B_data$pm25_B
    A_fixed[A_outlierIndices] <- NA
    B_fixed[B_outlierIndices] <- NA
  # ----- Plot the data --------------------------------------------------------
  if ( showPlot ) {
    # Set time axis to sensor local time
    timezone <- pat$meta$timezone
    A_flagged$datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(A_flagged$datetime, tzone = timezone)
    B_flagged$datetime <- lubridate::with_tz(B_flagged$datetime, tzone = timezone)
    # Use the same y limits for both plots
    ylim <- range(c(A_data$pm25_A, B_data$pm25_B), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylim[1] <- min(0, ylim[1]) # always zero unless ylim[1] is neg (possible???)
    chA <- .plotOutliers(
      df = A_flagged, 
      ylim = ylim, 
      subtitle = pat$meta$label,
      data_shape = data_shape, 
      data_size = data_size, 
      data_color = data_color,
      data_alpha = data_alpha,
      outlier_shape = outlier_shape, 
      outlier_size = outlier_size, 
      outlier_color = outlier_color,
      outlier_alpha = outlier_alpha
    chB <- .plotOutliers(
      df = B_flagged, 
      ylim = ylim,
      subtitle = pat$meta$label,
      data_shape = data_shape, 
      data_size = data_size, 
      data_color = data_color,
      data_alpha = data_alpha,
      outlier_shape = outlier_shape, 
      outlier_size = outlier_size, 
      outlier_color = outlier_color,
      outlier_alpha = outlier_alpha
    # Explicitly print the plot
    print(multi_ggplot(plotList = list(chA, chB)))

  # ----- Create a fixed 'data' dataframe --------------------------------------
  A_data$pm25_A <- A_fixed
  B_data$pm25_B <- B_fixed
  # Add back records with missing values.
  # Save time -- don't arrange by datetime yet.
  A_full <- dplyr::bind_rows(A_data, A_missing)
  B_full <- dplyr::bind_rows(B_data, B_missing)
  # NOTE:  This set of columns must match those defined in
  # NOTE:    pat_createPATimeseriesObject.R
  patData_columnNames <- c(
    "pm25_A", "pm25_B", 
    "temperature", "humidity", "pressure",
    "pm1_atm_A", "pm25_atm_A", "pm10_atm_A",
    "pm1_atm_B", "pm25_atm_B", "pm10_atm_B",
    "uptime", "rssi", "memory", "adc0", "bsec_iaq",
    "datetime_A", "datetime_B"
  # Combine dataframes 
  data <- 
    dplyr::full_join(A_full, B_full, by = 'datetime') %>% 
    dplyr::select(all_of(patData_columnNames)) %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%

  # ----- Create the PurpleAir Timeseries (pat) object ------------------------
  # Combine meta and data dataframes into a list
  pat <- list(meta = pat$meta, data = data)
  class(pat) <- c("pa_timeseries", class(pat))

# ===== DEBUGGING ============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {
  pat <- example_pat
  windowSize <- 23
  thresholdMin <- 8
  replace <- FALSE
  showPlot <- TRUE
  data_shape <- 18
  data_size <- 1
  data_color <- "black"
  data_alpha <- 0.5
  outlier_shape <- 8
  outlier_size <- 1
  outlier_color <- "red"
  outlier_alpha <- 1.0
MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.