
# Washginton_August_2015.R
# This example explores montoring data available during the intense fires
# in north-central Washington State during August of 2015.


# ---- AirNow monitors ----

# Load EPA monitor data for Washington for August, 2015
epa_88101 <- epa_load(2015, "88101") %>%
  monitor_subset(stateCodes='WA',tlim = c(20150801,20150831))
epa_88502 <- epa_load(2015, "88502") %>%
  monitor_subset(stateCodes='WA',tlim = c(20150801,20150831))
airnow_wa <- monitor_combine(list(epa_88101, epa_88502))

# Interactive plot of maximum values with monitor_leaflet(),
monitor_leaflet(airnow_wa, maptype="Stamen.Terrain")

# Subset to include only values >= AQI "very unhealthy"
# * create value limits ('vlim') extending from 'unhealthy' levels to Infinity
# * apply 3-hour rolling mean
# * subset the rolling mean data with 'very unhealthy' levels
bad_limits <- c(AQI$breaks_24[5], Inf)
airnow_wa_3hr <- monitor_rollingMean(airnow_wa, width=3)
airnow_wa_unhealthy_data <- monitor_subset(airnow_wa_3hr, vlim=bad_limits)
monitorIDs = airnow_wa_unhealthy_data$meta$monitorID
airnow_wa_unhealthy <- monitor_subset(airnow_wa_unhealthy_data, monitorIDs=monitorIDs)

# Plot a static map
monitor_map(airnow_wa_unhealthy, mean, cex=2, add=TRUE, showLegend=FALSE)
title('AirNow:  Monthly Mean of 3-Hourly PM 2.5 in August, 2015 (unhealthy sites)', line=2)

# ---- WRCC monitors ----

# wrcc <- wrcc_load(startdate = 20150801, enddate = 20150831)
# wrcc_wa <- monitor_subset(wrcc, stateCodes = 'WA')
# wrcc_wa_3hr <- monitor_rollingMean(wrcc_wa, width = 3)
# wrcc_wa_unhealthy_data <- monitor_subset(wrcc_wa_3hr, vlim = bad_limits)
# monitorIDs = wrcc_wa_unhealthy_data$meta$monitorID
# wrcc_wa_unhealthy <- monitor_subset(wrcc_wa_unhealthy_data, monitorIDs=monitorIDs)
# # Plot a static map
# map('state','WA')
# monitor_map(wrcc_wa_unhealthy, mean, cex=2, add=TRUE, showLegend=FALSE)
# addLegend("topright")
# title('WRCC:  Monthly Mean of 3-Hourly PM 2.5 in August, 2015 (unhealthy sites)', line=3)

# ---- AIRSIS monitors ----

### airsis <- airsis_load(startdate = 20150801, enddate = 20150831)
### airsis_wa <- monitor_subset(airsis, stateCodes = 'WA')

# NOTE: airsis for this time period does not have any monitors in Washington

# ---- merged monitors ----

# Merge all "unhealthy" subsets into a single ws_monitor object
# merged_unhealthy <- monitor_combine(airnow_wa_unhealthy, wrcc_wa_unhealthy)
merged_unhealthy <- airnow_wa_unhealthy

# Interactive plot of maximum values over terrain
monitor_leaflet(merged_unhealthy, maptype="Stamen.Terrain")

# Find the five monitors with the highest measured smoke levles
monitor_max <- apply(merged_unhealthy$data[,-1], 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
top_five_IDs = names( sort(monitor_max, decreasing=TRUE)[1:5] )
merged_worst <- monitor_subset(merged_unhealthy, monitorIDs=top_five_IDs)

# Plot with monitor_map
monitor_leaflet(merged_worst, maptype="Stamen.Terrain")

# Interactive timeseries plot
monitor_dygraph(merged_worst, title='Smokiest Washginton Monitors in August, 2015')

# Plot with monitor_timeseriesPlot
monitor_timeseriesPlot(merged_worst, style='aqidots')
title('Terrible Smoke in late August')

# Create a new ws_monitor object by appling 24hr right-aligned rolling mean
merged_worst_24hr <- monitor_rollingMean(merged_worst, width=24, align="right")

# Plot map and timeseries
monitor_dygraph(merged_worst_24hr, title='24 Hour Average PM2.5')

# In the second half of August, how many hours per day was the air unhealthy?
late_august <- monitor_subset(merged_worst, tlim=c(20150816,20150831))
daily_worst <- monitor_dailyThreshold(late_august, threshold="unhealthy")
MazamaScience/PWFSLSmoke documentation built on July 3, 2023, 11:03 a.m.