
Defines functions wrcc_parseData

Documented in wrcc_parseData

#' @export
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils logger.trace logger.debug logger.warn logger.error
#' @importFrom dplyr lag
#' @title Parse RAWS data string
#' @param fileString character string containing RAWS data
#' @description Raw character data from WRCC are parsed into a tibble.
#' The incoming \code{fileString} can be read in directly from WRCC using
#' \code{wrcc_downloadData()} or from a local file using \code{readr::read_file()}.
#' The type of monitor represented by this fileString is inferred from the
#' column names using \code{wrcc_identifyMonitorType()} and appropriate column
#' types are assigned. The character data are then processed, read into a tibble
#' and augmented in the following ways:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{Spaces at the beginning and end of each line are removed.}
#' \item{All header lines beginning with ':' are removed.}
#' }
#' @return Dataframe of RAWS raw station data.
#' @references \href{https://raws.dri.edu/}{RAWS USA Climate Archive}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' library(RAWSmet)
#' tbl <-
#'   wrcc_downloadData(wrccID = 'WSWA') %>%
#'   wrcc_parseData()
#' dplyr::glimpse(tbl)
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }

wrcc_parseData <- function(
  fileString = NULL
) {

  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------


  # ----- Identify format ------------------------------------------------------

  if( MazamaCoreUtils::logger.isInitialized() )
    logger.debug(" ----- wrcc_parseData() ----- ")

  # Identify monitor type
  monitorTypeList <- wrcc_identifyMonitorType(fileString)

  monitorType <- monitorTypeList$monitorType

  if ( monitorType == "UNKNOWN" ) {
    stop("Cannot process data of unknown type.")

  rawNames <- monitorTypeList$rawNames
  columnNames <- monitorTypeList$columnNames
  columnTypes <- monitorTypeList$columnTypes
  columnUnits <- monitorTypeList$columnUnits

  # ----- Parse fileString -----------------------------------------------------

  # Convert the fileString into individual lines
  lines <- readr::read_lines(fileString)

  if ( length(lines) <= 4 && MazamaCoreUtils::logger.isInitialized() ) {
    logger.warn("No valid PM2.5 data")
    stop(paste0("No valid PM2.5 data"))

  # NOTE:  Here is an example header from WRCC ASCII output:
  # NOTE:
  # NOTE:  [1] "  Enumclaw  Washington "
  # NOTE:  [2] ":       LST	 mm  	 m/s 	 Deg 	Deg C	Deg C	  %  	volts	  %  	 Deg 	 m/s 	 W/m2"
  # NOTE:  [3] ": Date/Time	 Precip	  Wind 	 Wind  	 Av Air	  Fuel 	  Rel  	Battery	Av Fuel	   Dir 	Mx Gust	 Solar "
  # NOTE:  [4] ":YYMMDDhhmm	       	  Speed	 Direc 	  Temp 	  Temp 	Humidty	Voltage	 Moistr	 MxGust	 Speed 	  Rad. "

  # Strip spaces from the beginning and end but retain "\t" (This is why we can't use stringr::str_trim)
  lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines, '^ *', '')
  lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines, ' *$', '')

  # Get monitorName from first line and then remove that line
  monitorName <- lines[1]
  lines <- lines[-1]

  # Remove header lines beginning with ":", leaving only data
  goodLines <- !is.na(lines) & !stringr::str_detect(lines, '^:')

  # Read the data into a tibble
  fakeFile <- paste0(lines[goodLines], collapse = '\n')

  tbl <-
    readr::read_tsv(fakeFile, col_names = columnNames, col_types = columnTypes) %>%
    # Convert -9999 to NA

  tbl$monitorType <- monitorType

  # ----- Add missing columns --------------------------------------------------

  if ( !"fuelTemperature" %in% columnNames )
    tbl$fuelTemperature <- as.numeric(NA)

  if ( !"fuelMoisture" %in% columnNames )
    tbl$fuelMoisture <- as.numeric(NA)

  # ----- Convert to metric units ----------------------------------------------

  # Precip
  unit <- columnUnits[which(columnNames == "precipitation")]
  if ( length(unit) > 0 && unit != "mm" ) {
    stop(sprintf("Need to handle precipitation units of \"%s\" in wrcc_parseData()"))

  # Temperature
  unit <- columnUnits[which(columnNames == "temperature")]
  if ( length(unit) > 0 && unit != "degC" ) {
    stop(sprintf("Need to handle temperature units of \"%s\" in wrcc_parseData()"))

  if ( "fuelTemperature" %in% columnNames ) {
    # Fuel Temperature
    unit <- columnUnits[which(columnNames == "fuelTemperature")]
    if ( length(unit) > 0 && unit != "degC" ) {
      stop(sprintf("Need to handle fuelTemperature units of \"%s\" in wrcc_parseData()"))

  # Wind Speed
  unit <- columnUnits[which(columnNames == "windSpeed")]
  if ( length(unit) > 0 && unit != "m/s" ) {
    stop(sprintf("Need to handle windSpeed units of \"%s\" in wrcc_parseData()"))

  # Max Gust Speed
  unit <- columnUnits[which(columnNames == "maxGustSpeed")]
  if ( length(unit) > 0 && unit != "m/s" ) {
    stop(sprintf("Need to handle maxGustSpeed units of \"%s\" in wrcc_parseData()"))

  # ----- Convert precipitation from "cumulative since water year start" -------

  precipHourly <- c(NA, diff(tbl$precipitation))

  # Handle water year reset.
  # NOTE: On the hour after the water year reset, precipHourly will be negative
  #       To get the amount of precipitation on this hour, we must add this
  #       negative value to the previous hourly measurement.
  #       For example:
  #       precipitation precipHourly temp actualPrecip
  #                   1           NA   NA           NA
  #                   1            0    1            0
  #                   2            1    2            1
  #                   1           -1    1            1
  temp <- precipHourly + dplyr::lag(tbl$precipitation)
  precipHourly[precipHourly < 0 & !is.na(precipHourly)] <- temp[precipHourly < 0 & !is.na(precipHourly)]

  tbl$precipitation <- precipHourly

  # > dplyr::glimpse(tbl, width = 75)
  # Rows: 1,861
  # Columns: 13
  # $ datetime         <chr> "2107150000", "2107150100", "2107150200", "21071
  # $ precipitation    <dbl> NA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  # $ windSpeed        <dbl> 0.4470, 0.0000, 0.8941, 0.4470, 0.4470, 0.4470,
  # $ windDirection    <dbl> 66, 269, 352, 2, 12, 354, 161, 232, 188, 169, 16
  # $ temperature      <dbl> 15.00, 13.89, 13.89, 13.33, 12.78, 13.33, 14.44,
  # $ fuelTemperature  <dbl> 12.220, 11.110, 11.110, 10.560, 10.000, 10.560,
  # $ humidity         <dbl> 65, 65, 62, 62, 63, 58, 56, 58, 53, 47, 42, 38,
  # $ batteryVoltage   <dbl> 12.9, 12.8, 12.8, 12.8, 12.8, 12.8, 13.0, 13.2,
  # $ fuelMoisture     <dbl> 6.0, 6.6, 7.1, 7.6, 8.1, 8.6, 9.1, 9.9, 9.7, 9.6
  # $ maxGustDirection <dbl> 162, 340, 336, 16, 334, 332, 176, 215, 231, 150,
  # $ maxGustSpeed     <dbl> 1.788, 1.341, 1.341, 1.341, 1.341, 1.341, 1.341,
  # $ solarRadiation   <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 54, 217, 527, 695, 831, 930, 9
  # $ monitorType      <chr> "WRCC_REGULARIZED", "WRCC_REGULARIZED", "WRCC_RE

  # ----- Sig figs -------------------------------------------------------------

  tbl <-
    tbl %>%
      precipitation = round(.data$precipitation, 0),
      windSpeed = round(.data$windSpeed, 2),
      windDirection = round(.data$windDirection, 0),
      temperature = round(.data$temperature, 1),
      fuelTemperature = round(.data$fuelTemperature, 1),
      humidity = round(.data$humidity, 0),
      batteryVoltage = round(.data$batteryVoltage, 1),
      fuelMoisture = round(.data$fuelMoisture, 1),
      maxGustDirection = round(.data$maxGustDirection, 0),
      maxGustSpeed = round(.data$maxGustSpeed, 2),
      solarRadiation = round(.data$solarRadiation, 0),

  # ----- Return ---------------------------------------------------------------



# ===== DEBUGGING ==============================================================

if ( FALSE ) {


  wrccID <- "OROB"
  startdate <- 20200101
  enddate <- 20200201
  password <- "MY_PASSWORD"

  fileString <- wrcc_downloadData(
    wrccID = wrccID,
    startdate = startdate,
    enddate = enddate,
    password = password

MazamaScience/RAWSmet documentation built on May 6, 2023, 6:57 a.m.