
Defines functions sensor_calendarPlot

Documented in sensor_calendarPlot

#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @title Plot time series values in conventional calendar format
#' @param sensor An 'airsensor' object
#' @param colors Colours to be used for plotting. Options include "aqi", "scaqmd", “default”, 
#' “increment”, “heat”, “jet” and \pkg{RColorBrewer} colours — see the \pkg{openair}
#' \code{openColours} function for more details. For user defined the user can 
#' supply a list of colour names recognised by R (type \code{colours()} to see 
#' the full list). An example would be cols = \code{c("yellow", "green", "blue")} 
#' @param breaks 	If a categorical scale is required then these breaks will be 
#' used. For example, \code{breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 1000)}. In this case “good” 
#' corresponds to values berween 0 and 50 and so on. Users should set the 
#' maximum value of breaks to exceed the maximum data value to ensure it is 
#' within the maximum final range e.g. 100–1000 in this case.
#' @param labels If a categorical scale is required then these labels will be 
#' used. Note there is one less label than break. For example, 
#' \code{labels = c("good", "bad", "very bad")}. breaks must also be supplied if 
#' labels are given.
#' @param limits Use this option to manually set the colour scale limits. This 
#' is useful in the case when there is a need for two or more plots and a 
#' consistent scale is needed on each. Set the limits to cover the maximimum 
#' range of the data for all plots of interest. For example, if one plot had 
#' data covering 0–60 and another 0–100, then set \code{limits = c(0, 100)}. 
#' Note that data will be ignored if outside the limits range.
#' @param title Optional title. If \code{NULL}, a default title will be constructed.
#' @param data.thresh Data capture threshold passed to \code{openair::timeAverage()}. 
#' For example, \code{data.thresh = 75} means that at least 75% of the data must 
#' be available in a day for the value to be calculate, else the data is removed.
#' @description Function for plotting PM2.5 concentration in a calendar format. 
#' This function wraps the \pkg{openair} \code{calendarPlot()} function.
#' @details
#' Data are trimmed to the local-time year or month boundaries as appropriate.
#' Two special options are provided to specify a set of \code{colors}, 
#' \code{breaks} and \code{labels}.
#' Using \code{colors = "aqi"} will use US EPA Air Quality Index colors and breaks
#' defined by \code{breaks <- c(-Inf, 12, 35.5, 55.5, 150.5, 250.5, Inf)}.
#' Using \code{colors = "scaqmd"} will use a custom set of colors and breaks
#' defined by \code{breaks <- c(-Inf, 12, 35, 55, 75, Inf)}.
#' @note Daily averages are calculated using LST (Local Standard Time) day 
#' boundaries as specified by the US EPA. LST assumes that standard time applies
#' all year round and guarantees that every day has 24 hours -- no "spring forward"
#' or "fall back". Because of this, LST daily averages calculated during months
#' where daylight savings time is in effect will differ very slightly from daily 
#' averages calculated using local "clock time". 
#' @seealso 
#' \url{https://davidcarslaw.github.io/openair/reference/calendarPlot.html} 
#' @return A plot and an object of class "openair".
#' @references \href{https://aqs.epa.gov/aqsweb/documents/AQS_Data_Dictionary.html}{EPA AQS Data Dictionary}

sensor_calendarPlot <- function(
  sensor = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  breaks = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  limits = c(0, 100),
  title = NULL,
  data.thresh = 50
) {
  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------
  if ( !sensor_isSensor(sensor) )
    stop("Parameter 'sensor' is not a valid 'airsensor' object.") 
  if ( sensor_isEmpty(sensor) ) 
    stop("Required parameter 'sensor' has no data.")
  if ( nrow(sensor$meta) == 0 )
    stop("Parameter 'sensor' contains no ensors")
  if ( nrow(sensor$meta) > 1 )
    stop("Parameter 'sensor' contains more than one sensor")
  # ----- Trim data ------------------------------------------------------------

  # NOTE:  Because data returned by sensor_loadYear() and sensor_loadMonth() are 
  # NOTE:  padded front and back, we want to trim to local time year before proceeding.
  year <- 
    sensor$data$datetime[round(length(sensor$data$datetime)/2)] %>%
  month <- 
    sensor$data$datetime[round(length(sensor$data$datetime)/2)] %>%
  sensor <- 
    sensor %>%
      paste0(year, "0101"),
      paste0((year + 1), "0101"),
      timezone = sensor$meta$timezone
  # Check to see if we should trim to a specific month
  dayCount <-
    difftime(max(sensor$data$datetime), min(sensor$data$datetime), units = "days") %>%
  singleMonth <- FALSE
  # Trim to a specific month
  if ( dayCount < 35 ) {
    singleMonth <- TRUE
    startdate <- 
      sensor$data$datetime[round(length(sensor$data$datetime)/2)] %>%
      lubridate::with_tz(tzone = sensor$meta$timezone) %>%
      lubridate::floor_date(unit = "month")
    enddate <-
      {startdate + lubridate::ddays(40)} %>%
      lubridate::with_tz(tzone = sensor$meta$timezone) %>%
      lubridate::floor_date(unit = "month")
    # NOTE:  Because we use LST day boundaries, we need to adjust day boundaries
    # NOTE:  by one hour during Daylight Savings to make sure that we end up
    # NOTE:  with only a single month in the final plot.
    if ( lubridate::dst(startdate) ) {
      startdate <- startdate + lubridate::dhours(1)
      enddate <- enddate + lubridate::dhours(1)
    # NOTE:  Use sensor_filterDatetime() becuase we don't want to trim to the
    # NOTE:  local clock-time day.
    sensor <- 
      sensor %>%
        timezone = sensor$meta$timezone
  # ----- Create datetime_LST --------------------------------------------------
  # NOTE:  In order to use openair::calendarPlot() we must convert the time 
  # NOTE:  axis from UTC to LST (local-standard-time all-year-round). To 
  # NOTE:  guarantee that the time axis is monotonic (no spring forward or 
  # NOTE:  fall back), we have to convert it to UTC but with the hours that
  # NOTE:  would have been seen in local standard time.
  # NOTE:  
  # NOTE:  Thus, we have to create a UTC time that is shifted by the UTC offset.
  # Calculate Local Standard Time as it would appear if it were UTC
  UTC_offset <-
    MazamaSpatialUtils::SimpleTimezones %>% 
    dplyr::filter(.data$timezone == sensor$meta$timezone) %>% 
  datetime_LST_as_UTC <-
    sensor$data$datetime + lubridate::dhours(UTC_offset)
  # ----- Assemble data --------------------------------------------------------
  # PM2.5 df 
  mydata <- 
      "date" = datetime_LST_as_UTC, 
      "pm25" = sensor$data[[2]] 
  # ----- Plot defaults --------------------------------------------------------
  if ( is.null(colors) ) 
    colors <- "heat"
  if ( is.null(breaks) ) 
    breaks <- NA
  if ( is.null(labels) ) 
    labels <- NA
  key.header = "Sensor PM2.5"
  # Overrides for "AQI" and "SCAQMD" colors
  if ( length(colors) == 1 ) {
    if ( tolower(colors) == "aqi" ) {
      breaks <- PWFSLSmoke::AQI$breaks_24
      colors <- PWFSLSmoke::AQI$colors
      labels <- PWFSLSmoke::AQI$names
      key.header = "Air Quality Index"
    } else if ( tolower(colors) == "scaqmd" ) {
      breaks <- c(-Inf, 12, 35, 55, 75, Inf)
      colors <- c("#ABEBFF", "#3B8AFF", "#002ADE", "#9F00DE", "#6B0096")
      labels <- c("Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High")
      key.header = "Sensor PM2.5"
  if ( is.null(title) ) {
    middleTime <- datetime_LST_as_UTC[round(length(datetime_LST_as_UTC)/2)]
    if ( singleMonth ) {
      title <- sprintf(
        "%s -- %s sensor: %s",
        strftime(middleTime, "%B, %Y", tz = "UTC"),
      ) %>%
    } else {
      title <- sprintf(
        "%s -- %s sensor: %s",
        strftime(middleTime, "%Y", tz = "UTC"),
      ) %>%
  # ----- Create plot ----------------------------------------------------------
      mydata = mydata,
      pollutant = "pm25",
      # year = 2003,
      # month = 1:12,
      # type = "default",
      annotate = "date",
      statistic = "mean",
      cols = colors,
      limits = limits,
      # lim = NULL,
      # col.lim = c("grey30", "black"),
      # col.arrow = "black",
      # font.lim = c(1, 2),
      # cex.lim = c(0.6, 1),
      # digits = 0,
      data.thresh = data.thresh,
      labels = labels,
      breaks = breaks,
      # w.shift = 0,
      remove.empty = TRUE,
      main = title,
      key.header = key.header,
      # key.footer = "",
      # key.position = "right",
      # key = TRUE,
      # auto.text = TRUE,
      # ...

# ===== DEBUGGING ==============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {

  sensor <- 
    sensor_loadYear("scaqmd", 2020) %>%
    sensor_filterMeta(label == "SCSC_33")
  sensor <- 
    sensor_loadMonth("scaqmd", 202007) %>%
    sensor_filterMeta(label == "SCSC_33")
  sensor_calendarPlot(sensor, colors = "scaqmd")
  colors <- "heat"
  breaks <- c(0,5,10,20,50,100,1e6)
  labels <- letters[1:6]
  limits <- c(0, 100)
  title <- NULL
  colors <- "SCAQMD"
  colors <- "aqi"
    colors = colors,
    limits = limits,
    breaks = breaks,
    labels = labels,
    title = title
MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.